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Engineered, Tested, & Perfected
A Complete Yoga Workout System

Yoga Body Total Workout (10 Minutes!)
Yoga Body - Where ever you are


People don’t fail their fitness goals because of lack of discipline.
They fail because their workouts aren’t giving them what they need.

If you were to build a house, you wouldn’t start with the roof. And even though the outside is what you see, it’s the structure that makes the house stand. Your body is the same.

Improve your flexibility.

Yoga Body isn’t another program that focuses on unsustainable short-term results – it builds a solid foundation WHILE helping you get the lean, muscular look that’s so difficult to achieve with traditional exercise.

Lots of workout programs break your body down, leave you aching, in pain, and dreading your next workout.

This isn’t like that.

Yoga Body leaves you feeling energized, accomplished, and ready for more at the end of every workout. You’ll look great AND feel great as a result. Best of all, the results happen sooner than you think.

How’s it work?

We spent years testing, tweaking, and perfecting Yoga Body Max to create a highly efficient series of workouts.

You probably know that traditional yoga is great for a lot of things. It helps with stress relief. It improves flexibility. But it doesn’t build a lot of muscle.

So we did something different. We combined:

  • The most effective exercises from power yoga
  • Low-impact bodyweight exercises
  • Modifications for non-flexible people

And engineered a workout program to

  • Sculpt the muscles you want
  • Burn the fat you don’t need
  • Turn your body into a well-oiled, pain‑free, injury resistant machine.
Series of Yoga Poses


It’s the body you want and the body you need.

This unique combination of exercise is called Slow‑Burn Power Yoga. It’s not like any yoga session you’ve ever seen!

(Even from Man Flow Yoga!)

Handstand You won’t find any mindless, repetitive movements here. Yoga Body uses deliberate, controlled movements to sculpt long-lasting lean muscle.

Follow along to the Yoga Body workouts and transform your body into a well-oiled machine, capable for whatever you want to throw at it next!

Challenging, yet achievable. Difficult, but rewarding. Yoga Body is here to take you to your next level of fitness.

  • Increase overall power with more mobility.
  • React faster with improved balance and muscular awareness.
  • Recover more quickly with increased flexibility.
  • Dramatically reduce your risk of injury.
  • Look stronger and more confident with seriously improved posture.

(And yes – you’ll still get the beach body you can show off in the summer.)

Is Yoga Body right for you?

This program was created for:

  • Runners, athletes, cross trainers, and gym-goers
  • Fitness beginners looking for a program that keeps them injury-free and healthy
  • People concerned about high-impact exercise, joint pain, or a bad back
  • Anyone who wants to improve their mobility but isn’t interested in the traditional approach to yoga
  • Anyone who travels and needs reliable access to effective, efficient workouts on the go
  • Someone seeking sustainable exercise that also helps manage stress
  • WOMEN – this is for you, too!
  • Perfect for anyone seeking longer, more challenging yoga workouts (yet still achievable!)


The basics of the Yoga Body program.

Yoga Body is a beginner-friendly yoga workout system, appropriate for both men and women – and there’s no flexibility required. If you’re completely new to fitness, this will be challenging, but still achievable.

Yoga Body is made up of 3 main workouts, each with 3 levels, and all included in your purchase. Workouts average 25-30 minutes each, and range from 20 – 40 minutes in length.

Each Yoga Body Package also comes up with a bonus Yoga Abs workout, the Yoga Body Calendar, and the Yoga Body Blueprint. Depending on your package selection, you will also receive up to 3 hours of bonus tutorials and workouts. Read on more info on the workouts and the bonus materials!

Your body needs time to recover and get stronger

Hitting the same muscle groups over and over prevents that from happening.

That’s why we’ve done something totally unique from other yoga programs by breaking up our workouts into lower, upper, and full-body sections, to maximize your recovery.

Leg day at the gym yesterday?

Crush the Upper-Body Workout.

This is a yoga workout to build strength, stability, and endurance in your upper-body and core. Build chest and shoulder muscles while improving mobility in your entire torso for injury-resistant joints and smooth, fluid movement.

Sore from all those pull-ups?

Switch to the Lower-Body Workout.

Build your glutes, strengthen your quads, and skyrocket your lower-body mobility to increase functional fitness ability and prevent injury in your knees, ankles, hips, and spine. Feel the burn in your legs as you take your lower-body to the limit!

Ready for it all?

Time for the Full-Body Workout.

Transform your body into a well-oiled machine with this workout. This class combines strength, mobility, balance, and body control into one highly efficient yoga class. This workout is about half the length of a traditional yoga class, but it sure won’t feel like it when you’re finished!

Each workouts comes in 3 levels of difficulty, so you can choose the right workout for you, and grow with Yoga Body over time

But Yoga Body is more than just workouts.

Workouts are just part of a successful fitness program. That’s why we’ve also created a ton of resources to help you get the best possible results. Depending on the package you select, here’s what else you’ll get:


The Yoga Body Calendar

Eliminate the guesswork of scheduling your workouts, and follow along to the schedule we’ve created for you. Use with your existing workout program or as a standalone routine.

