
30-Day Morning Yoga Challenge!

Build a habit of daily morning yoga in just 5 minutes per day.

All The Workouts

Day 1

It’s Day 1 of the Man Flow Yoga Morning Yoga Challenge! Let’s get to it.

Try to do these NOW before you start your day. The benefits of morning yoga are most apparent when you’re doing them BEFORE you start work or doing the other things you need to do.

Low Lunge (45-60 seconds)

1. Low Lunge (45-60 seconds)

Focus on your hip engagement, keep your chest lifted away from your hips, and get a nice stretch for your hip flexors.

Warrior 1 with Goal Post Arms (45-60 seconds)

2. Warrior 1 with Goal Post Arms (45-60 seconds)

It’s the morning, so your shoulders are probably stiff. Go goal post arms for a better chest opening. Hips squared forward as much as possible, but mainly focus on the hip and calf stretch.

Standing Side Bend, 1 Arm Along Your Side (30-60 seconds)

3. Standing Side Bend, 1 Arm Along Your Side (30-60 seconds)

This is a nice relaxed version of the standing side bend. Get the stretch through your side and shoulders, without the intensity of both arms overhead.

Watch the Week 1, Day 1 Video

Day 2

It’s Day 2, let’s keep it up! I’ve got 3 new postures for you today, each of them standing (no need to get on the ground), and a great way to help you WAKE UP.

Runners Lunge (30-60 seconds)

1. Runners Lunge (30-60 seconds)

Build strength while working into your hips. Keep your chest upright for more core engagement, tuck your chin, and think about pressing the top of your head away from your hips.

High Lunge Twist (30-45 seconds)

2. High Lunge Twist (30-45 seconds)

Keep your hips squared forward, and with control, lightly twist to the side (if right leg is forward, twist toward the right; and vise versa). Inhale to get taller, exhale to twist deeper.

Standing Side Bend (30-45 seconds)

3. Standing Side Bend (30-45 seconds)

Lightly press your hands together, inhale to get tall, and exhale to side bend. Stay as tall as you can, and keep your legs and core engaged the entire time.

Watch the Week 1, Day 2 Video

Day 3

I love lunges. Maybe you’ve noticed. They’re a great way to start your day – especially because most of us are going to be sitting at some point or another, and lunges perfectly counter it..

High Lunge (45-75 seconds)

1. High Lunge (45-75 seconds)

A foundational exercise for hip strength and mobility. Squeeze the legs toward one another, squeeze both glutes, and stay tall.

High Lunge, Knee Bent w/ Backbend (30-45 seconds)

2. High Lunge, Knee Bent w/ Backbend (30-45 seconds)

Soften your knees, get tall, and lift your chest up and back. Keep your neck long. This strengthens your spine and adds a deeper opening to your hip flexors.

Deep Squat Elbows Between Knees (45-75 seconds)

3. Deep Squat Elbows Between Knees (45-75 seconds)

A great way to finish off today’s routine. Drive elbows into knees to open your groin, and sit up as tall as possible; engaging your core.

Watch the Week 1, Day 3 Video

Day 4

You’re almost done with Week 1! Hopefully you’re noticing a little boost of energy and feeling better throughout the day by now. Let’s keep it going.

Chair Pose (30-60 seconds)

1. Chair Pose (30-60 seconds)

Take some time and check in with your technique during this pose. Abs tight, no pressure in the low-back, and glutes engaged.

Standing Backbend, Palms Pressed Together (30-60 seconds)

2. Standing Backbend, Palms Pressed Together (30-60 seconds)

Keep that same engagement in your hips and core as you had in chair, and focus on getting as tall as possible. Then, add the backbend.

1-Leg Balance (30-60 seconds)

3. 1-Leg Balance (30-60 seconds)

Finish it off with a balance for body awareness. Engage your glutes, stand as tall as possible, and keep your core tight.

Watch the Week 1, Day 4 Video

Day 5

Let’s finish off week 1 strong. I’ve got 3 more awesome poses for you to start the day – make sure you’re doing these BEFORE you start work or other stuff.

