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Mission: Daily Yoga

Man Flow Yoga is hosting a brand-new, 4-week Challenge to help make it easy for you to start doing yoga and exercising on a daily basis.

Man Flow Yoga is hosting a brand-new, 4-week Challenge to help make it easy for you to start doing yoga and exercising on a daily basis.

Here’s what you get:

  • 20+ unique daily workouts
  • Daily emails to hold you accountable (and motivated!)
  • Full Access to the MFY Member’s Area
  • Entry into the private Man Flow Yoga Community
  • Access to a live weekly video check‑in.
Entry into Mission Daily Yoga is Closed.

Still looking for a challenge?

Check out The Essentials Challenge

Get INSTANT access to the entire Man Flow Yoga App & Members’ Area when you sign up.

(Accessible on iOS, Apple TV, Android, Amazon Fire TV, and mobile browser.)

Change is hard. But it’s easier when it’s easy.

What do I mean by that?

Most of us think that significant change only occurs when we make dramatic changes. It doesn’t. That’s just the only change you hear about because it’s the most exciting.

significant changes mostly occur with gradual changes over time

In reality, significant changes mostly occur with gradual changes over time. And for New Years 2022, I’m going to help you put that into action.

Sorry to be the one to break it to you, but you’re probably not going to experience a complete transformation in your lifestyle and your body in just 1 month. So why embark on a fitness plan that you’re only likely to stick with for 2 or 3 weeks?

Instead, your goal should focus on creating a healthier lifestyle over a long period of time; one which you actually enjoy doing, that fits into your life, and that will eventually lead you to the results that you really want.

You want the results? That’s going to happen when you make the healthy lifestyle decisions consistent.

I want to help you get there with what’s arguably the most influential component of all – the simple act of daily exercise.

For whatever reason, exercise has been proven to be one of the most effective practices to living a healthy lifestyle. There are a few reasonable explanations of why this is:

  • Working out makes you more aware of your health, and thus more likely to make decisions for your long-term health, rather than short-term pleasure.
  • Working out improves your overall energy and mood. You’ll feel better, think more clearly, have more patience, and less stress. That elevated mood and lowered stress leads you to avoid self-destructive behaviors that feel good in the moment, but harm your health.
  • Exercising regularly helps you build confidence in your body; as you learn new skills and develop your body’s ability to exercise, you change your self-perception from someone who’s unhealthy to somebody who IS healthy.

Reasoning aside, exercise is a powerful practice for improving your overall health. And for New Years 2022, this is exactly what I want to help you do.

exercise has been proven to be one of the most effective practices to living a healthy lifestyle

You’re going to make daily exercise a non-negotiable priority in your life – and I’m going to help you do that.

Entry into Mission Daily Yoga is Closed.

Still looking for a challenge?

Check out The Essentials Challenge

Join the brand-new Man Flow Yoga Challenge – Mission: Daily Yoga for just $9.

This 4-Week Guided Program includes:

  • 20+ unique daily workouts
  • Daily emails to hold you accountable (and keep you motivated!)
  • Entry into the private MFY Community
  • Access to a live weekly video check‑in (can watch later as well)

Streaming & Offline Access: All workouts are accessible 24/7/365 through the Man Flow Yoga App & Members’ Area, available on iOS, Apple TV, Android, Amazon Fire TV, and through [mobile] browser – includes offline access through the mobile apps!!

With FULL Access to the Man Flow Yoga App & Members’ Area

The Members’ Area is where you’ll find all Man Flow Yoga content, including structured workout programs, a HUGE workout library, tutorials, and more.

  • 35+ Structured Workout Programs
  • 350+ Exclusive Workouts (filtered by length, skill level, target area, fitness focus, intensity, and more)
  • Mobile and OTT MFY App Access (available on iOS, Android, Amazon FireTV, & (soon-to-be) Apple TV & Roku!)
  • 100’s of Tutorial Videos (Poses, Non-Yoga Exercises, Weight Training & More)
  • Wellness Videos (Diet & Nutrition, Stress Management, Motivation, & More!)
Strength Foundations - 6 Week Challenge

Note: You will NOT be automatically enrolled at the end of the trial. However, you can easily enroll at any time to ensure uninterrupted access at the end of the Challenge!
Entry into Mission Daily Yoga is Closed.

Still looking for a challenge?

Check out The Essentials Challenge

This Challenge starts on Monday, January 3th.

Is this Challenge for everyone? No.

If you don’t have any desire to exercise whatsoever, then this isn’t going to work. If you’re living an unhealthy lifestyle and all you’re interested in is looking better (and not feeling better, too) then I don’t think you’re going to have the necessary motivation.

But if you want to make a positive change that can improve every aspect of your life, can lead to even more positive changes, and increase your confidence in your ability to be physically fit and health, then this is for you!!

What all do you need? No Gym Necessary.

Here’s what we recommend you have available for these routines: (1) A mat or towel you can do yoga on, (2) a pair of cork yoga blocks, (3) Yoga strap. (4) A few square feet of space. (Unless you live in a locker, you’ll have plenty of place.)

Entry into Mission Daily Yoga is Closed.

Still looking for a challenge?

Check out The Essentials Challenge

Why is Man Flow Yoga better for men than other yoga?

Man Flow Yoga workouts and programs are made with men in mind.

  • Poses & modifications that are better suited toward the less flexible guy.
  • Strength-focused to help build more muscle and mobility.
  • Fitness-focused approach – none of the new age lifestyle coaching mid-workout.

100% Satisfaction, Money-Back Guarantee

Not satisfied? Get a full refund. Cancel on your own at any time.

Sign up for the Challenge!

Entry into Mission Daily Yoga is Closed.

Still looking for a challenge?

Check out The Essentials Challenge


Is this beginner-friendly?
Yes! Our workouts and programs are created to be beginner-friendly, focusing on the proper technique, telling you what you should and shouldn’t feel, and helping you practice with confidence. We also provide modifications for people who are new or inflexible, to help you build up.
Will I be charged at the end of the trial??
NO!! If you don’t wish to become a member, simply do nothing and your membership will expire with the trial at the end of the Challenge, and no additional charges will be made. If you do wish to join, you can select a membership plan at any time, which will begin at the end of the Challenge.
Is this appropriate for somebody in their 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s?
YES! The majority of our customers are middle-aged men. They’re guys who are interested in their long-term health, who recognize the importance of mobility and building a solid foundation of fitness, and want to make a positive, lasting change on their physical fitness.
Is this for women, too?
Yes! About 10-15% of our customers are women, and the women who use Man Flow Yoga mostly enjoy it because of the no-nonsense, fitness-focused instruction.
Is there download access?
Yes! Offline Access is available via our Mobile apps on iOS & Android.
Does that include lifetime access to the program?
We’ve made this program available at a super low cost so this Challenge can be accessible to almost everyone, but the sign up cost only includes access for 5 weeks- 4 weeks for the challenge, one week to check up. If you really enjoy the program and you can join the Members’ Area and use it as long as you have a membership.

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