Deepen Your Practice

Deepen Your Practice Path
Video Transcript

Hey guys, it’s Dean welcome to Man Flow Yoga. In this video I’m going to talk about our Deepen Your Practice path. And this is the path at Man Flow Yoga that we’ve developed specifically for Yogi’s.

So something that I noticed when I started doing yoga, and I started doing yoga because I was an athlete and I wanted to work on improving my performance and getting stronger in new ways, and I really like the yoga workouts because they were teaching me about a lot of things about fitness I didn’t know. I was I was working on my flexibility, I was working on balance, on slow controlled movement, but what I wasn’t getting was a lot of emphasis on technique, and that was something that’s really important to me as an athlete I really wanted to work on making sure that I was doing the pose as effectively as possible and that’s something that just doesn’t happen a lot in normal yoga classes because that’s not the focus of normal yoga classes. A lot of yoga is focused on the experience, it’s part spiritual it’s part fitness, and so what these workouts focus on is entirely on the fitness side of yoga. So we work on you really learning the technique and learning what you’re supposed to be feeling in your body and what you’re not supposed to be feeling, learning the proper modifications learning how to make things more advanced and basically helping you deepen your practice and and learn more about the tech again learn more about the technique and learn how you can maximize your time spent on the mat, in terms of physical performance and getting as the best results you possibly can.

That’s not to say that other yoga is bad, it’s just to say that this is different and if you’re looking for that more technique focused, if you’re looking for more intense workouts if you’re looking for more focus on on advanced exercises and advancing your practice, then this is a great way to do it.

We’ve already got tons of Yogi’s who are in the members area who started doing Man Flow Yoga because they saw work out on YouTube and they learn something new maybe they learned about how to properly do a cobra pose or how to do a down dog and make it more about strength instead of a passive stretch, or how to do you know a warrior two while engaging your glutes or making sure that you’re using the right muscles in your lower body.

So that’s what this focus is on and if you’re looking to advance your yoga practice if you’re looking to deepen your practice, to learn more about the technique learn more about what you should, should not be feeling and basically increase your confidence when you’re practicing yoga, this is a perfect way to do it.

So I invite you to join the members’ area, learn more about the programming for Yogi’s that we developed in the section below, check out some success stories from other Yogi’s we’ve already had in the members’ area who continue to be part of our community and thank you for watching this video. I hope to see you on the inside soon.

This one’s for the yogis! Do you love yoga already, but want to learn more about specific technique for yoga postures (asanas)? Maybe you’re looking for more intense workouts, or interested in the convenience of practicing yoga in your home, and not having to commit to a full hour class. Well if this sounds like you…

You’ll fit in perfectly! We have tons of yogis who do Man Flow Yoga on a daily basis because they’re interested in the stuff they’re not getting from their normal yoga classes. Learn more about the technique, understand where and how to feel each pose, and get those more intense workouts to challenge you when you really want to sweat.

You identify with one or all of the following: Common Characteristics:
  • Yogis who want to learn more about yoga posture (asana) technique.
  • Yogis who want to deepen their practice and learn how to advance in yoga.
  • Yogis interested in more challenging workouts.
  • Yogis who want to improve your yoga practice.
  • People interested in getting as strong as possible with yoga (and not interested in weights or other types of exercise).
  • Strong lower-body and core.
  • Good breath awareness.
  • Lack of technique knowledge, which muscles to engage in each pose, how and what you should be feeling.
  • Possible weight management issues (as typical yoga is not the best for this).
  • Lack of upper-body strength (especially upper-back and shoulders).
Common Challenges How MFY Helps
  • Shoulder pain, lower-back pain. Pain during chaturanga.
  • Frustrated by a lack of progress and would like to improve flexibility more quickly.
  • Unsure of how to learn more about postures (which muscles should be engaged, where and what to feel, etc).
  • Getting bored with other yoga workouts, want to try something new and learn how to grow your yoga practice.
  • Weight gain or management.
  • Lack of strength / mobility for handstands, crow pose, and more advanced yoga postures.
  • Interested in better physical results.
  • Man Flow Yoga helps you get stronger, improve your mobility, and deepen your yoga practice by putting you through our more fitness-focused, technique-driven approach to yoga.
  • Focus more on the technique (what to feel in your body, what not to feel, proper alignment, target areas of each pose)
  • Learn how to hold postures for a longer time and combine yoga with other bodyweight exercises.
  • Challenges your strength, balance, and mobility in new ways.
  • Continue your other yoga workouts while practicing Man Flow Yoga. (For best results you should follow MFY programming at least 3 days per week, for 30-40 minutes per day.)

Summary of Programming

Program 1 – The Strength Foundations Course

Man Flow Yoga Strength Foundations Course
  • Get better at yoga! Learn more about the muscles and muscle groups involved in common yoga postures in order to improve your yoga practice.
  • Uncover and strengthen your weaknesses, increase mobility and strength, and improve your overall fitness.
  • 30-40 minutes per day, 3-6 days per week, 2-4 months

Program 2 – Choose an Option Below

The Upper Body Program
Option 1

The Upper Body Program

  • Develop the strength and mobility in your upper-body and core for more advanced yoga postures like crow pose, forearm stand, and handstand.
  • ~50 minutes per day, 6 days per week, 5 phases, 4 months

Yoga Beast 2.0
Option 2

Yoga Beast 2.0

  • My most challenging yoga program! Fun, energizing workouts to build strength and mobility to help you reach your next level of fitness.
  • ~50 minutes per day, 3-6x per week, 2-4 months

Get access to these programs in the Members’ Area!

Join Today

Supplementary Content

If you’re a yogi, you’re probably looking for yoga flows. To find these, simply head to the Workout Library, click the “Fitness Focus” dropdown, and select “Flow”.

Don’t forget about the other workouts, though! There are tons of workouts that aren’t considered flows that I’m sure you’ll enjoy, even though they aren’t the format you’re accustomed to.

Here are 5 of my favorite flows:

  • Hips & Twists
  • Haka Circles
  • 52-Minute Slow Flow For Strength
  • Yoga Flow for Strength & Muscle Burn
  • Dynamic Yoga Flow
Hips & Twists

We also have highly useful information for you in the Exercises, Tutorials, & More section. This includes:

  • Pose Tutorials
  • Common mistakes, errors to avoid, & other pose improvement videos
  • Pulling Exercises – Learn the simplest, most effective pulling exercises to complement your yoga workouts.

Aside from yoga, what else should you be doing?

  • I highly recommend incorporating resistance training and cardio (swimming is my favorite) into your weekly workout routine, but at a minimum you MUST include pulling exercises.
  • Pulling exercises help to counter the pushing nature of yoga, which keeps your shoulders healthy and injury-free. Without pulling exercises, your shoulders are at risk. Make sure to use the pulling tutorials in the Exercises, Tutorials, & More section if you need more info!

Get access to all of these workouts, tutorials, exercises, and more!!

Join Today

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