Chair, 1-Leg Alternating (45-60 seconds)

1. Chair, 1-Leg Alternating (45-60 seconds)

Start in a chair pose, and then hover one foot off the ground. Keep your hips squared forward. Great for your glutes!

Airplane, both hands down (45-60 seconds)

2. Airplane, both hands down (45-60 seconds)

A nice way to stretch your hamstrings. Bend your knees or use a block if you notice your back rounding too much.

High Lunge Backbend (30-60 seconds)

3. High Lunge Backbend (30-60 seconds)

Add an energy boost and a backbend to this golden exercise. Keep your core engaged to protect your back, and chin lightly tucked to protect your cervical spine (neck).

Watch the Week 1, Day 5 Video

Day 6

Squat Hold (45-60 seconds)

1. Squat Hold (45-60 seconds)

This is a great HINGE movement, which means I want you to pull your hips back, put your bodyweight in your hips, and try to keep your knees behind your ankles. And keep that core tight!

High Lunge, Goalpost Arms (45-60 seconds)

2. High Lunge, Goalpost Arms (45-60 seconds)

– Open your hips, squeeze your legs toward one another, and squeeze your shoulder blades together. I recommend doing this one daily.

Deep Squat, Arms Out (30-60 seconds)

3. Deep Squat, Arms Out (30-60 seconds)

Squat down deep, and hold yourself tall. Squats are easy when you lean forward, so focus instead on leaning back and keeping yourself upright!

Watch the Week 2, Day 1 Video

Day 7

Squat Hold Backwards Walk (30-60 Seconds)

1. Squat Hold Backwards Walk (30-60 Seconds)

Stay low, keep your abs tight & back flat, and keep your hips squared forward the entire time. You should feel this in your hips and core, not in your lower-back.

Wide-Legged Forward Fold (30-60 Seconds)

2. Wide-Legged Forward Fold (30-60 Seconds)

Avoid allowing your chest to collapse; instead, pull your chest forward, and keep your abs engaged. Bend your knees as needed to keep your lower-back flat and avoid rounding.

Warrior 2 (45-60 Seconds)

3. Warrior 2 (45-60 Seconds)

Open and strengthen your hips! Hips square out (not forward), hips stay under the torso, and squeeze your legs toward one another. Make sure knee tracks over the middle toe and doesn’t cave inwards!

Watch the Week 2, Day 2 Video

Day 8

Warrior 1, fingers interlaced behind back (45-60 seconds)

1. Warrior 1, fingers interlaced behind back (45-60 seconds)

I recommend taking a shallow Warrior 1 stance here. Focus on pulling the shoulders down and back, and squeezing your shoulder blades together. Bend your arms as needed! Keep neck relaxed.

Airplane, one hand down & one arm extended (30-60 seconds)

2. Airplane, one hand down & one arm extended (30-60 seconds)

Use the hand on the ground for balance, and get a nice stretch in the shoulder with the other. Bend your standing leg as much as necessary to avoid rounding your back, and point toes in lifted leg!

Haka (60-90 seconds)

3. Haka (60-90 seconds)

Take some time and really sink into this one. Squeeze knees as far OUT as possible, drive down through your heels, and engage your glutes to the max to bring your hips under your torso.

Watch the Week 2, Day 3 Video

Day 9

Squat Hold Sideways Walk (30-60 seconds)

1. Squat Hold Sideways Walk (30-60 seconds)

This is a great one for your glutes! Keep your hips square directly forward as you move. Stay low, and move as slow & controlled as possible. Hips back, core engaged – there shouldn’t be any pain in your back!

Warrior 1 with Backbend (45-60 seconds)

2. Warrior 1 with Backbend (45-60 seconds)

This is a great Warrior 1 variation for energy. Lift your chest upwards and lightly lean back. Maintain height as you increase depth. Your neck might start to shake here if you’re pushing yourself, and that means it’s getting stronger.

Airplane, palms facing down (30-60 seconds)

3. Airplane, palms facing down (30-60 seconds)

Keep your chest upright and shoulder blades pulling together in this airplane. Think “plank” with your abs. Bend your standing leg as needed, and keep the lifted leg active!

