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Deepen Your Yoga Practice - Intermediate & Advanced Yoga for Improved Asana Yoga Practice

Deepen Your Yoga Practice

Intermediate & Advanced Yoga for Improved Asana Yoga Practice. This one’s for the yogis!

Do you love yoga already, but want to learn more about specific technique for yoga postures (asanas) and deepen your yoga practice?

Maybe you’re looking for more intense workouts, or interested in the convenience of practicing yoga in your home when it best fits into YOUR schedule. Some days you might have time for a full 60-minute practice while other days you only have 20 or 30 minutes to get in a great workout.

Well if this sounds like you… You’ll fit in perfectly!

How To Deepen Your Yoga Practice (Improve Your Technique & Practice Intermediate/Advanced Postures)

You’ll quickly learn we do things a little differently over at Man Flow Yoga. You’ll appreciate how Man Flow Yoga challenges you both physically and mentally to help deepen your yoga practice. Learn more about the technique, understand what to feel (and what not feel) in each pose, and access more intense workouts to challenge you when you really want to sweat.

This page covers:

  • Main types of people who would benefit from learning how to deepen their yoga practice.
  • A relatable description of your concerns with yoga and the goals you have for your practice.
  • Common weaknesses and challenges you might be experiencing after years of traditional yoga.
  • Benefits of practicing technique-focused yoga to deepen your yoga practice.
  • Results you can expect in 1 and 3 months.
  • A summary of the programming recommended for YOU to deepen your yoga practice (30-40 minutes a day, 3-6x/per week; plenty of options for length & intensity).
  • Real success stories from yogis using our programs.

You identify with one or all of the following

Deepen-Your-Yoga-Practice - lizard pose

  • Yogis who want to learn more about yoga posture (asana) technique.
  • Yogis who want to deepen their practice and learn how to advance in yoga.
  • Yogis interested in more challenging workouts.
  • Yogis who want to improve your yoga practice.
  • People interested in getting as strong as possible with yoga (and not interested in weights or other types of exercise).

Common Characteristics:

  • Strong lower-body and core.
  • Good breath awareness.
  • Lack of technique knowledge, which muscles to engage in each pose, how and what you should be feeling.
  • Possible weight management issues (as typical yoga is not the best for this).
  • Lack of upper-body strength (especially upper-back and shoulders).

Common Challenges:

  • Shoulder pain, lower-back pain.
  • Frustrated by a lack of progress and would like to improve flexibility more quickly.
  • Unsure of how learn more about postures (proper technique, which muscles should be engaged, where and what to feel in the postures, etc).
  • Getting bored with other yoga workouts, want to try something new and learn how to grow your yoga practice.
  • Weight gain / weight management.
  • Lack of strength / mobility for handstands, crow pose, and more advanced yoga postures.
  • Pain during chaturanga.
  • Interested in better physical results (more muscle, muscle tone, etc).

Deepen Your Yoga Practice - Jesse L - Success Story

When I started doing yoga with Dean I was about 330 pounds. I’m at about 250…I’ve started running, started eating better, and it’s definitely been life changing. But yoga gave me that first step and helped me realize what I’m capable of and kind of gave me a clean slate.

From Jesse L

Bottom Line: How does Man Flow Yoga help you deepen your yoga practice?

Deepen-Your-Yoga-Practice-Tree Pose

  • Man Flow Yoga helps you get stronger, improve your mobility, and deepen your yoga practice by putting you through our more fitness-focused, technique-driven approach to yoga.
  • You’ll focus more on the technique (what to feel in your body, what not to feel, proper alignment, target areas of each pose, and how this translates into your overall fitness)
  • Learn how to hold postures for a longer time and combine yoga with other bodyweight exercises.
  • Challenges your strength, balance, and mobility in new ways.
  • You can continue your other yoga workouts while practicing Man Flow Yoga, but for best results you should follow Man Flow Yoga programming at least 3 days per week, for 30-40 minutes per day.

What you can expect to accomplish:

  • Greatly increase your flexibility, range of motion, and overall mobility.
  • Improve your overall strength, endurance, and balance.
  • Correct muscular imbalances that cause shoulder & lower-back pain.
  • Practice yoga more safely and effectively – prevent injury and get a better workout! (This will carry over into your other yoga workouts, too!)
  • Learn more about technique for yoga postures (asanas), understand how your muscles and joints work together, and start to develop your own self-guided practice.



What can you expect to notice within 1 month of MFY Programming?

  • Noticeable improvements in strength and flexibility
  • Improved knowledge of yoga postures (asanas), overall technique), and muscular engagement
  • Improved joint health & decreased pain/discomfort in your lower-back, shoulders, and knees

What can you expect to notice within 3 months of MFY Programming?

  • Greatly improved knowledge of yoga postures (asanas), proper alignment, technique, and what to be feeling in each posture
  • Greatly improved muscle activation & body awareness
  • Greatly improved strength, active mobility, flexibility, and endurance
  • Greatly decreased / eliminated pain and discomfort in your joints – particularly in lower-back and shoulders
  • Improved workout efficiency – get a better workout in less time.

What’s required from you?

  • Incorporating challenging and technique-focused Man Flow Yoga workouts into your weekly routine.
  • 3-6 Man Flow Yoga workouts per week, starting at 30-40 minutes per workout.

Summary of Programming

The Strength Foundations Course

Program 1: The Strength Foundations Course

Get better at yoga! Learn more about the muscles and muscle groups involved in common yoga postures in order to improve your yoga practice.

  • Uncover and strengthen your weaknesses, increase mobility and strength, and improve your overall fitness.
  • 30-40 minutes per day, 3-6 days per week, 2-4 months

Program 2

The Upper Body Program: Muscle, Inversion Strength, & Healthy Shoulders

Option 1: The Upper Body Program

Develop the strength and mobility in your upper-body and core for more advanced yoga postures like crow pose, forearm stand, and handstand.

  • ~50 minutes per day, 6 days per week, 5 phases, 4 months

Yoga Beast 2.0

Option 2: Yoga Beast 2.0

My most challenging yoga program! Fun, energizing workouts to build strength and mobility to help you reach your next level of fitness.

  • ~50 minutes per day, 3-6x per week, 2-4 months

From Alan G

Within the first week, I started noticing a real difference when it came to playing with my kids, getting on the ground, or bending over. I felt more mobile, stronger, but most of all, it was my ability to improve my life as a father, to be able to run around with my kids, to play with them.

Ready to get started?

All of these programs are part of the Man Flow Yoga Members’ Area.

Click here to learn more!

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