How to Fart | 7-Poses-That-Make-You-Fart

How to Make Yourself Fart | 7 Poses That Do The Trick

This blog had to be done, and I’m happy to be the guy who writes an article on how to make yourself fart. Everyone has had that “oh shit” moment in that class when they are trying to hold a fart in. Most of us have learned that in order to prevent unwanted posterior expressions that it’s important to be careful about what you eat prior to a yoga class, but every now and then you screw everything up and end up getting Mexican food for lunch. Well, this one is for you, Mr. (or Ms.) Oh-No-I-Ate-Mexican-For-Lunch-And-Now-It’s-About-To-Get-Awkward.

Want to learn how to make yourself fart, or how to fart more in general? Below are the 7 best poses that make you fart.

How to Deal with Farting in Class

The best way to deal with farting in class is to pretend it didn’t happen and hope that nobody heard it. If it is heard, the outcome is more than likely a look of surprise and maybe disgust from the person next to you, giggling or snorts from the people who heard your flatulence a couple of spaces away and beyond, and an instructor who is trying to hold their shit together for dear life, because all they want to do is burst out laughing.

If that happens, and people start laughing, go ahead and turn bright red, smile, and laugh with everyone else, because you just made the class that much more fun. Props to you, fart man (woman).

Best 7 Positions that Make You Fart

Make sure you are being extra careful in these poses not to overexert yourself, lest you poison the yoga sphere with your noxious fumes.

best position to fart - seated forward fold

1. Seated forward fold

The dreaded initial movement when you begin to reach for your ankles or toes is sure to make you wrinkle your face in concentration as you try and prevent the inevitable from happening. Well, it’s going to happen- this is one of the best positions to relieve gas,, but luckily it’s hard for people to turn their heads in the forward fold so just keep staring straight ahead and hope nobody heard it.

how to make yourself fart - happy baby

2. Happy baby

Now we can relive why babies are so happy when they grab their toes and hoist them overhead. Pressing your feet into your hands is what really gets the air flowing, though. It’s also hard not to laugh in this pose, so do what you gotta do if you need to let one loose.

how to get a fart out - wind relieving pose

3. Knee to chest (aka Wind relieving pose)

The actual translation of the Sanskrit word, “apanasana”, is pose of negative energy, or pose of downward-moving energy. That’s right – this is THE yoga fart pose.

fart position - goddess pose

4. Haka Pose (aka Goddess, Horse)

So much squatting in this pose, it’s hard not to naturally want to fart. Luckily for you, this pose is very intense, and nobody will care if you’re farting or not because they are too busy concentrating on their burning legs.

positions to fart - supine bicycle

5. Supine core exercises

Supine bicycle, or leg lifts involve so much core that it is hard not to involve the muscles in your stomach that make you fart. Remember that you’re supposed to be looking up at the ceiling or straight forward in these poses, so if somebody looks over at you while you’re here look over at them and tell them to keep their eyes facing forward. After all, you’re just letting out some excess stress.

how to fart easily - child's pose

6. Child’s Pose

This position is a relaxing and engaging pose that could just help you let out that needed fart. If you’re trying to figure out how to make yourself fart, then this is a great place to start!

farting positions- triangle

7. Transitions

This isn’t exactly a pose, but I felt it necessary to add this to the list. Moving from a seated position with your legs out in front of you to a prone position (lying on your chest) almost always gets me. Luckily this is usually muffled by the sound of everybody else transitioning with you.

Conclusion: How to Make Yourself Fart

Farting is something natural, and there’s no need to be embarrassed if one does accidentally escape. For some people, figuring out how to make yourself fart brings important relief, and these poses can be a big help. 

Don’t worry too much about what other people will think, and just relax and enjoy the poses!

Sometimes, you just gotta let it RIP

Concerned about farting during a yoga class? Or do you really need to pass some gas?
Enter your info below to get access to a video that will make you more aware of poses that make you fart.

Additional Resources

Now that you know how to fart, you might want to learn about some beginner tips for yoga, how to breath in yoga, or how to build muscle, so check out these 3 blogs!


About the author, Dean Pohlman, Founder & CEO of Man Flow Yoga, Author of Yoga Fitness for Men, Expert on Yoga Fitness for Men.

