What if I told you that there’s only one thing standing between you and the most impossible goal you could think of?
You’d probably be filled with skepticism, and you wouldn’t be wrong. In fact, I was in your exact shoes with today’s guest Jason Drees (former Tony Robbins coach turned mindset coach and entrepreneur) posed that question to me.
But here’s the thing…
Jason cracked the codes to the universe when he realized that you must change your frequency, not your mindset, to do the impossible. It’s a topic that will probably scramble your brain a bit… It did the same thing to mine.
Because this conversation happens at a higher level of consciousness than most of us operate on. But it’s a conversation that can make even your wildest and most outlandish dreams come true—in no time at all.
In today’s episode, Jason reveals…
- The biggest problem with Tony Robbins’s mindset training
- How operating at a higher frequencies makes your limiting beliefs vanish—instantly
- How to start operating at a higher level of consciousness and unlock your full potential today
And more.
Listen Now.
The Better Man Podcast is an exploration of our health and well-being outside of our physical fitness, exploring and redefining what it means to be better as a man; being the best version of ourselves we can be, while adopting a more comprehensive understanding of our total health and wellness. I hope it inspires you to be better!
Show Highlights with Jason Drees
- How you can do the impossible by releasing your full potential (even if it seems, well, impossible) (4:51)
- The weird way your mindset can halt your fitness progress even when you do everything else “right” (6:46)
- Why writing down your limiting beliefs and physically crossing them out instantly changes them (11:08)
- How Jason guided a client suffering from heartbreak get over his heartbreak after a 45-minute “Beliefs Changes” call (12:01)
- The “Higher Frequency” secret that can change a poor mindset and limiting beliefs in an instant (and how to operate at this higher level of consciousness) (12:58)
- Why chasing different strategies to reach your goals keeps you stuck (and how “chasing the version” helps your wildest goals come true) (20:43)
- How to “time travel” and bring a better version of yourself from the future to the present (42:42)
- Why your past models of achieving success actually hinder you and become limiting beliefs (46:22)
- How an obsession with self-improvement can lead you down a depressive hole (and how to be enough right now) (1:10:20)

Resources mentioned in this episode:
- Buy Jason’s Book, Do the Impossible: Unlock Your Full Potential with the Power of Mindset available here: https://www.amazon.com/Do-Impossible-Unlock-Potential-Mindset/dp/194720064X
- Schedule a call with Jason: If you’d like to learn more about operating at a higher frequency, visit Jason’s website here: https://www.jasondreescoaching.com
- Listen to Jason’s Podcast: You can listen to Jason’s podcast, Do The Impossible and hear him do a live coaching session here: https://www.jasondreescoaching.com/podcasts/do-the-impossible or by searching anywhere you listen to podcasts.
Dean Pohlman: Hey, guys, it’s Dean. Welcome to the Better Man podcast. Today I am joined by Jason Drees, who I met at a children’s birthday party and we are going to talk about a higher frequency and whatever that means, because I’m truly passive. I’m not truly pessimistic. Maybe not the right word, but maybe it’s like questionable, skeptical. What is this higher, higher consciousness that he speaks of?
Dean Pohlman: So, yeah. Anyways, Jason, thanks for joining me to chat.
Jason Drees: Yes, Good to see you. Yeah. Yeah, great. On a hot birthday party. yeah. Money, Hot money, Birthday party. Actually, I think it was right. Yeah, it was.
Dean Pohlman: I mean, this was was this during the streak where we had, like 45 days in a row of 100 plus degrees, and.
Jason Drees: I think we’re still in that streak. Okay. Yeah.
Dean Pohlman: So. So, yeah. So there we are, super hot. It’s terrible here in Austin in the summer. Don’t move here. There’s too many people here. Yeah.
Jason Drees: So I tap my tap my cold tap water is a hundred degrees.
Dean Pohlman: It is. It actually is like yeah. You run the shower, you’re like, I’ll wait for hot water up. There it is. It’s 105 degrees. Okay, So anyways, you so if you look at Jason’s website, he is an expert at breaking old habits and pushing people past their limits. He has a book called Do the Impossible Unlock Your Full Potential.
Dean Pohlman: He also has his own podcast called Do the Impossible. So Jason, very successful coach, and I’d love to discuss some of the coaching concepts that come up with, you know, your typical guys also just kind of go through what are some typical struggles that that guys go through, whether they’re entrepreneurs or not entrepreneurs. So you just want to kick it off and just just do your spiel or say an intro or get us to.
Jason Drees: We can do that. Yeah. My my name is Jason Driggs. I live in Austin, Texas, as of two years. Just moved to Tarrytown, actually. We got a nice bunch of kids going to school here, so that’s fun. I like Texas. I missed. I missed tacos. California has the taco.
Dean Pohlman: Wait, wait, wait. You miss Taco? There’s tacos here. Dude.
Jason Drees: I don’t know how tacos are fair. I grew up in Southern California. I love Takara style tacos. They don’t have them here. Tex-Mex. I’ll say that. Austin rules the case game. Okay. Okay, so that’s your jam, you know? So I love Mexican food. I’m a professional coach. Life coach, business coach. I’ve been coaching professionally for over ten years.
Jason Drees: I started coaching from as a Tony Robbins coach, kind of broke free of that methodology. I developed my own. I wrote my first book last year called Do the Impossible I’ve Got and basically were a performance coaching company. My specialty is mindset and I figured out how to change my mindset very quickly. Now, most of our clients are entrepreneurs, real estate investors, although the coaching we do applies to any subject.
Jason Drees: So I run a coaching team that’s got about 20 employees, I got ten coaches on my staff. We’ve, you know, we’ve coached about 1000 people over the past 90 days. I also have a podcast and basically we help people do Impossible things by releasing their full potential. That’s kind of what we do. Okay.
Dean Pohlman: All right. So when we met, you know, I was talking with you and I was like, this this guy sounds kind of cool. And then we talked a little bit more and I was like, I wonder if this guy would be good for the podcast. And then, you know, you were trying to wrangle your, you know, your I don’t know how they looked like they were anywhere between five and 12 years old, but you were trying to wrangle your two boys from four, four years, I think.
Dean Pohlman: Yeah. I don’t know if they were all inside at the time. I know you’re four and they were I’m sure one of them was attacking the other one for some, you know, as boys do. And you were trying to explain or you were explaining. Yeah. We get people to start, you know, thinking and operating at a higher frequency.
Dean Pohlman: I was like, what does that mean? So, you know, I’m I’m, I’m like, I’ve done enough reading. I’ve done enough conversations with people and I’ve done enough, you know, of living, you know, being in my own experience as an entrepreneur to kind of understand that, okay, it’s not, you know, your systems are important. What you do is very important.
Dean Pohlman: But your mindset is probably even more important. Where do you, you know, what separates people from the what separates the to me is my perception. What separates people who are moderately successful, successful to the people who are very successful is what do they think, honestly? What do they think is possible? What, when and what are they? What do they realistically think that they can achieve?
Dean Pohlman: You know, you’re just reading a book. A couple of days ago I was reading some Ramit Sethi and doing my making sure that I have like, you know, just my basic financial security set up. And so I’m going through that notebook right now. I watch the Netflix series. It was cool. And one thing he says another example that he’s he was trying to get fit and he was trying to work out, trying to get in better shape.
Dean Pohlman: But he still had this mindset that he was this skinny guy who can build muscle. And so it took him a really long time to build muscle to get to where he wanted to be because he was stuck in this mindset of. So even though he might have been doing all the right things, still had this mindset. So I think that mindset is really important and I’m curious like what is higher conscious?
Dean Pohlman: What does higher frequency mean? But also what are the steps that you take to get into thinking that way? Because that’s where I’m like, okay, that’s this. This is where it seems, you know, more challenging.
Jason Drees: So so let me answer that with a little bit of explanation first. Cool. Okay. So how I got here was I read Rich Dad, Poor Dad in 2003. Okay, it may it made me crazy. I’m like, I can be more. I was living for the weekends, having fun. And then over the past 20 years, I’ve been working more and more and more.