Watch the Week 2, Day 4 Video

Day 10

Shoulder Stretch, Fingers Interlaced Behind Back (45-60 seconds)

1. Shoulder Stretch, Fingers Interlaced Behind Back (45-60 seconds)

Make this one active! Focus on squeezing your arms away from your back while keeping your neck relaxed. This is an upper-back strengthener that simultaneously opens your chest.

High Lunge Thoracic Twists (30-60 seconds)

2. High Lunge Thoracic Twists (30-60 seconds)

This is an awesome dynamic stretch for your spine. Keep your hips squared forward, twist using your core strength, and you’ll notice significant progress from start to finish!

Deep Squat Arms Overhead (20-45 seconds)

3. Deep Squat Arms Overhead (20-45 seconds)

This should feel intense!! Get into your deepest, best squat, and then lift your arms as high as possible. If you’re doing it correctly, your abs and your inner-shoulder blades will be on fire. 🙂

Watch the Week 2, Day 5 Video

Day 11

Standing Bow, Prep (45-60 seconds)

1. Standing Bow, Prep (45-60 seconds)

This is a great way to work into standing bow, while making sure your low-back and core are doing what they need to do. Reach your tailbone down, avoid arching your low-back, and keep your abs tight!

Half Lift, Arms Extended (30-45 seconds)

2. Half Lift, Arms Extended (30-45 seconds)

– This is a challenging variation of half lift I’ve never seen in any other yoga class. Bend your knees, extend your arms, and really focus on keeping your back flat. Tons of core action here, and a great eye-opener for hamstring mobility!!

Wide-Legged Forward Fold (45-60 seconds)

3. Wide-Legged Forward Fold (45-60 seconds)

Keep your back flat, stretch your ankles by pressing into the outer edges of your feet, and keep the front of your torso as long as possible. Squeeze your thighs toward one another for even more. 😉

Watch the Week 3, Day 1 Video

Day 12

Warrior 2 (30-60 seconds)

1. Warrior 2 (30-60 seconds)

Keep doing exactly what you were doing for your lower-body while reaching upwards and extending your arm as high as possible. Focus on the opening through your side-body and shoulders as you maintain your balance. Don’t let the front knee straighten – avoid cheating yourself!

Reverse Warrior (30-45 seconds)

2. Reverse Warrior (30-45 seconds)

Avoid allowing your chest to collapse; instead, pull your chest forward, and keep your abs engaged. Bend your knees as needed to keep your lower-back flat and avoid rounding.

Side Angle (45-60 seconds)

3. Side Angle (45-60 seconds)

This is one of my favorite morning postures. Open your chest, your spine, and your hips! Try not to dump your bodyweight into your knee – do this by lightly resting (and not completely resting) your front forearm on the knee. You can avoid this altogether by pressing the back of your wrist into the knee. And stay tall!

Watch the Week 3, Day 2 Video

Day 13

Standing Twists (3-5 reps to each side)

1. Standing Twists (3-5 reps to each side)

These are great for your twisting mobility, but only if you keep your hip squared forward. Squeeze your butt, core, and your quadriceps as you go through these twists. Use your breath – make sure you’re using the exhale to twist deeper, and the inhale to get tall.

Wide-Legged Forward Fold, with knee bends (45-60 seconds)

2. Wide-Legged Forward Fold, with knee bends (45-60 seconds)

I love doing these in the morning, especially if my groin is feeling tight. Take one or two breaths as you go from side to side, working deeper into your groin with each breath, and gaining just a little bit more body awareness.

Tree Pose, foot to shin with goal post arms (45-60 seconds)

3. Tree Pose, foot to shin with goal post arms (45-60 seconds)

Tree pose is more than just a one-leg balance, and it isn’t about how high you can press your foot into your leg. Focus instead on the external rotation of the lifted leg, turning the knee to face out by squeezing your glutes. Stay tall. Focus on a non-moving point about 10 feet in front of you to maintain your balance.