The Yoga Body Calendar


BONUS Yoga Abs Workout

A challenging, dynamic, and FUN workout designed to give you abs of steel. Comes in 3 different levels!

BONUS Yoga Abs Workout


The Yoga Body Blueprint

A comprehensive guide (over 13,000 words!) to everything we could think of you’ll need to get success from following these workouts. Includes:

  • The Yoga Body Eating Habits (Know all the right foods and when to eat them!)
  • The Most Important Nutrient: Water (Burn more fat, perform better, and feel better!)
  • Goal Setting (Set goals you’ll actually achieve!)
  • Morning Routines (Start your day off right!)
  • Sleep Routines (Get great sleep every night.)
  • Sunlight Exposure (Get more than just a tan!)
  • Stress Management Activity Guide (Learn how to relieve stress for body and mind!)
  • Daily Movement (How to undo the negative effects of a sedentary lifestyle)

For Yoga Body Max Members.


Yoga Body Burn

Take your body to the limit in just 28-minutes. Yoga Body Burn focuses on longer holds, intense strengthening exercises, and building muscle.

Yoga Body Burn


Yoga Body Sculpt

An exciting, dynamic yoga workout to sculpt muscle, keep your body guessing, and get stronger. This workout is sure to make you sweat!

Yoga Body Sculpt


Yoga Body Exercise Tutorial Library

Learn 9 of the more challenging exercises from Yoga Body as we break it down in easy-to-follow tutorials in just under 60 minutes of video content.

Yoga Body Exercise Tutorial Library


Yoga Body Pull

Complementary Pulling Exercises – Learn the 4 best pulling exercises to complement your Yoga Body workouts. No weights required.

Yoga Body Pull

7-Minute Yoga Body Beast

7-Minute Yoga Body Beast

A quick, highly efficient full-body workout to strengthen your entire body in just 7 minutes.

5-Minute Mobility

5-Minute Mobility Boost

Take just 5-minutes to stretch tight muscles, improve your mobility, and increase energy.


The Better Sleep Routine

20 Minutes to a Higher Quality Night’s Rest.

The Yoga Body Calendar


Engineered, tested, and perfected over 3 years

What have people been saying about the workouts?

I’ve been doing resistance training for years, but I found this seemingly “simpler” session to be challenging! This is really an entirely different kind of workout.

–James Bradshaw

I’ve always been skeptical about yoga, mainly due to being shown as a woman’s workout (pardon me ladies), however, I got my ass kicked hahaha. Good stuff, keep it up!

–Chevalier Bleu

This workout is the hardest of all yoga workouts I’ve ever done. This was the first time I felt my hamstrings actually burning! The instructions were awesome, too!

–Daniel Kovacs

I try to do this workout twice each week, and it’s remarkable how much my core and upper body stability have improved. I like that there is so much core worked into the usual upper body stuff.

–Chris Lingard

Great workout, Dean. Very good for my wife and I at mid-forties and rather soft. Your workouts have been our first and favorite power yoga fitness endeavor.

Your teaching is very clear especially seeing we have no yoga background. We love that you use simple to understand terms. Keep up the good work. We are telling our friends about your workouts!

–Christopher Wheeler

The workouts are accessible through the Man Flow Yoga website, which you can easily access on your phone, tablet, computer, or any smart device with an internet browser. Once you purchase, you’ll have lifetime access.

Note: You’ll also have an option to purchase download access for an additional cost after you select your Yoga Body package.


Yeah… but how soon can I expect results?

The great thing about these workouts is that it won’t take long for you notice the difference in your body, and you’ll notice the differences everywhere, in how you feel, how you carry yourself, and how you move. You can expect these changes to happen within just days or weeks.

We created these workouts specifically to transform the way you look, too. If you do the workouts, follow the tips in the bonus materials, and put in the effort, you can expect noticeable changes within a month.

How difficult is Yoga Body?

You’re able to choose the right level for you. We’ve created 3 variations for every workout to match your fitness level. Start off with the shorter, beginner workouts, and then progress to intermediate and advanced once you’ve mastered beginner.

Not only will this make you stronger, it also gives you room to grow, so you can use Yoga Body for months and months!

You also don’t have to worry about whether or not you’re flexible. We’ve carefully selected poses to ensure that you’ll be able to do each exercise, especially if you’re not very limber yet!

How much time will I need?

Workouts last as little as 20 minutes, with some of the advanced workouts reaching 40 minutes long.

Alright. It’s time to decide.

How far do you want to go? There are 2 levels to choose from.

Yoga Body MAX

If you were to ask us what else you would need to know and what else you would need to do in order to be as successful as possible with Yoga Body, we would hand over everything you get in Yoga Body Max.

Yoga Body Max includes supplementary workouts and tutorials to elevate your Yoga Body experience, as well as the Yoga Body Calendar and Yoga Body Blueprint. We’re adding just under 3 hours of content to help you get even more out of Yoga Body, with more workouts, more sweat, and bigger results.

