How Man Flow Yoga’s “Isometric Yoga” Unlocks More Strength, Balance, and Fluidity – Even if you’re in your 70s (Member Highlight: Richard B.)

“I immediately realized how different Man Flow Yoga was from what I was doing in the studio, primarily the muscle activation aspect. So from that point on, even though I was still in the yoga studio, I would do my poses in Man Flow Yoga Fashion. Man Flow Yoga is yoga reimagined.” 

Richard B., 72-year-old Man Flow Yoga Member

Richard, B., a 72-year-old Man Flow Yoga Member joined Man Flow Yoga because he had an anterior pelvic tilt, and his physical therapist recommended yoga. But Richard didn’t start his yoga journey with Man Flow Yoga. Instead, he started with a standard studio yoga class. 

In fact, he discovered Man Flow Yoga by complete accident. 

Here’s how: 

Richard took a hot yoga class in studio and was sweating like a pig. So he figured he’d buy yoga-specific shorts instead of the basketball shorts he’d been wearing. Well, guess what popped up on Google when he searched for yoga shorts: 

Man Flow Yoga. 

Curious, Richard decided to look more into Man Flow Yoga, and instantly realized it was a completely different type of yoga than he’d done in the studio. Primarily when it comes to muscle activation. So, Richard started watching Man Flow Yoga videos on YouTube while also continuing his classes in the yoga studio. And even though he still went to the studio for yoga classes, as he watched more and more Man Flow Yoga videos, he noticed he approached studio yoga classes in a “Man Flow Yoga style,” instead of following the instructor. 

Soon after, he decided to drop the studio classes and just follow Man Flow Yoga on YouTube, on his own. Then, he heard about the Be The Better You Retreat we held in Austin, TX. He decided to attend, and was hooked because that showed him the stark contrast between traditional yoga in the studio, and Man Flow Yoga. 

How the “Isometric Style” of Man Flow Yoga Boosted Richard’s All Around Fitness

After becoming a Man Flow Yoga Member, Richard noticed how much easier it was to practice Man Flow Yoga compared to only watching YouTube videos. Everything was all in one place, and he quickly started experiencing life-changing benefits from Man Flow Yoga: 

First, he noticed that he was actually building his strength—something he didn’t get from traditional yoga classes where it’s more passive and just seeing how far you can stretch. 

Man Flow Yoga was very different. Even early on, he thought that it was like “isometric yoga.” 

The difference?

With Man Flow Yoga, he still gets into position and stretches, but he uses a muscle to get to each stretch, and uses a muscle to stay in each stretch. 

This focus on muscle activation has improved his balance dramatically. In fact, he finds himself in the grocery store standing on one foot. 

He also noticed that simple body movements are just… different. 

They’re more fluid. His walking gait is different. And he even feels like moving around is almost effortless now because everything is more rigid and tightened. 

As for squats? 

Well, he can squat for days now. If he’s at the store and sees something on the bottom shelf, he squats down, then slides sideways, and can get up and go back down without a problem! He says the squat part was miraculous. He’s in his 70s and most of his peers can’t squat as effortlessly as he can. 

He also finds it easier to walk up and down stairs. And it’s also easier walking or cycling through Pittsburgh—which is one of the hilliest cities in America (and even is home to the steepest street in America, and maybe the world). 

Plus, Man Flow Yoga has also helped him with his weight lifting practice too. 

And you know what? 

Richard got more than only physical benefits from Man Flow Yoga.

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Why Man Flow Yoga is better for your mental health than the gym 

Richard can’t dismiss the mental benefits of working out. Whether going to the gym or doing Man Flow Yoga, he always feels better afterwards (even when he isn’t motivated to work out). 

That said, he finds the mental impact of Man Flow Yoga to be much stronger than lifting weights. 

On days when he does Man Flow Yoga, he notices the endorphins in his brain hit different: 

They calm him and energize him at the same time! It’s like the noise of life gets turned down a few notches, and this feeling stays with him long into the evening as he tries to get his workouts done earlier in the day. 

And he needed the mental health benefits of Man Flow Yoga perhaps even more than he needed the physical benefits. He joined Man Flow Yoga in one the toughest years of his life: He lost his father and his brother within 35 days of each other, and Man Flow Yoga had a significant impact on him mentally and emotionally during this tough time. 

Richard’s Favorite Aspects of Man Flow Yoga 

Besides the obvious physical, mental, and emotional benefits, Richard also appreciates Dean’s coaching style and attention to detail. 