Jason Drees: And basically I was I was chasing while I was chasing money. I was chasing freedom. That’s what I was after. Because. Because while I want money, what I’m really after is freedom. Because money gives freedom. So that’s what it’s after. So I mean, chasing freedom. Rich dad, poor dad. Open that process. And along the way, I read Tony Robbins found Tony Robbins in early 2000s.
Jason Drees: I listen to his personal power audio personal power on, you know, multiple personal power get the edge all his like programs. I listen to those and I started to realize that the reason I wasn’t getting it wasn’t getting what I wanted was because I wasn’t taking the action I needed to take and I wasn’t taking the action I needed to take because I had resistance to doing it, which I tracked down to limiting beliefs.
Jason Drees: So I tracked it down to like, okay, so if I and I had some experiences of changing my beliefs with the Tony Robbins tools and I saw the movement afterwards, so I started to realize that if I want to create the life I want, I have to remove the beliefs that are blocking me from doing that. So hence started my journey of chasing beliefs.
Jason Drees: And then I hired, hired. I started a company, my first company in 2008, and I hired a Tony Robbins coach. I got the mailer. It was an intro coaching session. I had an intro coaching session and the intro to coaching session kind of changed my life. It was like, my God, this is great. So I hired a coach.
Jason Drees: A couple of years later, my coach asked me, Have you ever thought about becoming a coach? And when my coach said that my life, it was like I got hit by lightning. And I’m like, I’m going to become a coach. The first time I remember of my life being inspired to learn something. So literally eight months later, I’m in a Tony Robbins coach training program.
Jason Drees: I became a coach, so I started to realize that to create success, I needed to align myself with success by removing my resistance or removing my limiting beliefs. And it was all around limiting beliefs. And and what actually happened is I had had some challenging experiences during the time in my journey, struggling financially, literally, food assistance from the state, at one point becoming an entrepreneur or gotten a lawsuit from a from a founder from an investor got caught in a divorce there.
Jason Drees: So I had all of this stuff going on throwing away, and I stumbled across this process where I was actually in a lawsuit. It was like we ran the company, this company that manufactured racecar driver cooling suits. And we one of the one of the guys investors just kept throwing money at us. We found out later that it was his wife’s money.
Jason Drees: She was a bariatric surgeon, and he thought we needed more money because it was a brand new company. It was a brand, it was a product base. And he just like, we’ll just take some notes out. I’ll never call them. So we took some notes out. Four or five years passes by, he gets in a divorce with her and throws us at her to get more so that she comes after us after for like a $500,000 bullshit lawsuit with corporate malfeasance and other stuff goes beyond the statute of limitations of California.
Jason Drees: But trial law was interpreting it as a negotiable instrument versus a promissory note. This is corporate legal crap. And basically, every time my attorney would text me, I’m sitting here on the phone trying to be a new Tony Robbins co trying to hold my peak mindset going, Yeah, while I get the text from my attorney going, I’m being sued by someone who’s making $2 million a year and me and my partner broke struggling and are having panic attacks.
Jason Drees: And then I and then and then my attorney, who is awesome, attorney whose name is Terry and I said, Why am I feeling this way? And I said, Every time Terri calls me, it’s bad news. And I wrote it down, and I don’t know why I wrote it down, but I wrote it down and I said, I don’t want to feel this way.
Jason Drees: So I crossed it out. And when I crossed it out, I felt better instantly. I’m actually getting goosebumps right now, telling the story. I was like, What just happened? Because Tony Robbins didn’t tell me how to change beliefs because the belief was when Terry calls, it’s bad news. And what I did is I wrote down on Terry’s call calls.
Jason Drees: It’s bad news and I crossed it out. And what I realized is that by taking ownership of beliefs, you can change them like that. And where Tony Robbins told me, you have to battle those beliefs, you had to battle them. I just changed it in moments. And I kept do I did it with myself. I did it with clients.
Jason Drees: And I started to realize that I. I could change clients like that. A client who got dumped and was heartbroken and I walked them through 45 minutes of belief changes on a call and the heartbreak was gone at the end of the call. Because I figured out how to do that. Now, what I didn’t realize that that was actually happening was that I was approaching changing myself from a higher level of consciousness.
Jason Drees: That’s actually it took me probably six or eight years to figure that out, because in the eighties, when Tony Robbins, the majority of that neural linguistic programing content was created, you were literally basically at the level of mindset trying to change mindset from the level of mindset. And we all think mindset is hard to change, Mindset is hard to change from the level of mindset.
Jason Drees: And that’s why you see patterns of repetition, patterns and visualizations and swish patterns and stuff like that. These like mnemonic type patterns. Because to change mindset from the level of mindset, you have to over conditioned it with tons of repetition. What I figured out is how to change mindset from a higher frequency. Okay, so for example, this is my diagram.
Jason Drees: Here’s little circle that says action, right? We want to get the prices in the cash and prices the goods. Right. We know we need to take an action, but where does the action come? The action comes from your mind, right? Your mindset determines what actions you’ll take or what actions you’ll think of or what actions I’ll consider. So when the NLP content was created in the eighties, you had mindset and action.
Jason Drees: Third dimension of reality, third dimension versus fifth dimension, right? So, so basically we had everybody trying to change mindset. But basically when you change your mindset, it creates a different action. So if, if you know, if you know how to hit the target, your mindset, not mindsets in alignment with the target, it’ll generate a strategy that’s then aligned with the target, right?
Jason Drees: If you don’t know what to do, your mindset is not in alignment with the target and will not generate a strategy. Makes sense. So. So we’ve got action, we got mindset. Okay. When your mind sets in alignment with the target, it generates the strategy that will hit the target. Okay, makes sense.
Dean Pohlman: No, but I’m going to keep it. I’m going to keep asking questions until it makes sense. And this other other people listening probably are smarter than me. It takes me a while to get concepts, so like I’m going to ask all the questions that people are like thinking.
Jason Drees: Let me. Okay, great. Let me slow this down a bit because yeah, once I explained it in a different way, but basically here’s my simple diagram, if you can see it right, okay, We’ve got a circle that says action, right? We are trying to get things you, me, all the other man. We’re taking action, success, happiness, relationship. We’re constantly taking actions.
Jason Drees: When we know how to do it, we achieve it. And that’s easy. When we don’t know how to do it, we don’t know how to do it. And our brain will tell us that the reason we don’t know how to do it is because we don’t have the action right. We need to figure out the strategy. We need to figure out how.
Jason Drees: Right. Okay. But the thing is, the actions you take come from your mind, right? So if you know how to, to hit the target, that means your mindset is in alignment with the target. The mindset that knows how to do it will generate an action that knows how to do it right. But that’s easy. We know that what you and me and all the other men are after doing things we don’t know how to do, making more money, changing our life, creating businesses, all that sort of thing.
Jason Drees: Right? So we’re starting the process in a mindset that doesn’t know how to hit the target. Okay? And the mindset. So it’s generating actions that don’t work right? And that’s where we go, okay, well, I’ll look at a mentor or I’ll go a peer group. Or so we’re searching for strategy because we think because the brain, a three dimensional brain tells you that strategy, the lack of strategy is the reason you don’t have it.
Jason Drees: That’s what our three dimensional brain says. Okay. And and that’s that model right there. Mindset in action is what results based coaching is. All of Tony Robbins that I did, all those are results based coaching. What’s the action? Take the action and is accountability to forced action. Right? Take the action. Take the action. Take the action. Okay. Does that always work?
Jason Drees: No, it doesn’t work. What I’ve come to realize is that I started to that belief change process I did where I crossed it out. I couldn’t do that from here. I did it from a higher level because I basically took ownership of the belief in the mindset level, and by taking ownership of it, I could change it in a second.
Jason Drees: But the only way to take ownership of it was to operate from a higher level, higher frequency? What I call that is frame. What I actually believe it is, is I believe it’s the vibratory frequency of your consciousness. That’s what I think it is. Okay. Okay. So you are always in a frame What has happened over the past three, five, ten years, which is we now have access to operate at the frame level.