Dean Pohlman is an E-RYT 200 certified yoga instructor and the founder of Man Flow Yoga. Dean is widely considered to be an authority on Yoga for Men. He has worked with physical therapists to create yoga programs for back health and spinal recovery. His workouts and programs have been used by professional and collegiate athletes, athletic trainers, and personal trainers; and have been recommended by physical therapists, doctors, chiropractors, and other medical professionals.

Dean is a successfully published author through DK Publishing (Yoga Fitness for Men), selling 35,000 copies worldwide in English, French, and German; in addition to being a co-producer of the Body by Yoga DVD Series, which has sold over 40,000 copies on Amazon since its release in 2016.

Man Flow Yoga has been featured in Muscle & Fitness Magazine, Mens’ Health, The Chicago Sun, New York Magazine, and many more major news media outlets.

Dean And Dog

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38 thoughts on “How to Make Yourself Fart | 7 Poses That Do The Trick”

    1. The new pose that let the dragon fly. Can you teach me one on a seat? because I need to release stress during school and tests sometimes and farting works. But if you give me a position, that DRAGON WILL FLY!

      1. Lol – well for the sake of your classmates, please don’t do that. But from a seated position, if you lift your feet off the ground and bring your knees as high as possible, you’ll engage the right muscles to fart.

  1. Ah yes – the dreaded problem of being ‘only human’ ! One of my answers to that possibility is to limber up beforehand, where the audible cracks from my knees, and any gas build-up, can be relieved in private, before class.

    The other one, if you feel an awkward moment coming on, is to gracefully opt out and /stand/sit/lie still, while inwardly concentrating on holding everything in. The moment usually passes. At worst, you can always slip out the nearest exit (yes, if you think you’re going to be prone, try to set out your mat strategically beforehand!) and then slip back in.

    No decent instructor is going to hold you to ransom for taking time out in their class.

    My standard approach to poses I know are beyond me

  2. So that’s the reason the instructor says, “feet toward the back wall”, prior to the wind removing pose in Hot26! Self Preservation!

  3. My brother has a intestinal disorder called Crohn’s disease he is suffering tremendously right now with gas that’s backing up to have any suggestions for trapped gas

    1. Sad siddy – I’m not a doctor, so I wouldn’t be able to recommend anything other than my personal experience and the experience of others who notice they have flatulence in the 7 poses listed here.

  4. Cathreena Vixonberg

    Hey y’all, I’m Cathreena! Thanks so much for the tips! I’ve been doubled over in pain because I had gas! Don’t no more! Thanks again,

    Cathreena Vixonberg

  5. Rabecca Cannanburrow

    Hello everybody! I have a question about bloating, does it just happen when your pregnant or does it happen to everybody? I’m pregnant with my first baby boy, Dalton, and I was wondering if bloating is normal because I’ve been bloated for a while now. Thanks for your helpful tips, Bekki Cannanburrow

  6. I am in love! I’m super ugly so I don’t know if he likes me back! I don’t want to make him turn away from me because I lay a fart bomb on him when we’re getting serious, if you know what I mean! Thanks for the info, Sanya

  7. If you actually look in light on yoga, in the index of poses and what conditions they help with, you’ll notice that “flatulence” is the #1 condition addressed by so many variety of poses. If it’s coming out, it’s inside! So let it flow! 🙂

  8. Finally I keep on farting all the time so I had to keep them in and then they did not come out but these postures helped me

  9. Just needed to fart

    Hahahahahaha this helped! You know how sometimes you just feel like you need to fart? I was doing my homework and I wanted to fart so I googled “How to make yourself fart” This is the one I clicked on and it did help me fart.

      1. Calvin Houston

        That’s what I was thinking. I used to think that if someone does a pose and farts and it smells, then it would be pretty embarrassing. Now I have an idea that you shouldn’t care. Thank You!…

  10. Calvin Houston

    I also have some concerns about how often you fart by doing these poses. Will some of them just slip out on their own?

      1. Thanks Jesse! Hopefully, once I begin to do these poses more often all of the gas that is always built up in my stomach will easily come out…

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