
Welcome to GUYOGA – Beginner’s Yoga for Men!

To Your Success!

Here you’ll find a comprehensive list of resources (both from Man Flow Yoga and other health & wellness professionals) to help you see the best results possible from Guyoga.

Make sure to join us in the MFY Community Facebook Group to stay engaged. Working out in a community atmosphere (even virtually!) helps you stay motivated, held accountable, and committed to achieving results!

Dean Looking Determined

Here are the workouts in
Guyoga: Beginner’s Yoga for Men!

Yoga Sharpen

Sharpen your foundations and get a full-body yoga workout to increase overall fitness.

Yoga Strength

Build strength, flexibility, and muscle with this low-impact yoga workout.

Yoga Sweat

Build muscle, burn fat, and SWEAT with this beginner’s power yoga class.

Yoga Stretch

Relieve stress, increase your flexibility, and focus on your breathing.

Don’t have the Guyoga workouts yet?

Already Have Access to Guyoga?

GuyogaMFY-More-Effective-WorkoutsLog-in and get moving!

Helpful Articles

TipsMindsetEating HabitsSleep & Recovery

Beginners GuideThe Beginner’s Guide

In this practical guide for people just starting yoga (as well as inflexible guys), I answer the most frequently asked questions I receive regarding the Guyoga Program – and beginner’s yoga for men in general.

The Guyoga Progress TrackerThe Guyoga Progress Tracker

We’ve heard hundreds of reviews, emails, and success stories from people who have experienced breakthrough results using Guyoga. There’s no reason this can’t be you!

Guyoga RoadmapThe Guyoga Companion Guide (PDF)

Get The Guyoga Pose Guide & Guyoga Road Map to help you get the most of Guyoga.

15 Tips for Yoga Beginners15 Tips for Yoga Beginners

New to yoga? Have no fear. Here are 15 tips specifically written for guys that haven’t done yoga before (and maybe even more so for those guys who never thought they would be doing yoga!)

5 Pre-Yoga Practices for a Great Yoga Session5 Pre-Yoga Practices for a Great Yoga Session

Want to have a better yoga workout? Try out one, a combination of, or all of these pre-yoga practices to ensure you get an effective, results-focused workout.

How To Set Goals You Can Actually CompleteHow To Set Goals You Can Actually Complete

Setting goals is easy. We all have big dreams and big things we want to accomplish in this world. I’m pretty sure I’ve never met anyone who wouldn’t want 6-pack abs or to make more money.

The real challenge for most people is not setting goals, but actually hitting them.

5 Morning Habits to Win the Day5 Morning Habits to Win The Day

If you win your morning, you win your day. Here are the exact practices I do on a daily basis to ensure success for the day.

Find Your WhyThe First Step in Developing Goals: Find Your Why

The first step in setting goals for yourself isn’t by determining where you want to end up; it’s by figuring out WHY you want to get there in the first place.

4 Critical Concepts4 Critical Concepts for a Healthy Diet

In order for your diet to be effective, you should follow a few guidelines. Here are 4 of them (and 12 bonus tips).

7 Biggest Dieting Misconceptions7 Biggest Dieting Misconceptions

There’s a lot of BS out there about eating healthily. Learn 7 of the biggest ones here.

The Best Diet is a simple DietThe Best Diet is a Simple Diet

Check out what I eat on a daily basis.

6 Simple Steps to Improving Your Diet6 Simple Steps to Improving Your Diet

Here are some quick and dirty tips to help your diet match your fitness goals.

If you aren’t sleeping well and putting some effort into recovery, you may as well skip your workout.

Better Sleep & Faster RecoveryThe Guyoga Guide to Better Sleep & Faster Recovery

Get better results in less time. This is an extremely useful lists of habits you can instantly work into your daily life to sleep better and recover more quickly. Click here to learn more about these 16 practices!

Gear We Recommend

MFY Cork Yoga Mat

MFY Luxury Cork Mat on Amazon

Long enough, wide enough, and thick enough for anyone, beginner or athlete.Get The MFY Cork Mat

Yoga Fitness for Men

MFY Luxury Cork Mat on Amazon

The ultimate no-nonsense guide to yoga, by Dean Pohlman. (By DK Publishers)Learn More…


The KnotOut

A fantastic tool to release muscle knots and improve mobility.Go to TheKnotOut.com

Rhone Athletic Apparel

Rhone Athletic Apparel

The best workout apparel for men. Great for anything and up to any task.Go to Rhone.com


HyperIce Vibrating mobility Tools

Vibrating mobility Tools: Speed up recovery and get back to your workouts.See Hyperice On Amazon

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