This option is ideal for you if you would like more tools and resources, more information, and more variability in your workouts.

Yoga Body lite

Yoga Body Lite includes all of the workouts you need to build muscle, burn fat, and take your fitness to the next level. You also get the Yoga Body Calendar and the Yoga Body Blueprint, to help guide you. This level is suitable for those just looking for the main workouts, and aren’t interested in supplementary workouts, information, or additional instruction.

About The Instructor

Dean Pohlman’s Story

I started yoga as a collegiate lacrosse player. I had knee, ankle, and shoulder issues, and even though I thought I was ripped, my body was constantly in pain. I knew I had to make a change. One day, I accidentally wandered into a yoga studio, and life has been different ever since.

Traditional yoga never made sense to me, so I sought out the best teachers, movement coaches, and other fitness resources that I could get my hands on, and started developing a system of yoga for physical fitness.

Body by Yoga is the result!

I am…

  • The founder of Man Flow Yoga, one of the largest online brands of yoga for physical fitness in the world (established in 2013)
  • The author of the Amazon #1 best-selling eBook (in 4 categories), Yoga Basics for Men
  • A 200-HR Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT) through Yoga Alliance
  • A former collegiate lacrosse player for the University of Wisconsin – Madison


Yoga Body vs. Guyoga (Yoga Boost)


Guyoga (also known as Yoga Boost) is our beginner’s program, and our first workout series from Body by Yoga. It teaches you the technique, what to feel, and the benefits of each posture. It’s our entry-level program for getting you results with yoga.

Yoga Body

Yoga Body is the next level. Longer workouts. More challenging postures for more significant results. It’s designed to help you build lean muscle, lose unwanted fat, and take your fitness to the next level with an incredibly effective, results-driven yoga workout system.

In other words, Yoga Body is for you if:
  • You’ve completed Guyoga or Yoga Boost and are ready for the next level
  • You skipped over Guyoga or Yoga Boost because you thought it was too easy
  • You’ve been following Man Flow Yoga, and have been waiting for a more challenging workout series before diving in with a premium program
  • You’re looking for a premium yoga workout system to incorporate into your existing fitness routine
  • You want to be challenged physically with yoga as a workout
  • OR, you’re just ready to pursue that summer body and get stronger than you ever thought possible from yoga!
How long are the workouts?
Workouts range in length from just over 20 minutes to 40 minutes long, averaging about 30 minutes per lesson. Each workout has 3 variations to choose from, and workout length typically increases with workout difficulty. (More difficulty = longer workouts.)
Is Yoga Body for beginners?

If you’ve seen any of our workouts before, then you know that we not only tell you how to do each pose properly, but we also tell you why it’s good for you, and what it does for your overall health.

This program in particular was designed to make you sweat. We’re going to make your legs shake and your muscles burn as we pack efficient yoga workouts into half the time of a traditional class.

That being said, we’ve created three levels for every workout, in order to give you a beginner, intermediate, and even an advanced option, so that you can keep growing and growing with this program.

Fitness beginners are encouraged to begin with our Level 1 variation. Will you sweat and curse at the tv? Maybe. But you’ll be able to finish and grow with the program.

Are these for men or women?

Our unique take on yoga is designed for those of us who don’t relate to the typical yoga lifestyle.

It’s for those of us that want a great workout without words and phrases like melting heart, and be one with the universe.

And it’s for those of us who want to experience yoga’s benefits without twisting themselves into a pretzel.

Some yoga postures are anatomically impossible for those that aren’t flexible. Yoga Body was created to address that, by providing modifications so that you experience the exercises the way they were meant to – rather than conforming yourself to someone else’s body.

Yoga Body is yoga fitness for the rest of us. All genders welcomed.

Do I have to be flexible?
Yoga Body was designed to be a physically challenging program, but unlike many other yoga videos, no flexibility is required! You’re doing yoga to GET more flexible, not because you already are. Whether you are a beginner to fitness, or a seasoned athlete, weight-lifter, or runner, we know that many of us have tight muscles as a result of our activities. That’s why we selected yoga poses that will test your strength and endurance, but won’t turn you into a pretzel.
What tools will I need?
All you need is a yoga mat. And for those who can’t touch your toes, we recommend using a yoga block or a text-book, as we’ll show you modifications throughout the video.
How do I access the workouts?
Purchasing Yoga Body gets you lifetime streaming access to the Yoga Body workouts through Simply log-in using the username and password you receive via email shortly after your successful purchase, and access the workouts from anywhere you have an internet connection!
How’s this different from traditional yoga?
Yoga Body is a yoga workout system – and that’s the difference. In addition to the exclusive focus on fitness (as opposed to spiritual), Yoga Body is created with variations for beginners, with modifications for the inflexible. All explanations stem from a scientific, anatomy based approach to teaching, that explains why and how each pose impacts your overall health. Clocking in at about half the length of a traditional yoga class, our priority is to deliver efficient, fitness centric workouts.

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