Jason Drees: So when I was coaching people eight years ago, I would be, what are the actions you need to take? And we would be working on mindset and action mindset in action. What I’ve come to realize is that, you know this we live in an attraction based universe. Law of Attraction is a real thing. And basically the way it works is if your frequency of you is in alignment with the target, it will generate an aligned mindset which will generate an aligned action that will hit the target.
Jason Drees: Okay, If you do not know what to do, you are in a frame. The frame that’s out of alignment generates an out of alignment mindset and an out of alignment action. Okay.
Dean Pohlman: So I’m going to I’m going to just to make sure that I’m on the right page so far. I’m going to try try to draw a comparison of something that I have. You read Atomic Habits.
Jason Drees: Know that I’ve.
Dean Pohlman: Heard about it. All right. So atomic habits, a lot of this is based on, you know, if we look at results based coaching, it’s it would be based on, okay, let’s figure out what’s you know, what is the action that I want to do. All right. Do I have the knowledge to do with this action? Is do I have the motivation to do it?
Dean Pohlman: Do I, you know, feel like doing it? But the level above that, which is what we realize now, is like a much better way to change habits is to change your identity. You know, instead of thinking, I’m going to get up and run because I want to lose weight and I’m not a healthy person, but I’m going to be a healthy person If we can get to the point of I am a healthy person, I run now, we’re now now this is a lot easier way to change things.
Dean Pohlman: Is this kind of a similar concept?
Jason Drees: It is a similar concept, but identity still resides in the mindset. Okay.
Dean Pohlman: Right. So we’re going, we’re going to a higher level.
Jason Drees: So so the concept you’re explaining is, is putting yourself in alignment at the mindset level via identity. So you generate the actions that hit the target. Okay. So it is the same concept of alignment, right? You’re starting with a place of alignment as opposed to starting an action. Okay. Because this diagram here, this little circle where we’ve got action in the middle and we got mindset and then frame when we operate it, a three dimensional, three dimensional, third dimensional reality, we think that action creates our reality.
Jason Drees: But at the fifth dimension, reality creates your action, okay? Because because we think action creates, it doesn’t. So so if you’re not making progress and you’re and you don’t know what to do, you’re in a frame that doesn’t know what to do, okay? Which means there’s no amount of work you can take that will work. Okay. Because I’m sure you’ve had a time, just like I have as you worked your butt off for a year and nothing happened.
Jason Drees: That’s because we were in a frame that wasn’t working. We were start. We were out of it. We were trying to make the target work from a place of misalignment. Now another simply simplifying this notice How many movies about the multiverse are coming out now, right?
Dean Pohlman: God, they’re spires. So confusing. They are so confusing. It’s just like, show, show me a bad guy worse than us. This is a bad guy. Okay, cool. Captain America, He’s a good guy, Iron Man. He’s cool. Great. Good versus bad. Evil. You know? Yeah. Evil is easy to understand now. Multiple Anyways, Go ahead. I’m sorry.
Jason Drees: So it’s a simplified No. A simplified. Yes. So? So. But basically, to do anything you want, all you have to do is to move into the frame that’s aligned and you will figure it out. It’ll pop up just like that. But a simplification, simplified version of explanation is like in the Spider-Man Spider-verse movie, right? There’s there’s the Pig Spider-Man.
Jason Drees: There’s all the different ones, right? Yeah. If you don’t know what to do, you’re in a version of you that doesn’t know what to do. Okay? So if you want to get a new job or start a new business or get a different relationship or change your body, I know how you need to shift into the version that knows how.
Jason Drees: And unfortunately, the way our brains work is we spend our time chasing the strategy instead of chasing the version. Okay.
Dean Pohlman: So tell me what that looks like in a little bit more detail. See if you can explain it a little bit more. So it’s maybe more down, maybe. I don’t know if down to earth is the right way, but maybe like, more like practically. Maybe you practically walk me through how somebody does that.
Jason Drees: Well, it can be an application. It’s actually can be very simple and I call the process a frame shifting. Okay. Like when I can show you how to do that. Yeah. And we, we, we frame shift all the time. Okay? Like we’re never, not frame shifting. You know, it’s almost like we, you know, have you ever seen like the, the, the old video games which just two dimensions.
Jason Drees: Right. You know, so there’s there’s a21 dimension is front and back, two dimensions is front and back and right aft and then three dimensions is up. Right. And then fourth dimension this time in the fifth, you know, starts to be hard to comprehend mentally. But basically the simplest way to describe it is that you need to become the version of you that has the answer.
Jason Drees: So sometimes let’s say you your wife’s in the car, you run out to the car, you forgot the keys, you’re running around the house looking for the keys. What’s going through your head? You know, you’re probably saying, I know where they are. You’re not saying I don’t know where they are. So you’re basically saying I know where they are.
Jason Drees: I know where they are. And you’re basically focusing on the version that has the answer. Right another way. Let’s say you are you are starting a new business and you’re starting to decide and you have two different options to start a new business and you’re not sure which one. You could basically say, Can I get a sense of the version of me that knows the answer to that?
Jason Drees: Or you can do a future vision as well. So it’s almost like our our focus determines our reality. Most people are just really learning how to take control of their focus, because most people’s focus is a reaction to their present reality. Okay. So you wake up, look at your life bank account job. Okay, I’m having a reaction, and now I’m taking action.
Jason Drees: So that that is a and a reaction is not balanced. It’s typically, even if any type of reaction, it’s there’s a reaction. So. So instead of reacting and then acting, we react, we align, and then we start driving or start going. So, for example, when you go and get in your car, you don’t start reacting to where you just came from.
Jason Drees: You start out by going, Here’s where I’m going. And you do that before you start driving. Okay. So so everything that I’m talking about is just taking a small moment of time before you start to start in alignment with where you’re going. Okay. Because we have access to that level of consciousness and we can shift that fast.
Jason Drees: We just have to allow ourselves to operate that way. Because what what what I’m actually doing adjacent to his coaching is we’re using higher level consciousness to help people shift their mindset really fast and create what they want. That’s actually what we’re doing. Okay. And to give you an example of frame shifting, you can frame shift up and you can frame shift down.
Jason Drees: We’ve all had a time where we’re driving in a car and we hear a song. Maybe it was like from college and you’re like, Ooh, you remember something bad associated with that song. And then you feel heavy and you feel bad. Okay. Right. So you’re having a there’s a there’s a memory from the past and you’re literally you feel heavier, you feel negative emotions, you feel doubt.
Jason Drees: So you go into a lower frame. The process we’re doing is the exact same thing. But instead of going backwards, we’re focusing on a future version to pull that into you now. And that’s how we’re moving to a higher frequency. Okay.
Dean Pohlman: All right, So one thing that stuck out as you were talking was the idea of it sounds like living in a reactionary state versus being more proactive.
Jason Drees: Yes. And I go a little bit further. I call it creation versus reaction. Okay. Yeah, but but most people are having a reaction. They’re frustrated. They don’t like their job, their financial status. So so they’re in this emotional reaction. And that emotional reaction is literally an energetic reaction that their bodies processing. It’s just like you got into an argument with your wife.
Jason Drees: If you got into an argument with your wife and you stormed off or she stormed off, you probably shouldn’t go right back. You need to cool off, right? What is cooling off? Cooling off is processing their emotional energy, the energy of the situation. And once you process that, then you can realign with the target. Okay.
Dean Pohlman: Got it. So, okay, I’m still trying to understand it. So I’m trying to think how to ask this question. So the maybe we can go, maybe we can talk about it from that reactionary versus reaction. React. Chris, Action. There’s a new word for you. Create action. Yeah, basically talk about it from a creation versus reaction standpoint. So, you know, I’m just trying to understand moving from, okay, I don’t know.
Dean Pohlman: I’m trying to understand the concept from, okay, here I am in this place, I’m in this I’m in this frame where I don’t know what I’m supposed to do and I need to move into this other frame where I feel more confident that I’m doing the right things or that I’m that I’m going to do. You. So how do I.
Dean Pohlman: You see what I’m asking? How do I move there?