Watch the Week 3, Day 3 Video

Day 14

Warrior 2 with palms facing up (30-60 seconds)

1. Warrior 2 with palms facing up (45-60 seconds)

Hips squared to the outside, pressing into the outer edge of the back foot, and squeezing your legs toward one another. Turn the palms up to add a unique shoulder element to this traditional posture.

Wide-Legged Forward Fold - fingers interlaced behind back (45-60 seconds)

2. Wide-Legged Forward Fold – fingers interlaced behind back (45-60 seconds)

Strengthen your hips, shoulders, upper-back and core! Bend your knees and avoid rounding your lower-back – keep it below the waist. Pull the shoulder blades together, bend your elbows, and focus on the engagement of the muscles between your shoulder blades – your scapular stabilizers – to open your chest.

Half Moon, standing leg bent (30-60 seconds)

3. Half Moon, standing leg bent (30-60 seconds)

Bend your knee to make sure you have proper technique, and keep your whole body active here. Squeeze the back leg upward, toes facing out. Expand in all directions, making your body as big as possible. Find your center of gravity in your hips and core. Breathe!

Watch the Week 3, Day 4 Video

Day 15

Standing Bow, AKA Dancer (45-60 seconds)

1. Standing Bow, AKA Dancer (45-60 seconds)

An awesome balancing posture to strengthen your core, spine, and hips!! Press your back foot firmly into your hand, avoid arching your lower-back, and keep the muscles in your standing leg completely engaged.

Eagle (45-60 seconds)

2. Eagle (45-60 seconds)

This is a fun one, but only if you’re not uncomfortable during it. Men – please avoid crushing your testacles here, and modify as needed. Try to keep your back flat, lean backwards (like you would for a good deep squat), and focus on the glute engagement of the standing leg. Lift your forearms up and away from your chest to get a really nice stretch between the shoulder blades!

Tree Pose (45-60 seconds)

3. Tree Pose (45-60 seconds)

At this point you’ll be pretty warmed up, so tree will be a nice opportunity to work on your balance. Continually push your foot into your shin (or thigh), stay tall, and work on body awareness as you challenge your balance. Close your eyes and/or look up if it’s too easy. 🙂

Watch the Week 3, Day 5 Video

Day 16

1-Leg Balance, hand to thigh (30-60 seconds)

1. 1-Leg Balance, hand to thigh (30-60 seconds)

This is an awesome way to strengthen your hip flexors & core while also addressing balance. Press your hand as hard as you can into your thigh, and press your thigh back up into your hand. Squeeze the entire standing leg. Stay tall!

Half Lift, feet squat-width (30 seconds)

2. Half Lift, feet squat-width (30 seconds)

– This is a great way to strengthen your spine while working on your hamstring flexibility. Make sure your back is flat here, and keep the abs tight to protect your lower-back.

Standing Forward Fold, feet squat width (30 seconds)

3. Standing Forward Fold, feet squat width (30 seconds)

Standing forward folds are a great way to release tension in your spine, but make sure you’re not overdoing it! Try to keep your lower-back level with your waist – don’t let your lower back be higher than your waist, creating a “c” shape with the spine. Knees bent, abs tight.

Watch the Week 4, Day 1 Video

Day 17

Cossack Squat Prep (45-60 seconds)

1. Cossack Squat Prep (45-60 seconds)

This is a great way to gently open your groin and stretch your hips. Keep your fingertips lightly grazing the ground, and pull your chest forward and up as you bend from side to side, working deeper into your groin as you exhale.

Wide-Legged Forward Fold, Arms Extended (30 seconds)

2. Wide-Legged Forward Fold, Arms Extended (30 seconds)

Strengthen your hamstrings while stretching them! Get into a depth you can manage with your knees bent, and then slowly extend your arms straight out, like you’re holding something in front of you. This challenges your core strength and hamstrings to increase your mobility & strength.

Extended Side Angle (45-60 seconds)

3. Extended Side Angle (45-60 seconds)

A great finisher to this sequence. Start in a Warrior 2, bring your wrist inside your front knee, and then extend your arm and reach, creating a straight line from your back foot up through your body to the extended arm. Avoid collapsing through your core, and keep your weight centered in your hips.

