
Congrats! You’re in!

Follow the instructions below for instant access to Bulletproof Your Back.

Check your email for a link to set up your account and get logged in.

Important information to get the most out of your 7-Day Free Trial

Join our Facebook Group of 3600+ men who are using yoga to reach their fitness goals and eliminate aches & pains. In there, you’ll get the support, feedback, and inspiration you need to crush the next 6 weeks. Don’t be shy. Introduce yourself.

Bookmark manflowyoga.tv to access our extensive library of 40+ programs and download the app on your phone or tablet using the link below.

Add [email protected] to your contacts to make sure you get my daily accountability emails.

Stay consistent but DON’T beat yourself up if you miss. If you miss a day, pick right back up the next day. It happens to ALL of us (yes, even me).

That’s it! Next step: check your email and log in. I shot a quick video to help you get started in the member’s area.

If you have any questions just post in the group or email me at [email protected]. I can’t wait to hear your
transformation story!

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