
From Couch Potato To Daily Yoga: How Man Flow Yoga Made 62-Year-Old Glenn Happier, Healthier, and More Confident (Member Highlight: Glenn L.)

“A year ago last January I was feeling like crap and today I feel so much different. I have a better attitude and physically I’m more fit and very happy about it.”

Glenn L., Man Flow Yoga Member

Man Flow Yoga Member, Glenn L., came down with a severe illness last year that kept him bedridden for an entire month. And while he laid sick in his bed, Glenn started developing an unbearable pain in his leg. He wasn’t sure what the cause of his pain was, but he did notice that every time he moved his leg, it felt a tad bit better. 

By a stroke of luck or fate, while a bedridden Glenn ached with pain, his wife had just started doing yoga. And since movement helped ease his pain, she convinced him to try yoga when he was healthy enough to get out of bed. 

Well, as he searched yoga for men on YouTube, he stumbled upon Man Flow Yoga and found a series called Beginner’s Essentials. Since Glenn wasn’t big into jogging—in fact, at the point of finding our YouTube channel, he hadn’t exercised in 30 years—he decided he’d commit to watching Man Flow Yoga videos. 

At the end of his first session, Glenn became hooked. 


Because immediately after his first session, he noticed the pain in his leg had quieted down. It still hurt, but it wasn’t quite as unbearable as it’s been. And so, Glenn made a decision: He’d stick with the program, and make it a part of his daily routine. 

Each day, his leg would feel a little bit better. And by the end of the 3-month program, Glenn’s leg was finally pain-free. Not only did the pain go away, but Glenn noticed something else: He was actually getting stronger — something he didn’t even think was possible for someone his age, who, after playing sports in his 30s, went 30+ years of working in an office and living a mostly sedentary life. (He even referred to himself as a couch potato during this time.) 

After this experiment, Glenn became a Man Flow Yoga Member—and turned his yoga routine into a daily habit. 

How Daily Yoga Made Glenn Happier, Healthier, and More Confident

By following the Beginner’s Essential program every day for 3 months, Glenn had already done the “hard work” of building a new habit. And while there were days when he didn’t feel like doing yoga, he heard Dean in his head telling him to just set up his yoga mat. After taking a tiny action—like laying his yoga mat out on the ground—Glenn knew how great he’d feel after doing a workout, and the rest was history. 

Glenn went from zero activity for 30 years to noticing a bizarre feeling after making his daily yoga routine a habit: He started feeling really, really great. Better than he’s felt through his 40’s and 50’s—as a 62-year-old man. 

Not only did his body feel great, but his posture improved too (something his wife always complained about to him because working at a desk for 30 years causes all sorts of postural problems). 

But his physical health isn’t the only thing he improved with the help of Man Flow Yoga… 

As a 62-year-old, Glenn shocked himself that he could, well, do Man Flow Yoga. When it came to fitness, he always had an attitude of it’s just not for him. Especially after thirty years of computer work. 

But Dean made Man Flow Yoga easier for Glenn. 

Glenn used to think that shaking muscles or fatigue was a sign to stop. But seeing Dean struggle through more intense workouts—while talking the entire time and giving such precise instructions that Glenn often does his Man Flow Yoga workouts with his eyes shut—gave Glenn the confidence that he could push his body in certain poses. 

And this practice of pushing through fatigue and shaking muscles started seeping into his brain. It built confidence. It showed his brain that he’s more physically capable than he thinks. And this bled into his daily life: 

His confidence blossomed. He developed a more positive attitude. And his general happiness reached heights he didn’t think were possible in his 60’s. 

Besides all the physical and mental benefits Glenn unlocked through his daily Man Flow Yoga habit, he also loves the community aspect of being a Member. 

Everyone’s so supportive that despite living in Europe, he knows he’s not alone. The more experienced Members in the Facebook Group give him something to aim for. And they can help him battle through challenges whenever he faces them.

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Want to see how Man Flow Yoga can make you happier, healthier, and more confident too?

Glenn’s best decision—besides trying yoga in the firsts place and turning it into a daily habit—was a simple one:

At the end of each Beginner’s Essentials video, there was an offer for a free 7-day trial. And since Glenn decided to sign up for the 7-day trial, his life completely changed. It’s the one decision that has helped him become happier and healthier in his 60’s than he was in his 40’s and 50’s. 

And it can do the same for you when you start your trial using the link below: 

>> Start your 7-day free trial to Man Flow Yoga here <<

How MFY Made 62-Year-Old Glenn Happier, Healthier, and More Confident (Member Highlight: Glenn L.)

Already a Man Flow Yoga member? Share your story with other men like you by booking a Member Stories call at  https://manflowyoga.com/member-highlights-signup

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