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Beginner’s Yoga for Runners – Day 6

Beginner’s Yoga for Runners Workout – Part 1

Ready to put together the postures you’ve learned from the program into a full workout? Today’s the day. Part 1 of this workout is right around 10 minutes long, but you’re going to be feeling it and ready for more when it’s finished!

Press the play button below to get started. Remember – do your best, pay close attention to the technique, and be okay with yourself if you don’t nail everything the first time. The goal is consistent effort over time – that’s how results happen!

Beginner's Yoga Strength, Balance and Mobility for Runner Performance - part 1.

Nice job!!! You just finished Part 1 of the Beginner’s Yoga for Runners Workout. You may already be feeling stronger and more mobile, but the best way to see significant results is by following a workout program. To learn more about the Man Flow Yoga Members’ Area, as well as the workouts, programs, and tutorial inside of it, click below!

Click Here To Learn More!

Day 7 is Part 2, and I’ll be sending you the link for that tomorrow.

(Can’t wait for tomorrow? Click here to head to Part 2!)

Yoga for Runners Poses

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