Watch the Week 4, Day 2 Video

Day 18

Warrior 2, arms overhead, palms pressed together (30-60 seconds)

1. Warrior 2, arms overhead, palms pressed together (30-60 seconds)

This is a fun variation to Warrior 2 that adds an isometric strengthener to your upper-body, great for your upper-back and shoulders. Get into your Warrior 2 stance, keep your hips under your shoulders, and then firmly press your palms together overhead. Squeeze your arms back as far as possible to properly activate your scapular stabilizing muscles.

Tree Pose, foot to shin (45-60 seconds)

2. Tree Pose, foot to shin (45-60 seconds)

Balancing is fantastic on so many levels. It builds strength, awareness, joint stability, and even wakes you up. No wonder it’s a huge part of these morning challenges! Press your foot into your shin, and turn your knee to face directly to the outside, engaging your glutes as you do so. Try to keep your hips squared forward!

Tree Pose, foot to shin with goal post arms (45-60 seconds)

3. Half Moon, fingers off ground (30-60 seconds)

Time to balance even more! Half moon is tough, so feel free to use a block, a bucket, water bottle, or anything else that can provide a little bit of balance support. Keep your hips facing to the outside, and your front foot facing straight forward. And don’t forget to keep that back leg active and lifted!

Watch the Week 4, Day 3 Video

Day 19

Wide-Legged Forward Fold Twist (45-60 seconds)

1. Wide-Legged Forward Fold Twist (45-60 seconds)

This is a great variation of a wide-legged forward fold that adds a twist to open your spine and shoulders. Keep your hips squared, core tight, and make your spine as long as possible as you twist. Inhale to get longer, exhale to twist deeper.

Wide-Legged Forward Fold, knee bends (45-60 seconds)

2. Wide-Legged Forward Fold, knee bends (45-60 seconds)

This is a nice, easy way to work into your groin mobility. Try to keep this dynamic as you move from one side, back to the middle, and then to the otherwise. Inhale to return to the middle, exhale to bend into the knee. Stay tall.

Tree Pose, goalpost arms (45-60 seconds)

3. Tree Pose, goalpost arms (45-60 seconds)

Work your balance, your hips, and your upper-back. Push your foot into your shin or thigh, squeeze your shoulder blades together, and press your head skyward as you hold this balancing posture.

Watch the Week 4, Day 4 Video

Day 20

Plank (30-60 seconds)

1. Plank (30-60 seconds)

Hands under your shoulders, hips lifted, lower-back flat. Squeeze your hands and feet toward one another for an extra challenge. Gaze slightly forward.

Low Lunge (45-60 seconds)

2. Low Lunge (45-60 seconds)

Keep it active! Press your foot firmly into the ground, and keep the toes in your back foot tucked to make it more active for the back leg. Use your front foot to pull your hips forward, and increase the depth of your lunge.

High Lunge Twist (30-45 seconds)

3. High Lunge Twist (30-45 seconds)

Hips, spine, and core! Squeeze your legs toward one another in the high lunge for added stability, and twist using your core strength. As you inhale, focus on getting taller and staying squared forward; as you exhale, work deeper into the twist – just a tiny bit more with every breath!

Watch the Week 4, Day 5 Video

Day 21

Warrior 1 (45-60 seconds)

1. Warrior 1 (45-60 seconds)

You’ll need a stance that’s more narrow than a warrior 2 or high lunge (crescent lunge) for this posture. Make sure you can get your back heel down, and push the outer edge of your back foot down for the entire pose. This adds an ankle mobility element that benefits your entire foot, ankle, and even your knees.

Warrior 2 (45-60 seconds)

2. Warrior 2 (45-60 seconds)

Squeeze your feet toward one another, lead with your hips, and really push that back hip into your front hip. Your waist should be parallel to the ground! And chest up.

