
Want to see what fitness‑centric yoga can do for YOU?

Strengthen your core. Build more muscle. Deepen your mobility. Tone your muscles. Improve your posture. Transform the way you feel for the better.

Take my FREE 7-Day Intro to Man Flow Yoga.

I’ll help you get stronger, more fit, and feel great – in just minutes per day.

Each lesson includes:

  • The best yoga postures for specific topics
    Abs, spine, hips, and more!
  • Why it’s important for your fitness
    Why you should care about these poses!
  • A plan to get stronger
    Keep using the poses – even after the lesson!

I’ve made sure these workouts will work for YOU

Beginner-Friendly PosturesBeginner-Friendly Postures

3 levels with modifications3 levels with modifications

No yoga experience requiredNo yoga experience required

What’s the difference between this and other yoga?

  • I’m not a yogi. I’m an athlete that does yoga to be a better athlete.
  • No foreign languages or unpronounceable pose names
  • No life advice or new age spirituality.

I’ll show you how to make yoga work for YOU, whether you’re doing yoga on its own or combining it with your other workouts.

Ready to get started?

Sign up for my FREE 7-Day Intro by entering your name and email in the lines below, and I’ll send you your first lesson in just minutes. No credit card required!

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