Bodyweight Testimonial: Spotlight on Everett

Everett is the Man Flow Yoga Intern and a Man Flow Yoga Manbassador, a brand ambassador for Man Flow Yoga. Straight to the point: His story proves that you can get the body that you want without weights and without spending a ton of money. I met Everett (Brandon) when he submitted a photo to the Man Flow Yoga Facebook page for the Friday Man Flow-ers album. I reached out to get to know a little bit more about him, and I realized immediately his potential for greatness. Everett lives in a small town in Iowa, but he knew that all he needed to learn what he wanted to know could be found on the internet. I don’t want to spoil his story, so I’ll turn it over to him now.

When I was 17 I wanted to get shredded. I was tired of being just another scrawny dude in high school. I started looking into my options, and settled on gymnastics. But guess what? This 17 year old didn’t have enough money for gymnastics training. I knew I was serious about getting into shape, so I knew it wouldn’t be something I was just going to do without any guidance.

Side Note: Here’s a photo of Everett before he started working out.

Everett before















Eventually my mother dragged me along to a local yoga class. This class was a very beginner class, my expectations were lower than my grades. And even though I was a beginner, it totally kicked my ass. There was no doubt in my mind from that point on that yoga was going to be my sport. And what better? I could do it anywhere, anytime, and in this day and age there were resources for me at my fingertips! I put these resources to use, made some connections, and stumbled upon Man Flow Yoga on YouTube. After connecting with Dean, I had the motivation I needed.

Photo of Everett from February, 2015.
Photo of Everett from February, 2015.



















From that point on, I started doing yoga almost every day after school. Of course it took time, patience, and a lot of hard work; just like weightlifting would. But since that yoga class, I haven’t touched a weight. Flash forward to the present; 1 year of training with only yoga and bodyweight exercises inspired by yoga, I’ve gained 15 pounds, and I’m as strong and as healthy as I’ve ever been. Physically and mentally.

Photo of Everett, March 2016



















Want to follow Everett on his quest for ultimate control over his body? Check out his Instagram: yogadude_everett

Here’s a video of him being beastly with some one-arm handstands.

1 thought on “Bodyweight Testimonial: Spotlight on Everett”

  1. Love it! very inspiring to hear and encouraging to see how far you can go. thanks Everettfor sharing your story with us. You are the yoga dude! best, Len

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