Jason Drees: Well, it’s it needs to be in relation to a target. Okay. Right now you’re trying to understand it conceptually. This will work better if you give me a real example of a target or a goal you’re working on that you have not achieved yet or you’re trying to figure out that will make you more comfortable.
Dean Pohlman: All right, let’s do that. So let me think of a goal that I’m working on.
Jason Drees: Let’s see here.
Dean Pohlman: So, yeah, let’s just say let’s just take my YouTube channel, for example. Right. YouTube channel. So we’ve got 400.
Jason Drees: And.
Dean Pohlman: I don’t know, 400,000 something subscribers on on YouTube. And we are I think we’re growing at like B 3000 subscribers per month over there. And I want to let’s just let’s just make a goal. I want to have a million subscribers on YouTube.
Jason Drees: Okay. Okay.
Dean Pohlman: So yeah, that’s the goal. We have been creating weekly videos on YouTube.
Jason Drees: For.
Dean Pohlman: Five years now. I don’t know. It’s been a long time, but a channel still existed for ten years and we want to get more subscribers. We want to get more views. We want to get more reactions, more comments so that we can reach a million subscribers in two years instead of 15 years, let’s say.
Jason Drees: Okay. Is that an active target that you’re working on right now, or is that just kind of a one to the distance?
Dean Pohlman: I think it’s a for us, it’s kind of a it’s somewhere between the two. I don’t think it’s like it’s it’s not it’s not like it’s not like on the front of our you know, it’s not something that happens at every meeting we have like, All right, guys, what are we doing to get to a million subscribers on YouTube?
Dean Pohlman: It’s more like, Hey, like we should, you know, YouTube is how people learn about our what makes us unique. So we should, you know.
Jason Drees: And what I would say is, can I give you some coaching?
Dean Pohlman: Sure. Let’s do it.
Jason Drees: You sound a little disassociated with that target.
Jason Drees: As now, I may be wrong, and we haven’t really had in-depth conversations. It sounds like it’s going that way.
Jason Drees: But you don’t seem 100% committed to the outcome. More what? I mean, now, I may be wrong, but what I’m hearing is it’d be cool to do, but if we don’t, we’ll be good.
Dean Pohlman: Yeah. I mean, all right. I was trying. I was trying to be more like. I’ve really shied away from doing any sort of the business discussion on this podcast so far. So I think I’m like, I think some of me is like, I don’t want to talk about business because it seems icky to discuss, you know, it doesn’t seem like it’s even though I know this is part of, you know.
Jason Drees: Yeah, but it’s also you could talk personal. It doesn’t matter. There’s there’s alignment with personal goals, too. Yeah. Yeah.
Dean Pohlman: So let’s see. I think in the past, I think that, you know, I think that I think that YouTube for a long time was the only way that people learned about us and people, you know, people go on YouTube this or yoga for men or they search yoga workout or they search yoga workout for men. And, you know, that’s how people find out about us.
Dean Pohlman: And then they they you know, if you’re listening to this right now, you’ve probably done a YouTube workout of mine at some point or you’ve done some sort of workout from me at some point, or maybe you really like this podcast and you’re like, I hate yoga, which is cool too, but you’ve probably done the workout at some time.
Dean Pohlman: I think that’s how a lot of people end up coming in to, you know, our app, our members area, which is, you know, that’s ultimately the goal is for us because the best way that we help people is if you’re following along to a program and you’re being consistent with the workouts, Most people are most successful with that when they are using the app, when they’re using the member’s area.
Dean Pohlman: So for us, YouTube is a an indirect goal in the sense that if we get more subscribers, we will probably get more people in the manual yoga community in our app and our members area. But, you know, if somebody told me if if God appeared next to me and said, Dean, you have a choice, you can have no YouTube channel or you can have you know, you can grow your members at ten times what you’re currently growing them, I’d say cool, delete my YouTube channel, you know.
Dean Pohlman: So, you know, YouTube is a it’s part of it. Like it’s a it’s a major marketing thing for us, but it is not the the end goal. So if I sound disassociated, that’s that’s probably the reason why.
Jason Drees: And it makes sense, right? Like it’s it’s almost sounds and this is maybe probably the wrong thing to say, but it’s like a necessary evil. A little bit of of one of the tools out there. So so what I’m hearing you is, is your focus is expanding your reach. Yeah. Because when you expand reach, you make an impact.
Jason Drees: People change their lives. You help men get more energy, more flexibility, you fix their help, and at the same time, you make a living, you make more money and you get more freedom. So it’s kind of a win win situation. So right now what I’m hearing is, like, there’s you’re not exactly sure how to do that besides YouTube.
Jason Drees:
Dean Pohlman: YouTube is definitely one way, I think. I think I can be, you know, totally transparent here. And I and I can say that most people are members because of Facebook advertising. That’s how most people sign up with us. So you probably don’t part of, you know, my shrink foundation challenge, not you. You know, maybe you have if you’re a man on Facebook, you might have heard about it maybe.
Dean Pohlman: But yeah, most people become most people learn about manual yoga and ultimately become members because of a challenge that I do called the Strength Foundation Challenge. YouTube is one other thing that, you know, people hear about a lot from us or will learn about us. And then, you know, if you go into Google and type yoga for men, we do a lot of what’s called search engine optimization, which means that if you go and you search certain terms, we want to show up for those first.
Dean Pohlman: So those are big. I know that you know that. I’m telling everyone else, listen, I understand.
Jason Drees: Yeah. So do you. Can you share a target of like, members you’re trying to reach in the next year or grow? Is that would that and if you could, you could make it a metric of the current number? Sure.
Dean Pohlman: I’ll make it a metric of the current numbers. So I would like to, let’s say I would say double or triple in the next 1 to 2 years in terms.
Jason Drees: Of.
Dean Pohlman: Members. Yeah.
Jason Drees: Okay. So, so so I said what do you want? You said double or triple in the next 2 to 3 years. Next question is what would, what, what’s actually possible in the next 2 to 3 years?
Dean Pohlman: What’s actually possible? I think, you know, that’s what’s actually possible would be dependent on, you know, our systems which.
Jason Drees: But just what’s a number you said 2 to 3 X is what you want. But what’s actually possible?
Dean Pohlman: What’s actually possible, I think to X is actually I think if I’m looking if I’m thinking about what we had and what we have now, I think that three X is possible.
Jason Drees: Okay. What would be an impossible growth number for you to hit by the end of next year? Completely impossible.
Dean Pohlman: Completely impossible.
Jason Drees: But would be a lot of fun to do anyway.
Dean Pohlman: By the end of next year, I think it would be impossible to hit five x.
Jason Drees: But would that be fun?
Dean Pohlman: Yeah, it’d be fun. Sure. Yeah. Be really.
Jason Drees: Fun. Okay.
Jason Drees: Yeah. So. And I’m giving you space because there’s processing going on. Yeah. Because what happens a lot of times is we base our targets off of the. The reason I asked you those three specific questions, and these are in my book, the first question, I said, What do you want? You said 2 to 3 X, right? And and that was based off of where you’re at.
Jason Drees: And that’s because you’re because that’s your brain using the old model. Okay. We can optimize a little bit here. We can do different ads. So that’s basically. So what what do you want is as a target that’s based off of past reference. Okay. When I say what is possible, what is possible will give you an answer based on external reference.
Jason Drees: Okay. Okay. If you were in like a sales job and you’re the number five guy, you would answer what the number one guy does, right? Okay. Okay. It makes sense. So. So your brain is going external external reference. When I ask you what would be impossible to do, what would be fun to do anyway? We usually get an internal answer.
Jason Drees: And the reason why I paused after that is because usually what happens when I ask people that question, they’ll say the answer. They’ll say five X, and they’ll say it almost in disbelief. But after a few moments they’ll go, Now five x yeah, 100%, five x, 100%, five X, because how how many how much growth clients could you support in the next 12 months?
Jason Drees: yeah, we could do ten x probably 100 like 20 X, right. The system could scale, right. Sure. Yeah. So no. And what I’m starting to, to focus your attention on is the level of certainty you’re feeling at the global level. Right. Which is the frame level. Because what usually happens is when we’re focused on the strategy. Okay, well, I’m going to execute this quarter.
