Home Yoga for Physical Training

At Home Yoga Path
Video Transcript

Hey guys, it’s Dean welcome to Man Flow Yoga. In this video I want to talk about our At-Home Yoga path.

So this is for people who are interested in the benefits of a yoga practice but might not want to go to a yoga studio, or maybe you had a yoga instructor that you liked but he or she left and now you’re looking for a yoga instructor. The biggest benefit to an at-home yoga practice is that you can do it whenever and wherever you want so you don’t have to drive, you don’t have to waste that time driving, and you can do the workouts whenever it suits your schedule.

The other aspect is that you can select a workout that’s based on your needs instead of doing a general one-size-fits-all class. Now where Man Flow Yoga comes in, and where this is distinct, is that our workouts are shorter and typically more efficient and more effective than other yoga workouts. We also have modifications for people if they’re not flexible and also we show you how to make the exercises more advanced or challenge yourself throughout the workout.

Now what I think is really cool about this is that we also have structured workout programs so that you can address whatever fitness needs you’re working on so if you’re an office worker, for example, and you want to work on your posture or getting rid of back pain we have programs specifically for that. If you’re looking to work on injury prevention for your knees or for your hips or your ankles we have programs for that. If you’re looking to use yoga as a challenging form of fitness, if you’re looking for intense yoga workouts to really challenge yourself to really push yourself, but without having to go to a yoga studio, then this is a really ideal fit for you.

So if you’re looking bottom line if you’re looking to workout at home if you’re looking for the convenience of an at-home workout and you want to consistently get a high-quality, great workout this is a perfect option. We have over 280 workouts we have tons of different yoga workouts, we have flows, we have more slow-moving workouts, we have the structured workout programs that I talked about, tutorials and exercises to help you improve your technique and get better in a really awesome community to help hold you accountable and inspire you to do your workouts, which is ultimately going to get you better results and it makes you more consistent with your workouts.

So check out the rest of this page check out some success stories we’ve had from other people who are following in the at-home yoga path make sure to look at our recommended programming to get an idea of the programs or the workouts that you’d be doing. If you have any questions leave a comment below and I look forward to welcoming you to the members’ area soon. Thanks for watching.

Are you looking toward yoga as your potential main exercise, but have been turned off by the traditional spiritual approach to yoga? Or maybe you’ve been unsuccessful with other types of exercise, and you’re looking for a fitness-focused yoga that will work for you? If this sounds like you, then you’re in luck.

You fit perfectly into the Home Yoga for Physical Training path. This is for people who are interested in using yoga as their main form of exercise, to safely and effectively build strength, manage weight, and live a healthier lifestyle. In addition to beginner-friendly workouts and scheduled workout programs, we also give you the tools and info you need to develop the necessary motivation and learn about the other aspects of fitness required to live an overall healthy lifestyle.

You Are: Common Characteristics:
  • You’re interested in improving your overall health and well being, and this is (or will be) your primary workout.
  • You’re interested in a fitness training program to build a foundational level of fitness for daily life – moving pain-free and participating in the activities you enjoy.
  • You’re less experienced with yoga or fitness in general.
  • You may have followed a fitness program in the past, but have not been following one for a while now.
  • You’re interested in learning how to work out at home without sacrificing the quality of fitness training and instruction you’re receiving.
  • You need a program you can start at any level of physical fitness.
  • Up to this point, you have prioritized other aspects of your life over exercise and physical fitness.
  • Have started or followed diet or exercise plans in the past, but have not been able to stick with them long-term.
  • Interested in a structured program to follow with expected results (instead of selecting workouts or coming up with a plan yourself).
  • Your priority is feeling and moving well – being capable of the physical activities you want to do, and going about your daily life without pain in your joints or back (and if you lose weight and build some muscle, that’d be great, too!)
Common Challenges How MFY Helps:
  • Concern over overall health and well bring- you may be gaining weight or not exercising regularly and you would like to establish a workout routine and healthier lifestyle.
  • Chronic or recurring pain – joint pain, muscular pain, back pain, stiffness, and general physical discomfort (both while inactive and during activity).
  • Restricted day to day movement – inability or apprehension about exercise due to your history of chronic or recurring pain.
  • May have been unsuccessful with other fitness programs in the past (experiencing intolerable discomfort, pain, or injury that prevented them from continuing).
  • May be unsure about how to work out and home and stay motivated.
  • Man Flow Yoga helps you improve your overall health and wellness by decreasing your risk of injury or disease, improving your overall movement capabilities, and helping you feel physically and mentally better on a daily basis.
  • I give you the tools and structured programs to establish a daily habit of exercise, as well as lifestyle and diet/nutrition information to help you start living a healthier lifestyle. Not only that, l help you improve your motivation and discipline.
  • You’ll start off with just 10-20 minutes of exercise per day, and build up to 20-40 minutes per day. You should expect to work out 6 days per week. If this is not your only workout, then I recommend doing yoga at least 3x per week.

