Join Man Flow Yoga For The Non-Spiritual Aspect… Stay For The Strength & Flexibility (Member Highlight: Chad V)

“When I first signed up, I wasn’t even able to touch my toes and by the time I was done [with the Strength Foundation Challenge], I was actually able to touch my toes.” 

 Chad V., Man Flow Yoga Member

Chad, Man Flow Yoga Member since December 2019, originally joined Man Flow Yoga to complement his other workouts. In addition to yoga, Chad also does strength training 3x a week, swims 1,000 meters twice a week, and attends a spin class twice a week. 

Like many other men unfamiliar with Man Flow Yoga, Chad heard about many of the benefits of yoga, but the spiritual component that usually comes equipped with yoga turned him off. He just wanted an effective way to build his strength and flexibility, not connect with the oneness of the Supreme Consciousness. 

Only when he started researching non-spiritual yoga classes did he find Man Flow Yoga, and knew he had to give it a try. Chad, like many other Members, started his Man Flow Yoga journey with the Strength Foundations Challenge

And he noticed results almost immediately: 

Within the first couple of weeks, he noticed his strength and flexibility skyrocket. By week four, he could pull off the low plank push up with ease (something he never thought he’d be able to do). And by the end of the 6-week challenge, he could touch his toes (something he also never thought he’d be able to do, especially as a 48-year-old). 

Hooked on Man Flow Yoga, he signed up for a full membership and it became the ultimate enhancer to his other workouts. 

How Man Flow Yoga Helped Chad With Lifting, Cycling, and Swimming 

The first benefit Chad unlocked from Man Flow Yoga, which helped him with all his other workouts, was with his breathing. He remembers during one of his 1,000 m swims that his focus on his breathing shocked him: He both swam faster and felt less fatigued when he swam all 1,000 meters. 

(If you’re unfamiliar with swimming—which is one of, if not THE hardest exercise modalities—swimming 1,000 meters takes most people 20-40 minutes to complete.) 

Man Flow Yoga also bled over into his weight lifting, particularly with his squats:

Before Man Flow Yoga, Chad realized (in hindsight) that his form wasn’t great. His knees often came forward with heavy weight on his back, which is a recipe for injury. But through Dean’s coaching through Man Flow Yoga, his form became impeccable — whether doing bodyweight squats or heavy squats. 


The emphasis on breathing he picked up from being a Man Flow Yoga Member improved his endurance and overall performance in the gym too. 

Best part?

Chad started to incorporate Man Flow Yoga into his warm up routine before he even goes to the gym, which all but eliminated his soreness after tough workouts. 

Not only has he gotten stronger and more flexible, but he’s also made every other workout he does easier. 

And we haven’t even touched on many of the non-physical benefits Chad unlocked through Man Flow Yoga… 

No experience required

Build Strength & Reduce Pain

What Mental Benefits Did Man Flow Yoga Provide to Chad? 

Chad experienced a complete mindset upgrade after joining Man Flow Yoga, especially with his discipline. He was already pretty disciplined, typically getting up early to go to the gym and workout. But Man Flow Yoga put his discipline on steroids. Since he likes doing a quick Man Flow Yoga session before hitting the gym, he started setting his alarm for 4:30 am to seize the day! 

His newfound discipline-on-steroids isn’t the only mental benefit he noticed either. 

He also noticed a profound sense of mental clarity since joining Man Flow Yoga. He practices breathing when he’s at work during stressful moments, and the stress melts off his shoulders almost instantly. He even keeps a MFY Yoga Mat in his office. Whenever he’s feeling anxious or muscle tightness, he logs into the Members Area, uses the search functions to find a quick and suitable session, and completes it when there’s a lull in his workday. This, he told our team, has boosted his performance at work more than anything else. 

What Are Chad’s Favorite Parts About Man Flow Yoga? 

Besides some of the things already mentioned—such as improving his strength, enhancing his flexibility, building his discipline, making his workouts easier, and erasing his stress and anxiety—Chad loves Dean’s coaching and leadership. 

Doing Man Flow Yoga sessions alongside Dean inspires him to finish any given session he’s doing (even if it’s hard). Dean’s coaching style, particularly how he uses muscle terminology instead of yoga terminology, has helped him with any other workout he’s done. Dean also makes yoga more enjoyable, offering different easier and harder variations for almost every pose in each session. 

But perhaps one of Chad’s favorite parts about Man Flow Yoga is the community aspect he gets from being an active member in The Man Flow Yoga Community Facebook group. In fact, Chad has created two real friendships with two other guys in the community. They’re always inspiring, motivating, and encouraging each other to push harder, and celebrating their wins together. He also appreciates that when he has a question, a real person answers, whether it’s Dean himself, Jesse on the Man Flow Yoga team, or another Member. 

Yoga. Made For Men.


Why Chad Thinks You Should Join Man Flow Yoga

If you’re worried about the spiritual aspect that’s typically glued to yoga like Chad himself was, Man Flow Yoga is the antidote. We offer a way to get all the physical benefits yoga offers—from injury prevention and flexibility to strength and mobility—without the hippy-dippy nonsense. 

He would also tell you that Dean’s coaching and leadership style is unmatched. He leads by example, gives insight into his personal life, and makes it easy to apply all the lessons from Man Flow Yoga into every aspect of your life—personally, professionally, and physically. 
For these reasons, he’s always convincing his friends and family members (even the ones most skeptical about yoga) to sign up for free 7-Day Beginner’s Yoga for Men Challenge and let the process convince them nothing beats Man Flow Yoga.

Join Man Flow Yoga For The Non-Spiritual Aspect… Stay For The Strength (Member Highlight: Chad V)

Ready To Try Man Flow Yoga & Make Every Other Workout Easier? 

If you’d like to take Chad up on his offer, you can sign up for your free 7-day trial below: 

Start your 7-day free trial to Man Flow Yoga here. 

Already a Man Flow Yoga member? Share your story with other men like you by booking a Member Stories call at

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