Jason Drees: Your brain is in strategy. And when we’re in strategy and we’re trying to solve at the micro level, we have uncertainty because we’re trying to solve it. Right. Okay. So so what often happens is that we create uncertainty at the micro level subconsciously, and that uncertainty creeps into the macro level. Okay. We’re at the macro level. Instead of being 100% certain because 100% certainty is in a line frame.
Jason Drees: We’re in it. We’re a 90% certain. Okay. Which is like you’re driving your car and your address is 90% correct. Okay, so we shift that. Now, would you like to five X next year? Sure. Okay, so repeat say this out loud after me. I’m going to five X next year.
Dean Pohlman: I’m going to five X next year.
Jason Drees: Because I’m not going to stop until I do.
Dean Pohlman: Because I’m not going to stop until I do.
Jason Drees: Okay.
Jason Drees: Has I feel.
Dean Pohlman: Or feels exciting?
Jason Drees: Where’s your certainty now.
Dean Pohlman: In terms of percentage or what are you asking?
Jason Drees: Yeah, percentage. How certain are you. You can hit You can hit that. Not a hundred.
Dean Pohlman: If I abandoned all of my responsibilities and focused on five x thickness, then probably 100%.
Jason Drees: So you just gave me an answer from a frame? That says which is a point of view frame that says you can’t do that without abandoning something else. Yeah, that’s a point of view. Right. So let’s expand that even more. Is it physically possible for you to do five X next year and not drop anything? No, really?
Jason Drees: You couldn’t have one viral video explode and a thousand people sign up a day for ten days. That’s not physically possible.
Dean Pohlman: I guess that’s possible. I’m just thinking of like. Yeah, I’m just thinking of how much I work per day and how many hours I’m you know, with my family per day and also taking care of myself. And I’m just like, That seems like a lot.
Jason Drees: Are you involved when people click and sign up?
Dean Pohlman: No.
Jason Drees: So notice the the frame you have been operating in prior to now is basically associating what you can do based on your bandwidth. But at the same time, have you had people out of nowhere just sign up?
Dean Pohlman: Yeah. I mean, it’s a.
Jason Drees: Totally it’s a.
Dean Pohlman: Website and sign up and I don’t have to do anything for it.
Jason Drees: So is it is it fizzy? You know, is it I mean, this is again, is it physically possible for you to get five X next year without doing anything different? Is it physically possible? Yes. Okay. Which frame do you want to live in?
Dean Pohlman: That one. Yeah.
Jason Drees: Okay. Right. So. So let me ask. Let’s. Let’s do the let’s do the statement again. I am going to hit five x growth in a year. Say it out loud.
Dean Pohlman: I’m going to hit five X growth in a year.
Jason Drees: Because I’m not going to stop until.
Dean Pohlman: I do. Because I’m not going to stop until I do.
Jason Drees: Because it’ll be really fun to experience.
Dean Pohlman: Because it will be really fun to experience.
Jason Drees: And if it’s the next 12 months, great.
Dean Pohlman: And if it’s the next 12 months, great.
Jason Drees: If that 12 months starts two months from now, I’ll take that, too.
Dean Pohlman: If that next 12. If that 12 months starts two months from now, I’ll take that too.
Jason Drees: Okay. How certain are you now?
Dean Pohlman: I feel 80. 90% certain.
Jason Drees: Okay. Can you get a sense of a version of you that’s 100% certain?
Dean Pohlman: I don’t know. I don’t know if I can access that.
Jason Drees: What if there was a. Let’s just get a sense. Like, is there a version of you tomorrow, next day, or in the future, ten, 20 years from now, has tons of experience. If that version was brought here, was 100% certain. Can you sense that version? Yes. Try to keep your attention on it. Okay.
Jason Drees: And not 100. You need to keep 20% of your attention on it. Move your body. Let it take your breath. How certain are you now?
Dean Pohlman: Right now. In this moment?
Jason Drees: Yes, in this moment. To percent.
Dean Pohlman: One to 90 to 100%. It’s getting closer.
Jason Drees: Okay, So let’s let’s. Let’s walk. Because where we’re going is, as I’m moving you into a frame of alignment, past your old mindset. Which was operating based on your extremely analytical person. So you and I’m pushing you beyond your entire belief structure to a new point of view. And and it takes a little bit a moment for you to adjust frequencies.
Jason Drees: So let’s. Let’s. Let’s do it. Repeat after me a little bit again.
Dean Pohlman: So can I. Can I just say what’s kind of going through my head as you’re doing. Yeah. Just for. Yeah. So, So, yeah, when I think about that, you’re like and I have a little pause, I think five X growth. Okay, that means. So now I’m going back through like, that means we’re going to have to like all these things that we do on a daily basis.
Dean Pohlman: That means that this is going to have to increase by this. This is going to have to go up by. Yes, this is going to go up by this. And so what’s happening? What is that? What is that happening? Whole.
Jason Drees: Well, that’s that’s resistance to the process. That’s resistance to the result. Okay. That’s resistance to the result. I’ll give you an example. A lot of times I’ll be on stage and I’ll be in a frame of a room full of entrepreneurs or budding entrepreneurs. And I’ll be like, Who wants to grow their business? Who wants to grow their ten X next year?
Jason Drees: And everybody’s hands go up? And I’m a la and I’ll be like, Who wants ten x more emails next year? And everybody’s hands go down. Okay, so that’s a prime example of where we are in resistance to what we’re actually working towards. Okay. So where you have to be, if you’re not willing to take what comes with five X, you’ll never get it.
Jason Drees: And that’s actually how I discovered framing in 2000. In 2000, when I started working with Brandon Turner and I went from just me doing coaching to get and all of a sudden I, I started doing podcasts with Brandon Turner. He’s a real estate guy. He’s, you know, he’s 250,000 Instagram followers now. 100 million downloads of his podcast.
Jason Drees: He started giving me coaching. I was on his we did an Instagram live and I started getting client and client and client. Then all of a sudden in August of 2020, I was on the Bigger Pockets podcast and I literally had like went from three clients amount of 50 a month overnight. And then I also created a group coaching program called the Mindset Academy, which I launched in Q4.
Jason Drees: And basically I was coaching 65 clients. All of a sudden we’ve got 50 a month. I hired four coaches, had to build a coaching platform, a payroll platform, a system all to create a business. I went from me to like eight people 30 days. Wow. While I’m coaching 65 people, while I’m creating 4 hours of content a week for my group coaching program, it was completely nuts.
Jason Drees: Yeah, but money was rolling like never before. So every day I’m waking up going, Don’t fuck it up, okay? So and I’m just like, I’m like, in such overwhelm. And I had this point of clarity and I was like, a month ago, I had everything under control. But if you took Jason from ten years ago and brought him to a month ago, he’d be completely overwhelmed.
Jason Drees: Yeah. So that means there’s a Jason in the future that if I can bring him here, he’d know exactly what to do. And what I didn’t realize at the time, but I did my first frame shift, and I just thought about that first feature version. All my stress went away. And then I kept going, and then I did that five times a day for the next four weeks, and I literally tan my business like my best.
Jason Drees: Jason, go to do 100 grand in 2019. It did a million that in 2020 and 80% of that was in Q4. So over the past three years, two and a half years, I’ve done $7 million in the personal growth industry during a recession and grow my business. To me, to 25 employees with a thousand clients have been here because I have removed my resistance to going into overwhelm.
Jason Drees: I’m just like, Let me have it life. I’ll deal with it. So what’s what you’re going through right now is the typical process, and that’s why coaching is so powerful, because the second you get into alignment, stuff starts happening faster because, you know, 100%, five x, ten x, Is it possible your online business people sign up right away?
Jason Drees: But you’ve been operating under the model that how I got here was by doing these things. So if I want to get there, I need to do more of these things. And what I’m telling you, you need to let go of that entire model because there’s a new mode of operation that five X comes in and the cash flow goes up five X, and all of a sudden you can hire the staff, you can find ways to get consultants, you can get outsource resources.