Summary of Programming

Program 1 – Choose an Option Below

bulletproof your back
Option 1

Bulletproof Your Back

  • If you have chronic back pain, and aren’t ready for full body exercise yet)
  • This is a program I developed with physical therapists to relieve back pain and address the root causes of it.
  • Build strength and mobility in your hips, core, and back, to relieve back pain and start feeling better in just weeks – or as little as a few days.

The Quick Learner
Option 2

The Quick Learner

  • Beginner-friendly tutorial-workouts – follow along, learn yoga, and get stronger in the process. No flexibility, no fitness experience required.
  • Start noticing an immediately improvement in your overall physical feeling and movement in just a couple of weeks – maybe even a few days.
  • 20 minutes per day, 3-6x per week, 1-2 months

Program 2 – The Strength Foundations Course

Man Flow Yoga Strength Foundations Course
  • This program teaches you how to exercise effectively, to ensure that you are exercising with proper form, avoiding injury, preventing pain, and developing functional strength and mobility for whatever you want to do with your body – even if that’s just fitness for day-to-day life.
  • Uncover and strengthen your weaknesses, increase mobility and strength, and improve your overall fitness.
  • 30-40 minutes per day, 3-6 days per week, 2-4 months

Program 3 – The Clark Workouts

The Clark: Fitness for Functional Strength, Mobility & Overall Wellbeing
  • This program is everything you need for a strong core, strength and mobility in your hips, and a strong, healthy spine.
  • Simple, effective, and easy to follow workouts.
  • Finish what you need to do for your fitness, and get on with your day.
  • 30 minutes, 3-7 days per week, for as long as you’d like.

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Supplementary Content

5 Workouts You Should Check Out:

  • Movement Essentials
  • Core & Hip Muscle Engagement in Yoga Essentials
  • Spine & Hips Strength And Mobility – Level 2
  • Breathing & Muscle Activation Basics
  • Beginner’s Yoga for Men: Strength & Balance
Breathing & Muscle Activation Basics

What are good times (structured around your workout program) to do these workouts?

  • Whatever time of day you prefer to work out.
  • If combining with other workouts, on days when you are not doing other workouts, or at the opposite time of day.

Using the filters, what kinds of workouts should you search for? (We try to update these paths and programs as often as we can, but we release new workouts every week, which means that all of the relevant workouts won’t be listed here for you.)

  • Strength, Overall – If this is your main form of fitness, you’ll want to do overall workouts, but also make sure you are doing strength workouts, as this is important for injury-prevention and overall wellness – especially if you aren’t doing any other form of resistance training.
  • Explore!! – Have fun. Try out workouts that interest you. Whatever you can find that you enjoy doing, this is great!

What other workouts / types of exercises should this person be doing?

  • Make sure you are also doing some form of resistance training that involves pulling, such as lat pull-downs, pull-ups, or rowing. If you need more information on these subjects, please check out the Exercises, Tutorials, & More section.

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