
How Jon Put On 10 Pounds of Muscle & Eliminated His Neck and Lower Back Pain (Member Highlight: Jon S.)

“In many ways, I feel younger at 53 than I did four years ago at 49.”

Jon S.

Four years ago, Jon was in all sorts of pain. He spent most of his days sitting at a desk for work, and this strained his neck and lower back. When he sought help from a physical therapist, his physical therapist recommended yoga because Jon’s issue originated from a lack of flexibility (and too much sitting). 

So Jon signed up for a yoga class in his local studio. Multiple yoga classes in multiple studios, actually. Every new studio Jon went to had the same problem for him: The entire class was women and the instructor’s cues were catered towards women and a more flexible anatomy. Jon just couldn’t feel at home in these classes… It didn’t help that he’s 6’5” and towered over everyone either. 

That’s when Jon began searching for yoga designed for the male anatomy, and came across Man Flow Yoga’s 7-Day Trial

Man Flow Yoga was a match made in heaven for Jon. He was instantly hooked by Dean’s cueing for men (and how dramatically different it was than in local yoga studios). He also appreciated the several variations offered for each pose, especially because he was inflexible at the time. But best of all, Jon liked that it didn’t only focus on flexibility, but strength too. 

Jon became hooked. He immediately purchased an annual subscription when his trial ended. And after each succeeding yoga session he completed, he felt less pain in his lower back and neck. He was onto something…

How Man Flow Yoga Helped Jon Eliminate His Neck & Lower Back Pain (and Tack On 10 Pounds of Muscle) 

Jon originally discovered Man Flow Yoga to eliminate his neck and lower back pain. By staying consistent, he eliminated these problems entirely. 

But that’s not all that happened after Jon signed up for an annual subscription. 

He also increased his mobility, improved his recovery time from injury, and it even helped him tack on 10 pounds of muscle—something he didn’t expect. 

Jon is an avid mountain biker, skier (both downhill and backcountry skiing), and hiker. While these activities are fun, they also come with a certain risk of injury. And a couple years ago, Jon tore his labrum skiing. But thanks to the wide variety of yoga workouts in Man Flow Yoga, Jon surprised himself with how swiftly he recovered from his injury. Especially as a 50-year-old. That’s been one of his favorite benefits of being a Member: Man Flow Yoga helps him maintain a high level of activity in the things he loves. 

Another thing that surprised Jon was gaining 10 pounds of muscle. He thought that at 50 years old he was only going to slowly lose muscle mass over time. But the exact opposite happened after joining Man Flow Yoga. 


Well, part of this is due to the Man Flow Yoga workouts themselves. But Man Flow Yoga also enhances his strength training routine. Not only does he use lower intensity Man Flow Yoga routines as a warmup, but because of the muscle awareness he’s gained from following Man Flow Yoga workouts, he’s improved his gains in the gym too. 

But his favorite bragging point? 

It may seem silly, but at 6’5” it’s wildly impressive. I’ll let him tell you in his words: 

“The thing I brag the most about—this might sound really kind of silly—but I realized a while back that I can stand up and put my socks on. I could not do that four or five years ago when I started Man Flow Yoga. And I’m six foot five and [have] a 36 inch inseam. So bringing my foot up and putting socks on and off is no small challenge.”

And you know what?

He also says that by becoming more mobile, and having more functional strength has been a massive confidence booster. Another unexpected benefit he’s realized since signing up four years ago. 

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Why Jon Likes Man Flow Yoga More Than In-Studio Classes 

“In about a 30 minute workout, I’m getting what would have taken an hour at a yoga studio,” Jon told our team. 

We already touched on how uncomfortable Jon felt in a studio yoga class. He also wasn’t a fan of the instructor’s coaching style—which was always geared towards the most flexible in the room, leaving the inflexible fumbling around. 

Not only does he prefer Dean’s coaching style, especially the offering of several variations for each pose, but he also finds the Members’ Area and App to be a much more efficient way to get in a yoga workout. 

In a class, not only are you playing catch up with the rest of the class, but you also have no say in which poses and postures you do or how long your workout will be. That’s not the case with Man Flow Yoga. 

The filters in the app are one of Jon’s favorite features. He can choose which body part he wants to target (which was helpful after tearing his labrum or whenever he feels particularly sore or stiff in one area)—and he can choose the duration of any workout he does. When he’s pressed for time, he’s able to squeeze in a quicker workout. And when he has an hour to spend, he can find an hour-long workout too. 

He’s even recommended some things he’s picked up from Man Flow Yoga to his wife, who’s a pilates instructor. And she’s incorporating some of Dean’s cueing and exercises with her clients (who are primarily female). Proof that Man Flow Yoga’s unique style of exercise can be helpful for both men and women

Ready to follow in Jon’s footsteps? 

Jon discovered Man Flow Yoga—and fell in love with it—by first signing up for a 7-Day Trial. 

WIll you follow in Jon’s footsteps and eliminate your pains, recover faster from injury, and tack on muscle (even if you’re over 50)?

If you’d like to start your 7-day free trial, you can sign up below:

>> Start your 7-day free trial to Man Flow Yoga here <<

How Jon Put On 10 lbs of Muscle & Eliminated His Neck and Lower Back Pain (Member Highlight: Jon S.)

Already a Man Flow Yoga member? Share your story with other men like you by booking a Member Stories call at  https://manflowyoga.com/member-highlights-signup

15-minute workouts perfect for busy schedules.
No experience required, we start right from the beginning.
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