Dancer (30-60 seconds)

3. Dancer (30-60 seconds)

Press your foot into your hand the entire duration of this postures. Keep your abs tight to protect your low-back, and pull your shoulders down and back to help open your chest.

Watch the Week 5, Day 1 Video

Day 22

Side Angle (45-60 seconds)

1. Side Angle (45-60 seconds)

Optional block use here to turn this into a [more] relaxing groin stretch and shoulder opener to help start your day. Remember to make your body as long as you can from your hips through the top of your head.

Wide-Legged Forward Fold (45-60 seconds)

2. Wide-Legged Forward Fold (45-60 seconds)

Focus on lengthening the backs of your legs, and trying to tilt your hips so they face as far down as possible. This takes the stretch out of your low-back and focuses it on the hamstrings and adductors, where it should be!

Warrior 1 Backbend (30-60 seconds)

3. Warrior 1 Backbend (30-60 seconds)

Open your hips, strengthen your spine, and get a nice energy boost with this atypical variation of a common posture. Lift your chest skywards, squeeze the arms back, and keep your neck long.

Watch the Week 5, Day 2 Video

Day 23

High Lunge Thoracic Twists (45-60 seconds, 5 reps)

1. High Lunge Thoracic Twists (45-60 seconds, 5 reps)

One of my personal (and recent!) favorites. Get into a comfortable high lunge. Make sure there’s no arch to your back. Interlace your fingers behind your neck, inhale to lengthen your spine, and then exhale to twist. Repeat 5x per side. Go 2 breaths per twist if you want to go even deeper!

Standing Side Bend, Palms Pressed Together (30-60 seconds)

2. Standing Side Bend, Palms Pressed Together (30-60 seconds)

This is an intense one! Press your palms together firmly, make your body as long as possible, and then ARCH your body while maintaining good form. Stay strong through your core, but be as limber as you can. Find that balance, and work into it!!

Deep Squat, Arms Out (45-60 second)

3. Deep Squat, Arms Out (45-60 second)

You should squat EVERY day. Even better, use this opportunity to challenge your core. Don’t just do a lazy squat and lean forward – actually lean back into the squat, and work on lifting your torso away from your hips. Give it a shot, and push yourself!!

Watch the Week 5, Day 3 Video

Day 24

Airplane both hands down (45-60 seconds)

1. Airplane both hands down (45-60 seconds)

This is a great way to do airplane in a way that targets your body control and hamstring mobility. Place your fingertips on the ground, or rest your hands on a block or two, and focus on lengthening the front of your body. Keep your chin relaxed toward your chest. Use the blocks as balancing assistance so you can square your hips.

High Lunge Backbend (30-60 seconds)

2. High Lunge Backbend (30-60 seconds)

One of the best postures you can do in the morning. Squeeze your legs toward one another, keep your knee above your ankle in your front foot, and keep your lower-back FLAT. Lift your chest up, squeeze the arms back as far as you can, and keep length to your neck. Hold it for a longer time than your body wants you to for best results. :-).

Eagle (45-60 seconds)

3. Eagle (45-60 seconds)

A really solid balancing posture for strengthening your hips and challenging your core strength. Keep your hips squared forward, wrap your legs as tightly as you COMFORTABLY can, and start to lean back into this posture. Forearms up and away from your body to stretch your shoulders.

Watch the Week 5, Day 4 Video

Day 25

Standing Backbend (45-60 Seconds)

1. Standing Backbend (45-60 Seconds)

Just a really solid posture for the morning. Try to keep your hips and core tight as you reach your arms up and back. Aim your chest upwards, and keep your body as long as possible. Breathe consistently.

Standing Forward Fold (20-45 seconds)

2. Standing Forward Fold (20-45 seconds)

Do this actively! Squeeze your thighs, tighten your core, and keep a bend to your knees. Instead of pushing your hands to the ground, focus on the muscle engagement in the FRONT of your body. Then the back of your body will stretch automatically (and safely)!

