
Member Spotlight: Jason Vana

This month’s Member of the Month is Jason Vana, from Chicago.Jason is the founder of Reach36 – a creative agency building identities and experiences to empower organizations and start-ups to expand their reach and grow their business. If you’d like to talk with Jason, you can reach him at [email protected]. Read on to learn more about Jason, and be sure to connect with him in the Man Flow Yoga Community Facebook group!

Current favorite pose:

It’s a tie between Warrior 2 and Pigeon. Pigeon is a great pose for stretching my glutes and building flexibility, especially because I sit at a computer all day long at work and can find myself in front of the computer at home some nights as I’m working to build a marketing and graphic design business. Warrior 2 challenges me to keep my body as straight and in perfect posture as possible. I still have yet to get my body fully in line as if I were between two walls, but I’m getting there!

Favorite Healthy Food:

It probably sounds bland, but chicken. I eat chicken for lunch and dinner almost every day. I like that it tastes good if I just cook it up in the pan with a little coconut oil, and that it’s versatile enough that I can add seasonings and other sides to make it a different meal each time.

Favorite Non-healthy Food:

Cookies. Hands down. When I was younger, my grandpa taught me that when you eat cookies, you get a glass of milk and you don’t stop until the milk is gone. It’s why I never keep cookies in the house.

Proudest Physical Accomplishment:

Getting into and holding crow pose for at least 10 seconds. One of the reasons I started with yoga was to be able to do some of the crazy poses — not just so I could say I did them, but because of the level of physical fitness you need to have in order to do those poses. Crow is one of them. I will master that pose if it kills me!

Currently working towards:

Physically – building the best and healthiest body I can. Having a more defined body is definitely a plus, but it’s more about building strength and flexibility to help me be healthier and more active when I’m older.

How did I find out about MFY:

YouTube. I don’t remember what turned me on to looking into yoga, but I figured I would see if there was a beginner’s yoga workout that was geared for men and didn’t have all the fluff. I found a few others first, but eventually Dean popped up with Man Flow Yoga and I was instantly hooked. No fluff, excellent explanations of the poses, geared for beginners (at least the videos I saw first), and a lot of variety.

Where are you from?

I grew up in a suburb of Chicago, but now live in West Central Illinois near the Mississippi river. Life is a lot slower down here in the corn fields.

Fun Fact:

I have traveled to Europe 13 times since 2006 (at least once a year), mainly to work with youth and Christian churches in the Czech Republic, Poland, and Romania. It wasn’t until recently that I found out that I am 25% Czech and 25% Slovak – right in the same area I travel to every year. I am even planning to move there in the next year or two!

Want to connect with Jason? You’ll find all of his social media links, email and details on his creative agency below.


– Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jason.vana
– Twitter: https://twitter.com/jasonvana
– Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jvana80/
– SnapChat: jasonvana
EMAIL: [email protected]

Jason is the founder of Reach36 – a creative agency building identities and experiences to empower organizations and start-ups to expand their reach and grow their business. You can hit him up for a free, one-hour consultation at [email protected].


3 thoughts on “Member Spotlight: Jason Vana”

  1. So the pigeon is one of your favorite poses? A difficult position when i have to bend my leg in that pose. very challenging. I will reach out to you on your email, as I’m a fine artist with a website currently under a company called FASO but am starting my own site with the first eccomerce company for fine artists and photographers called “Artstorefronts.” In the process of putting all the work together which is a lot and would really appreciate a free consultation. All the best! Len

  2. Hey Jason. Crow is currently my go-to as well. I’m working toward a handstand so it’s a good starter. The business sounds awesome as well, and it seems you’ve chosen to chase some pretty awesome dreams! Good for you ?

    I’m nearing my 40s and decided I want to stop saying “I wish”, so I’m chasing my own dreams now which are all physical fitness aligned. I want to teach parkour one day but I have a long way to go. If I ever get certified I will definately touch base with you regarding a pk school ☺.

    Thanks for sharing and for being so powerfully motivated. Keep climbing and keep us in the loop ?

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