Jason Drees: So what we do is we open you up to remove the resistance. It’s literally like driving a car down the highway and you, me and all the other men, you know, we’ve got our foot on the gas pedal going as fast as we can. We’re trying to make the car go faster in life, and we’re staring in the rearview mirrors when we’re driving.
Jason Drees: That’s what mindset is. Because your brain has cataloged everything prior to now in your life and every step forward, it’s comparing that. And some people think their past models of success are formulas. Success in the future, They’re not their limitations. So when you’re driving forward, what we do is we rip off all the mirrors so you can only look at where you’re going.
Jason Drees: But most people are in stuck in reaction to the present moment, in emotional reaction to their job, their finances, their relationship, or their childhood or something. And that’s affecting their ability to really create because they’re in resistance. So this alignment coaching, which I’m walking you through right now, is part education. But it’s also the process of moving you into a mindset frame that’s just open.
Jason Drees: So stuff just starts happening. So this is really a what we really do is we remove the resistance to success occurring. And then it just happens. Okay.
Dean Pohlman: So what are some examples of the. Help me understand their moving resistance a little bit more. You know, we just.
Jason Drees: We just did.
Dean Pohlman: I know, but I’m slow, so. So I need help.
Jason Drees: Well, but also I’m slow. I’m pessimistic. Those are also stories. Yes. That are opinions. That you can stop dragging around if you’re ready to. True. You, instead of pessimistic, you could say I’m. I’m smart and detail oriented, because those. Those stories we carry about ourselves. I’m slow. You’re not slow. You move at the pace that is natural to you.
Jason Drees: That’s not slow. Like, so it’s part of part of this process of success in life is also aligning to your natural things. And as you’re trying to figure out how Dave works. You can look at other people and say, I’m slow, but you’re not. You’re clear, you’re focused. You just operate at a different pace.
Jason Drees: But look at the results you’ve created. You blown most people away. So part of this process is getting in alignment with yourself. Part of it’s getting in alignment with success. Part of it’s getting in alignment with time. Part of it’s getting alignment with money. And part of it’s getting in alignment with life. And the best example I can give you of removing resistance is when we first started talking, you were saying 2 to 3 packs, and I’ve got you almost now committed to five.
Jason Drees: So that’s because what happens is we point at the new target, and anything that’s not in alignment with that target will come up. Why can’t do that? Or that’s too much. And then we take a look at it. Well, can you really? that’s an old point of view that we just need to let aside.
Jason Drees: And what starts to happen is you do this over time, you get more and more focused and more and more success and more and more happiness and more and more alignment. So life just flows through you. Okay. So. So.
Dean Pohlman: All right, so let’s say I want. I want to get into this where this.
Jason Drees: Frame.
Dean Pohlman: Is that I wake up with every day is, hey, like our goal is five zeroth by the end of 2024.
Jason Drees:
Dean Pohlman: And we’re going to do that. How do I. How do I continually what? What practices do I do or what do I do to move myself from, you know, let’s say I’m just like, I’m in this, I’m in this. I’m in the frame right now in general. I’m in the frame right now of I don’t know what our growth is going to be by the end of 2024.
Dean Pohlman: I know that this is our month to. This is what’s happening month to month. I know that these are stat the stats. I know that this is what our plans are. We don’t know, you know, what these results are going to be from this plan. But based on the last six months, this is, you know, what the projections are.
Dean Pohlman: How do I get from that being the reality of how I think. My typical frame to okay, now I’m in this new frame where I am believing that five X is like, that’s going to happen. That’s that’s that’s that’s the that’s the new norm of thinking.
Jason Drees: So, okay, you do both. And here’s how. Okay. There’s there’s two types of goals. There’s known an unknown, right? Known and unknown. And what I mean is known is what you know how to do. Right. What you did last year. You can say I can duplicate that, and I could probably push it by ten, 20% or something like that.
Jason Drees: And you can say this is how much time. This is what it looks like. And you can map that target over the next 12 months. These are the actions I need to take. Quarterly, monthly, weekly. So known targets you can map out from the future backwards. Right. So that’s one target. So we’re running the known target.
Jason Drees: We’re now we’re not throwing everything out just to aim at 5 million. We’re like, we’re going to aim at the known target. Which gives your three dimensional brain something to focus on. Here’s the action we’re going to take. And what we’re going to do is move ourselves in alignment with the five x target. And the number one way that starts is by believe.
Jason Drees: Choosing to believe it’s true. Because most people live their lives in the frame that unknown targets don’t happen. If I don’t know how to do it, it can’t happen. So where we want to be is in not just a mindset where an unknown, impossible target is possible or even likely. We want to be in the frame where an unknown, impossible target is guaranteed to happen.
Jason Drees: You just don’t know when. Right. So what that would look like in an app on a basis is, okay, we’ll map your known targets out what you do. And at the same time, decide, yes, I’m going to figure out how to grow five X in a year period. Because you can. You can make that decision right now.
Jason Drees: Notice I didn’t say next year. Right. I said what? Say that out loud. I’m going to figure out how to grow five X in a year.
Dean Pohlman: I’m going to figure out how to grow five X in a year.
Jason Drees: Without killing myself.
Dean Pohlman: Without killing myself.
Jason Drees: And the most easy way possible.
Dean Pohlman: In the most easy way possible.
Jason Drees: Because I want to.
Dean Pohlman: Because I want to.
Jason Drees: And it will be fun.
Dean Pohlman: And it will be fun.
Jason Drees: And I won’t stop until I do.
Dean Pohlman: And I won’t stop until I do. That sounds like killing myself. But it’s.
Jason Drees: The don’t stop until I do or.
Dean Pohlman: Don’t stop until I do. Sounds like.
Jason Drees: Noise. okay. Well. Well, then you may have slightly different language, but that’s that creates certainty around the decision because it is basically basically the reason I keep giving you that statement is because that statement creates certainty at the macro level, even though it’s nonspecific. Okay. So the number one way to know if you’re aligned is if you’re 100% certain that’s alignment.
Jason Drees: Okay. And the easiest way to get 100% aligned is to make a decision to be 100% aligned. I’m going to figure out how to do 5% a year because it’ll be fun. Now, you may not need that the statement until I’m not going to stop until I do. You may already have certainty for most people, adding that adds the certainty.
Jason Drees: And so you’re basically a nonspecific certainty. It’s going to happen at the macro level. But how it unfolds, I have no clue. But that doesn’t matter. It’s going to happen anyway. Okay. And then you’re holding yourself in alignment with the bigger target while you are working on the known target. And then every day you eat healthy of salads for lunch.
Jason Drees: So one day you’re like, I’m going to get a burger. I don’t know if you’re in and out guy or what a burger guy or whatever, but like, you’re like, you go get a burger. You’re like, You know, I shouldn’t, but screw it. I’m going to double, double a milkshake as I just feel you go there and you meet a new contact.
Jason Drees: And that contact chain is somebody who’s got 100 million followers on YouTube and they give you a call and boom, you blow up. Because those jumps and possible targets, we don’t know how they’re there. Usually relationships, new thoughts, ideas. So we want to put ourselves in the frequency of the frame where those things happen, and then those things will happen.
Jason Drees: Okay.
Dean Pohlman: All right. That makes more sense.
Jason Drees: So we’re basically getting you in alignment to be intuitively guided to jump up to a big level. Okay. So it’s as a yeah, so this.
Dean Pohlman: Is pulling into the this is pulling in the the law of Attraction idea. Yes.
Jason Drees: Yes. Okay. Because the law of attraction absolutely works. But most people think the law of attraction is meditate and have Amazon show up. Right. But that’s not how it works. The law of Attraction starts with frequency, which starts with mindset. Because if you ever want to create thoughts, this is how you do it. You create thoughts. I literally wrote my book this way.
Jason Drees: You basically put yourself in the frame and then the thoughts will follow because it’s basically frequency creates thought. And then as your frequency creates the frequency of your thoughts, then you have thoughts, desires. You have naturally inspired action. And the goal is to be a naturally inspired action of alignment as set of grinding. And all the other systems that teach you purpose.