Deep Squat Arms Overhead (20-45 seconds)

3. Deep Squat Arms Overhead (20-45 seconds)

You’ll be awake after this one! Turn your toes SLIGHTLY out (or keep them straight forward if you have hip mobility to spare), drive your knees out, and lift your chest away from your thighs. Squeeze your arms up and as far back as you can. Keep your neck relaxed. Enjoy!

Watch the Week 5, Day 5 Video

Day 26

Tree Pose Goal Post Arms (45-60 seconds)

1. Tree Pose Goal Post Arms (45-60 seconds)

Tree pose is more than just a one-leg balance, and it isn’t about how high you can press your foot into your leg. Focus instead on the external rotation of the lifted leg, turning the knee to face out by squeezing your glutes. Stay tall. Focus on a non-moving point about 10 feet in front of you to maintain your balance.

Squat Hold Sideways Walk (60-75 seconds)

2. Squat Hold Sideways Walk (60-75 seconds)

This is a great one for your glutes! Keep your hips square directly forward as you move. Stay low, and move as slow & controlled as possible. Hips back, core engaged – there shouldn’t be any pain in your back.

Low Lunge (45-60 seconds)

3. Low Lunge (45-60 seconds)

A great finisher to open your hips and focus on your breathing. Use your front foot to pull your hips forward, press down through both feet, and keep your core tight. Breathe deeply, keeping your breathing slow and controlled, and being confident with your posture.

Watch the Week 6, Day 1 Video

Day 27

Haka (45-60 seconds)

1. Haka (45-60 seconds)

Turn your toes out as much as you comfortably can, keep your hips under your torso, and work your hips from side to side as you lower yourself into a haka squat. You’ll feel a deep opening in your groin. Try to keep your back neutral. Drive your knees out, clench your glutes, and sink deeper; resisting the urge to stand up and give up. 🙂

Wide Legged Forward Fold - Fingers Interlaced Behind Back (45-60 seconds)

2. Wide Legged Forward Fold – Fingers Interlaced Behind Back (45-60 seconds)

A great way to counter the haka, and also to open your chest while strengthening your upper-back and shoulders. Keep your knees bent unless you’re feeling pretty flexible, and keep length to the front of your torso; engaging your core. Keep the shoulders down and away from the ears.

Warrior 2 Palms Up (45-60 seconds per side)

3. Warrior 2 Palms Up (45-60 seconds per side)

Keep your wide stance, turn one foot out, and bend the knee until it’s over the ankle. Squeeze your legs toward one another. Make sure you can see your big toe around your bent knee. Shoulders above the hips, palms up for a deeper stretch for your shoulders.

Watch the Week 6, Day 2 Video

Day 28

High Lunge Goal Post Arms (45-60 seconds)

1. High Lunge Goal Post Arms (45-60 seconds)

Are you doing this every day yet? If not, you should be! Get into a lunge, and make it active. Squeeze your legs toward one another. Hips lead, shoulders stay above the hips. Neutral spine, no arch to your lower-back. Squeeze your glutes. Stay tall. 🙂

1-Leg Balance Leg Extended (30-45 seconds)

2. 1-Leg Balance Leg Extended (30-45 seconds)

Stand on one leg, lift your knee as possible, and then extend the leg. Lock out your knee, no matter how high (or not high) your foot is off the ground. Keep your standing leg straight, avoiding pressing your hips forward to compensate for a lack of hip flexion. Lift your arms overhead for an added lift to your leg.

Deep Squat Arms Overhead (20-45 seconds)

3. Deep Squat Arms Overhead (20-45 seconds)

Oh yeah! Here’s a full body posture sure to get your body going. Sit down into your squat. Keep the heels down, chest upright, and glutes firing. Drive your knees out. When you’re set, lift your arms up and squeeze them back as far as possible. Keep your neck relaxed. Try to hold for 30 seconds. BREATHE through it.

Watch the Week 6, Day 3 Video

Day 29

Deep Squat (arms out) (45-60 seconds)

1. Deep Squat (arms out) (45-60 seconds)

Stand with your feet at a comfortable distance for a squat, toes turned slightly out. You should be able to squeeze your glutes. Drop your butt down and back while keeping your chest upright. Bring the arms out in front of you to counterbalance. Focus on engaging all of the muscles in your lower-body core as you hold!