Richard himself is a retired educator, and he noticed immediately how good Dean is at what he does. According to Richard, Dean’s presentation style is superb. 


Well, his distinct diction, his tone, and his choice of words are always excellent. He’s supporting and uplifting while still challenging you. Dean offers instant feedback to Richard. For example, when Richard’s in a pose and starts feeling it in his calf, the next thing Dean says on the video is that you’ll feel it in your calf. This makes it seem like Dean is physically in the room with Richard, even though he’s just watching it on his Man Flow Yoga app. 

He also enjoys that Dean does the workouts alongside him every time, no matter how long a certain workout is. This keeps Richard focused and inspired when he’s practicing yoga. He can tell that while yes, the point of a business is to make money, Dean actually loves the people he’s helping, which is something you can’t say about most business owners. 


He also loves the updated Member’s site. He didn’t realize how clunky the old site was until he tried the new one. But now? Everything’s in one place, which simplifies the experience and makes it more helpful. 

So if Richard’s feeling extra stress one day, he’ll type in “stress” into the search bar and instantly have several options. 

Beyond that, he also loves the Man Flow Yoga community. He feels like a proud grandpa whenever he logs into the Facebook group, and sees the progress everyone makes. 

As an educator, he loves seeing people develop. And the Man Flow Yoga Members Facebook group gives him the ability to experience this even in retirement. 

He even said the following:

“The website is just rife with real, live human stories of real people taking advantage of Man Flow Yoga and being willing to share it. I’m just so proud of guys that get on there and share. You know, you have older guys like me, heavy guys, skinny guys, gay guys, it doesn’t make a difference. They’re all there to get better and so the website is fantastic. The community is an integral part of it, and I really appreciate it.” 

Yoga. Made For Men.


Why Richard Thinks You Should Join Man Flow Yoga 

Richard encourages everyone unfamiliar with Man Flow Yoga to check out the YouTube channel first to see if it resonates with you. Then, if it makes sense, he says that membership is beyond worth it because it puts everything in one, easily findable place. 

Man Flow Yoga is also beginner friendly, non-judgemental, and it’s scalable—meaning, you won’t “top” out as you improve, there are more and more challenging videos as your yoga skills improve. 

Richard will leave you with one last statement:

“It seems trite to use these words but: this is truly life-changing, and I’m not afraid to use those words. This really was a game changer for me, and I can’t thank you enough.”

How MFY’s “Isometric Yoga” Unlocks Strength, Balance, and Fluidity  (Member Highlight: Richard B.)

Ready to try Man Flow Yoga? 

You can take Richard’s advice, and watch videos for free on the Man Flow Yoga YouTube channel here

Or, if you want to take the next step, you have a few more options served up in “Choose Your Own Adventure” style:

Adventure #1: Strength Foundations Challenge. Build your strength, improve your mobility, and get rid of pain, discomfort, or long-lasting injuries with this 6-week strength-focused challenge. New challenges start every Monday. And it only costs $9 to join. Join the Strength Foundations Challenge here 

Adventure #2: Become a Man Flow Yoga Member and get instant access to every Man Flow Yoga workout, program, challenge, tutorial, and more. Also, Members get invited to an exclusive Facebook Group where you can connect with other Members, our team, and get accountability whenever you need it. Start your 7-day free trial to Man Flow Yoga here 

(Note: The 7-day free trial requires your credit card info, but we won’t charge you during your first week.) 

Adventure #3: 7-Day Beginner’s Yoga for Men Challenge and take Man Flow Yoga for a 7-day test drive to help you decide if Man Flow Yoga makes sense for you. No credit card, flexibility, or yoga experience required. Join the free 7-Day Beginner’s Yoga for Men Challenge here

Adventure #4: 7-Day Sexual Wellness Challenge and use Man Flow Yoga to get harder, stronger erections, last longer & improve your sexual stamina, and increase your physical and mental fitness for sexual wellness. No credit card, flexibility, or yoga experience required. Join the free 7-Day Sexual Wellness Challenge here

Already a Man Flow Yoga member? Share your story with other men like you by booking a Member Stories call at

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2 thoughts on “How Man Flow Yoga’s “Isometric Yoga” Unlocks More Strength, Balance, and Fluidity – Even if you’re in your 70s (Member Highlight: Richard B.)”

  1. Mark Woodbridge

    I too have an anterior tilt in my pelvis which affects my gait and exterior hip muscles. After six months with MFY, I am able to stand one one foot, knee up and arms overhead along with Deans 10-minute morning workout.. at last!

    Dean’s coaching is a beautifully engineered progression building strength and flexibility.

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