Jason Drees: You only need purpose when you’re out of alignment. Because purpose is forcing you to take action you don’t want to take. That’s misalignment. Okay. So I don’t do a purpose. I don’t do accountability because those are only needed when you’re out of alignment. I’m aiming for a life of alignment and flow and ridiculous abundance and fun. That’s what I want.
Jason Drees: Okay.
Dean Pohlman: And so you’re regularly kind of practicing this, Your regular, are you? How did you move into this frame? How did you get to that point? What what did you continually do that kind of. And I might be asking the same question over and over again.
Jason Drees: No, you know, it’s a good question. The only difference between you and me in this moment is I’ve spent more time aligning the frames in my mind to work this way by default. Because now, why would to use the word belief instead of frame to help understand it right now. But in this moment, like you came into this call believing this is how life works, believing this is how you create success.
Jason Drees: Belief like you had all these beliefs. And what I did is I gave you another option. So the options I operate from are more open and aligned and less restricted. So to operate this way, you just need to put the foundation in place. My book is a good place to start. Do the impossible. That’s a good place to start.
Dean Pohlman: I have it. It’s on the.
Jason Drees: Bookshelf, and then the coach at one on one. Coaching is how you do it. Because mindset is kind of like a chiropractor adjustment, right? Jamie Gruber from the Tribe of Millionaires calls me the mental chiropractor. I can’t align your next week. I can align you right now and you go run along and you’re going to get out of alignment again that I line you again because you’re constantly becoming more and more higher frequency as a life, right?
Jason Drees: So that’s kind of how it works. Okay. But the first step is becoming aware of how you feel. Right. Okay. But as men, we’ve been taught to put your emotions aside and grind it and do positive thinking. We don’t want to do that anymore. Positive thinking was was what’s necessary when we’re operating at the mindset level.
Jason Drees: When we only had three dimensional, we had to use positive thinking. Now we don’t want to do positive thinking because we want to become aware of where we feel negative emotion or heaviness or doubt, because those are indicators that we have access to a higher frame. So, for example, if you’re feeling doubt, it’s possible for you to feel confidence.
Jason Drees: If you’re feeling anger, it’s possible for you to feel happiness. If you’re feeling failure, it’s possible for you to feel success, right? So which means failure is the indicator of the presence of an elevated frequency of anger? Anger is the indicator of the presence of a hell of an elevated frequency. Financial scarcity. If you’re feeling financial scarcity, that means you have the presence of an elevated financial frame is in your reach, but you’re not at it.
Jason Drees: So we’re basically starting to live life by shifting frequencies and working with life to let stuff happen versus putting our flag down and grinding with the present reality we’re in. This is reality shaping. Okay. And it works if you believe it does. Got it.
Dean Pohlman: Okay, So it’s. It’s okay. All right. So part of this.
Jason Drees: Is.
Dean Pohlman: Part of this is exposure to. So the reason why the coach is so helpful here is because you’re continually having someone who’s pulling you back into this frequency of, hey, let’s get into this frequency. Right. Same way that you would. Like you said, chiropractor.
Jason Drees: Right. Okay.
Dean Pohlman: And then I got. So for me, like, I’m a journaling guy, like, journaling. So I like this idea of being aware of how you feel and then exploring. So for me, like, what I’m thinking is what I’m thinking is, okay, let’s, let’s keep going with this five X goal. So if I, if I like, what’s my resistance to five X?
Dean Pohlman: And then I can say, well, I have doubt that this and I feel like for me I would go, well, what’s the doubt there? And I feel like eventually if I track that down and I go through it and I could, I could say like, Well, that’s not valid.
Jason Drees: Yeah. And sometimes what one of the number one ways to get into alignment is to stop. Because we get out of alignment by thinking and doing. But when we stop, we realign, like that’s our natural state. But it’s through taking action. We get out of alignment. So journaling is a way of processing thoughts, energies and emotions.
Jason Drees: And it’s also a process of getting into alignment as well. So when you and then your, your thought processes there is moving you to a different point of view. Those are different tools. If you start to encompass into a you could probably expand the impact of your journaling by starting to bring in more awareness of the global frame level and at a simple level, if anyone rewatches this conversation and and watches some of the comments that you made about, I don’t have the bandwidth, right?
Jason Drees: It’s like that comment is coming from the old point of view. Right. So what this whole frame shifting thing apart is shifting the frame of who’s asking question. Right. Because. Because the person that’s asking the question is the limited one. We’re trying. That’s what we’re trying to change. So when I hear people say that, I’m actually not looking at the words they’re saying, I’m looking at the person who said the words because the person who’s the the version or the frequency that said the words is where the misalignment is.
Jason Drees: Whereas results coaching focuses on what you say I focus on Instead of asking that question, let’s ask it from this point of view. And A lot of times we don’t know we’re doing it. We’re doing the best we can. And then we come across new experiences, new teachers, new coaches, and that’s where we shift and learn and expand.
Jason Drees: So airing the misalignment is the normal part of the process. Okay. Yeah, that’s the normal part of the process. So, yeah, that’s. And then. Then then you know where to go. Yeah.
Dean Pohlman: So I’ll. I’ll explain where I’m at. Kind of in. I’ll just. I’ll just. I’ll just explain it like this. When I had, you know, So we’ve worked with a lot of different people to to help grow mental yoga over the years. And when we work with someone who has actually helped us grow. The first conversation I have with them, I’m just like, What are you talking about?
Dean Pohlman: I have no idea what you’re talking about. And it’s because they’re ideas that I that I’m not familiar with yet. So like, when I encounter things that I’m like, that doesn’t make sense. That’s when I’m like, Well, there’s kind of an opportunity here. Then if I if this isn’t making sense to me, that means that this is something that isn’t part of my worldview or, you know, it’s like so.
Dean Pohlman: So a lot of you know, a lot of what you’re saying here, I’m like, okay, that makes sense. And a lot of it I’m like, I’m still not clear on that. And so, you know, for me, that’s a good sign that, okay, there’s like there’s some opportunity here that if, like, this is not clicking with my worldview, then, you know, that’s probably something that I that I don’t, you know, have yet.
Dean Pohlman: And I do think, you know, so, you know, I and another sidetrack here like I I’m on Facebook because I’m a dinosaur but you know, I still haven’t fully migrated over to Tik-tok yet. But the people that I follow on Facebook aren’t the people who are like reposting things. You know, there are people who are like putting out things where I look at that and I’m like, That’s weird.
Dean Pohlman: Or like, that doesn’t make sense. And so anyways, just my take, my, my initial thought is like a lot of this doesn’t make sense to me. A lot of it kind of makes sense. And I also realize or recognize that, like, this is your this is your world. This is your worldview. This is like how you look at the world and it’s completely valid.
Dean Pohlman: Like, this is working for you. And so for me, looking at it like this, like I don’t know how like, how do I get to that point? And so I like being exposed these kinds of things because I’m like, this can help. Like, this can help kind of move me, you know, into thinking a different way, into a way of thinking that I might feel happier or I might feel more fulfilled or I feel more successful or I’ll be less stressed.
Dean Pohlman: So yeah, that’s where I’m at.
Jason Drees: Thanks for sharing. Yeah. So. And now.
Dean Pohlman: Now I’m going to have to now I’m have to go into your book and like, go a little deeper and probably call you and be like, Hey, dude, can we can we chat again? So.
Jason Drees: So, yeah. Just notice how your brain does your brain feel like it’s gone. yeah, yeah, it’s gone.
Dean Pohlman: Like, I know, like, yeah, hit like, 10 minutes ago. I was like, my brain is fried, dude. I like, I don’t. I’m still trying, but I’m like.
Jason Drees: It’s because it’s because this is a really high frequency conversation. And your mind can’t like, this conversation is beyond the mind. Whenever I have these, like, deep conversations about frequency at this level, I’m basically speaking at a frequency. And the reason coaching people is so easy for me these days, because when I view things from this frequency, I can so easily see misalignment.
Jason Drees: It’s just it’s like a it’s like a it’s like. It’s like a wooden leg to me. So what what you’re experiencing is very normal for people who are get the first immersion here. So this is your brain got scrambled? So I would encourage you just to enjoy the experience of however it is. Yeah. And wherever you want to be.