Warrior 1 (45-60 seconds)

2. Warrior 1 (45-60 seconds)

Just like a high lunge, but your back foot is turned slightly out, and it’s a little bit closer to your front foot. Squeeze your legs toward one another. Press into the outer edge of your back foot, heel down. Ribs lifted away from the hips.

Tree Pose (45-60 seconds)

3. Tree Pose (45-60 seconds)

Press your foot into your thigh, externally rotate the hip of the lifted leg to point your knee sideways (as much as you can without turning your hips), and push down hard through your standing leg. Focus on a non-moving point at eye-level. Hold for strength!

Watch the Week 6, Day 4 Video

Day 30

Dancer (30-60 seconds)

1. Dancer (30-60 seconds)

Press your foot into your hand the entire duration of this postures. Keep your abs tight to protect your low-back, and pull your shoulders down and back to help open your chest.

Eagle (45-60 seconds)

2. Eagle (45-60 seconds)

A really solid balancing posture for strengthening your hips and challenging your core strength. Keep your hips squared forward, wrap your legs as tightly as you COMFORTABLY can, and start to lean back into this posture. Weight in your hips! Forearms up and away from your body to stretch your shoulders.

Airplane (30 - 60 seconds)

3. Airplane (30 – 60 seconds)

Keep your chest upright and shoulder blades pulling together in this airplane. Think “plank” with your abs. Bend your standing leg as needed, and keep the lifted leg active!

Watch the Week 6, Day 5 Video


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MFY Guyoga Training Program

Guyoga: MFY editionDVD & Streaming Access ($25 value)

MFY Swag Package

Man Flow Yoga Tank TopTank Top, Coozie, & Bumper Sticker ($30 value)


What is The Man Flow Yoga 30-Day Morning Yoga Challenge?

This Challenge is for YOU to establish a habit of daily morning yoga. In addition to improving your physical fitness, this has an incredibly positive effect on your overall energy, mood, productivity, and confidence. It also helps you start the day with a healthy mindset, so you can practice healthier living in everything you do!

To complete the Challenge, all you need to do is 3 yoga postures, for a total of just around 5 minutes per day. Daily emails, posts, and live video broadcasts will help you hold yourself accountable and stay motivated for this 30-Day Challenge.

What does the MFY Morning Challenge include?

  • LIVE Follow-Along Videos, Monday to Friday at 8 AM Central Time (youtube.com/manflowyoga)

    Follow along to the daily videos every weekday at 8 AM Central Time (9 AM Eastern, 11 AM Pacific) for my in-depth, technique-focused instruction.

    *To be notified whenever I go live, subscribe to my YouTube Channel and youtube.com/manflowyoga, and then click the bell button! Can’t watch live? Just watch it later.

  • Emails for Accountability

    *Daily emails to hold you accountable
    *Poses for the day, delivered straight to your inbox, Every morning at 3 AM Central Time.

  • Photos & Motivational Posts

    *Get the daily postures and helpful, motivational tips in your feed
    *Posts made every evening at 7PM Central Time
    *Know the poses for the following day in advance
    Facebook: facebook.com/manflowyoga
    Instagram: instagram.com/manflowyoga
    YouTube: youtube.com/manflowyoga

Helpful Info

Recommended tools:

  • Yoga Mat – We have an incredible one here on Amazon. No-slip, extra large, and thicker than traditional yoga mats, this is a mat that is designed for the guy who wants to get as much as possible out of his yoga practice. Click here to get yours!
  • Yoga Block – We recommend finding a cork yoga block on Amazon. We don’t have our own yet, but are releasing it soon!
  • Yoga Strap – Grab a 100% cotton strap on Amazon, or use a belt, dog leash, or similar item if you’d like to get buy without one.

Latecomers are welcome! You may join at anytime. All postures and daily challenges will be visible on the MFY website at manflowyoga.com/morning30/challenge/

The MFY 30-Day Morning Yoga Challenge is 100% FREE. There is no cost to entry.

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