Jason Drees: And because sometimes you touch this stuff and you’re integrated, sometimes you need a day, sometimes a week to get back. Sometimes. You know, one of the interesting things is when I first started doing this, it for this coaching to work, I have to get a client to do a repeat after me. Like the client has to say, I take full ownership of my life and everything in it.
Jason Drees: Like that’s that’s an ownership statement, right? And none of the belief changes I did would work until they say that because. But. But to do that, they have to be at a certain frequency. And when I first started this, this type of coaching, I wasn’t frame shifting then I was more belief changing, using this process. And over time I migrated evolved to frame shifting.
Jason Drees: But in 2014, 2015, 2016, I would get a client, a Tony Robbins client. I’d start coaching them and sometimes it would take me six months of them, their brain being scrambled before they could do this exercise. Today, I can get almost anybody to understand it at some level within the 10 minutes. Now, I don’t necessarily think it’s my skill in delivery.
Jason Drees: I just think, like, the average frequency that we’re all living in is that much higher than it was before. And that’s why these higher level concepts are starting to come up. Multiverse, other things like that, because we’re operating at a higher frequency of reality as a whole at a much higher level. Okay. So it’s been really interesting from my point of view because I’ve been able to see a cross-section of where the average person is, and we’re moving more and more.
Jason Drees: Yeah.
Dean Pohlman: Yeah, that makes sense. I think. I think I was also going to say the yeah, at some point, like the analytic just stops working. Like it’s not. It’s just like, it’s like I’m trying to process this because a lot of this is also this isn’t analytical that we’re talking about. A lot of this is like feeling right? And you can’t analyze your way into feeling something.
Dean Pohlman: It’s just what I have. This is this is where my brain is like, very like this is actually something that I practice is like, what do you feel? And then I say, like, I feel that. I think I’m like, That’s not how I feel. That’s not feeling. That’s that’s saying what you’re thinking. So like, I’ve actually had to practice, like, what do I feel?
Dean Pohlman: And this is something that, like I do on a daily basis now is like, what am I feeling like? I don’t know. It’s like, why don’t you know what you’re feeling? Isn’t that weird? Like, Yes, it is, but here we are.
Jason Drees: So.
Dean Pohlman: All right, so I’ve got a part two here that I do. And this is kind of my rapid, rapid fire questions. And these are questions that I ask everybody on this. And they have to do with a lot of the goals of the podcast, but I’m really interested to see what your answers are. Let’s you ready?
Jason Drees: Go for it.
Dean Pohlman: What do you think is one habit, belief or mindset that has helped you the most in terms of your overall happiness?
Jason Drees: Yeah, this is actually something that’s been coming up a lot lately that I can be happy. I don’t have to be successful to be happy. I can be happy even though I’m not finished. Okay. Yeah, I like that.
Dean Pohlman: What is one thing that you do for your health that you think is overlooked or undervalued by others?
Jason Drees: Well, lately I’ve been exercising a lot. Simple exercise. I think that’s undervalued by everybody. You know, I’ll be 50 this year, and I finally have been exercising regularly. I feel a lot better. And I think most people just undervalue exercise. Yeah, so much true.
Dean Pohlman: What’s the most important thing you do for your overall stress management?
Jason Drees: Lately I’ve been playing video games, actually. Okay. Video game. I haven’t played video games. I haven’t played video games in a long time because I like to play computer games and you can lose yourself in those. yeah. Did you?
Dean Pohlman: But I like what you said. You lost yourself.
Jason Drees: I think Diablo I like playing Diablo. I went, Yeah. I was going to go ahead.
Dean Pohlman: I was going to say I went over to a friend’s house in eighth grade and I played literally the entire night like he woke up and I was just still playing at like 8 a.m..
Jason Drees: Was that Diablo one?
Dean Pohlman: Diablo two? Yeah. Me and computer games are like, Yeah, yeah, that’s like cocaine to me. That’s yeah, that’s, that’s, that’s just a terrible addictive behavior that I cannot like. Yeah. Yeah. That’s bad.
Jason Drees: But I haven’t. Yeah, I’ve been married for ten years and I didn’t start playing video games until you’re so. But Diablo four came out in June and I’ve been playing that a lot and I’ve been realizing that I’m not stressing about work and I’m escaping and I’m not thinking. So it’s like playing the video games has been good for my health.
Jason Drees: Yeah. All right. Well, good for you.
Dean Pohlman: What’s the most stressful part of your day to day life?
Jason Drees: Being an entrepreneur is. Yeah. You know, I think I laugh because I don’t know if I’m one step away from the greatest success I’ve ever had or one step the biggest failure I’ve ever had. Being an entrepreneur, it’s such an interesting ride.
Dean Pohlman: Yeah, that sounds a Yeah. What do you think is the biggest challenge facing men in their well being in right now?
Jason Drees: I was going to say mental health, but I’m going to I would I’m going to scale it down to trying to improve yourself. Okay. I hear a lot of people say I need to improve myself every single day, improve, improve, improve, improve. You know, I don’t to do better.
Dean Pohlman: Yeah, they need to be a better man.
Jason Drees: They need to be better. I need to make myself better every single day. Yeah. That implies who you are. Now. Is it enough? Yeah. And if you and if you want to be, try to be better every single day. You’re operating from a frame where you’re never at your maximum. Right? So instead of saying I need to be better every day, I’d love to see men saying, I can’t believe how amazing I am.
Jason Drees: Because when you own everything you are in this moment and move from a place of expansion instead of a place of improvement, all the self judgment goes away. And when you get in alignment with yourself, all your power comes up. Yeah.
Dean Pohlman: Yeah. I hope that. I hope that over the next 20 or 30 years, that’s something that shifts. I think that would be really good for all of us.
Jason Drees: Yes, because masculinity is not toxic. Masculinity is who we are. We’re men. That’s we’re supposed to be masculine, right? Yes.
Dean Pohlman: That’s a yes. That’s a whole discussion. And, yeah, I actually did a solo podcast. I tried to. I don’t think I do that very well, but. But yeah, I mean, toxic masculinity can be toxic, but also like masculine people, because.
Jason Drees: People can be toxic, right? People can be toxic, right?
Dean Pohlman: Yeah. Masculinity is only toxic if you make it so. And I mean, everything can be toxic, but, you know, it’s a whole other conversation. But yeah.
Jason Drees: Cool.
Dean Pohlman: all right, well, I want to tell people how they can, you know, learn more about you. So what’s your, what’s your favorite social media place to hang out or your website?
Jason Drees: Jason Barry’s coaching. It’s like trees with a D, Jason DAVIES coach. You can go there, you can check my past podcast, do the impossible, you can also my podcast is mostly coaching sessions actually, so if you want to hear some coaching sessions.
Dean Pohlman: Yeah, I was going to ask that. Okay, that’s cool. So it’s coaching.
Jason Drees: Yeah, it’s like I’m on episode 80. The first 30 were more but the last 40 or straight coaching sessions. And you can also go I do a free weekly call every Monday at 10 a.m. 10 a.m. central. It’s called the Monday Mindset Reset so they can go to Monday mindset reset dot com to sign up. Cool. All right, sweet.
Dean Pohlman: All right, Jason. Well, that was really cool. Thanks for the chat. I have to, like, just go let my brain recover for, you know, a bit of time here, but yeah, give me a lot of good things to think about and I hope we can chat again soon.
Jason Drees: So they’re awesome. So.
Dean Pohlman: All right, guys, go check out everything. Does again. His book Do the Impossible. Unlock your Full Potential. I’m planning on reading it. I have it right here. here’s.
Jason Drees: Where it is. Right here. There we go.
Dean Pohlman: So this is what it looks like. Podcasts and then. Yeah, hopefully we hear more from Jason in the future. But thanks again for joining me, guys. I hope you enjoyed this episode, Hope it inspires you to be a better man or you know you are a good man as you are right now, but you could be better if you wanted to be.
Dean Pohlman: So there. So yeah. Thanks again. Hope to see you on the next one.
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