Sebastian Eliminates His Stress With Man Flow Yoga (Member Highlight: Sebastian Pietrucha)

“The biggest benefit that I noticed was that I have less stress after work. It’s sometimes hard to relax but after doing a good workout, especially with this stretching. I don’t experience so much stress anymore. I can just relax better.” 

Sebastian Pietrucha, Man Flow Yoga Member

Sebastian Pietrucha is a 42-year-old Man Flow Yoga member living in southern Germany who never thought yoga would be his secret weapon for relaxation. As a project engineer, Sebastian often has to juggle many tasks and responsibilities. At the end of his day, stress used to overwhelm him. In fact, his stress even caused physical pain in his neck and upper back. 

But that’s all changed thanks to Man Flow Yoga. 

Sebastian joined Man Flow Yoga about 6 months ago. While his original reason for joining Man Flow Yoga was to improve his mobility and dumbbell workouts, it quickly replaced all other forms of exercising. 


Well, Sebastian gets a good enough workout from following Man Flow Yoga programs that he feels no need for other types of workouts. He likes the structure the Man Flow Yoga programs have—his favorite being Yoga Beast. And he also likes that following Man Flow Yoga programs doesn’t require him to leave his house. He leads a busy and stress-filled life because he’s a project engineer, so flipping on a Man Flow Yoga workout from the comfort of his home helps him not only get stronger, but feel better too. Especially from the stress that used to haunt him and cause physical pain. 

Today, Sebastian reports that he doesn’t have much pain or stress anymore. 

Why Man Flow Yoga Is Sebastian’s Secret Weapon for Stress & Pain 

“I don’t have pain any more. I don’t have back pain. I don’t have neck pain, I’m just feeling good and I’m feeling much stronger… [E]verything just goes easier and without any pain. And I’m feeling just a little bit younger. I’m not like forty two, [but] maybe like thirty two.” 

Sebastian Pietrucha

Before discovering Man Flow Yoga, Sebastian often suffered a lot of soreness and pain. He likes cycling to work. And he enjoys skiing in his free time. But each tormented his back with sharp bursts of pain afterwards. 

Plus, as previously mentioned, the stress from his job made his neck feel tense, sore, and stiff. 

But ever since Sebastian incorporated Man Flow Yoga into his exercise routine, he feels almost no stress from his job. He’s able to relax with ease. And he can even ski and cycle longer—with no uncomfortable back pain afterwards. 

And yet… if you would’ve asked Sebastian even a year ago if yoga would be his secret weapon for stress and pain and his preferred workout modality, he probably would’ve laughed in your face! 


Well, Sebastian never vibed with the spiritual aspects of yoga. And each time he walked past a yoga class in his gym, he got discouraged. He knew as a man that he wasn’t half as flexible as women, and never thought that yoga could have specific benefits for men. But he was glad that Dean—the owner and lead instructor for Man Flow Yoga—proved him wrong. 

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How Man Flow Yoga Convinced Sebastian That, Yes, Yoga Can Be For Men

Sebastian always thought that yoga was a practice for women, not men. That’s why one of his favorite aspects of Man Flow Yoga is Dean leading every workout video inside the app. 

There isn’t so much emphasis on mediation either, which scared Sebastian away from yoga before discovering Man Flow Yoga. 

But whenever Sebastian loads a Man Flow Yoga video and sees Dean, he gets a boost of motivation. Seeing a man do yoga proves to Sebastian—and other men alike—that he can do it too. He can just follow Dean’s instructions without worrying that women are more flexible than men. (This is an important aspect of Man Flow Yoga because many men try to push themselves too far when they have women instructors, which results in pain and injury rather than preventing them.) 

In fact, Sebastian enjoys Man Flow Yoga so much that it’s the only form of exercise he does on a regular basis. And his life is better off because of it. 

Sebastian’s Favorite Parts of Man Flow Yoga

Besides the structure that Man Flow Yoga programs offer to Sebastian, he also loves that he can easily add workouts to his calendar. Not only does this help him stay committed, but it also further reduces the stress he feels on a daily basis. 

Thinking about which type of exercises you want to do on any given day requires willpower. But by adding workouts to his calendar ahead of time, he stays disciplined (without relying on willpower, which is always fickle). 

He also loves that he can “favorite” certain workouts. If he’s pressed for time, he’ll turn to one of his favorite short workouts. Or if he’s feeling extra strong on a given day, he’ll choose one of his favorite routines with a Level 5 Intensity. 

But his favorite part? 

Dean makes it easy to follow along to any Man Flow Yoga routine. Sebastian can both see and hear how a certain pose is supposed to look and feel, so he has proper technique and prevents injuring himself. 

Yoga. Made For Men.


Why Sebastian Convinces His Friends to Join Man Flow Yoga

Several of Sebastian’s friends also suffer from mobility issues which increase their likelihood to suffer painful injuries. Some of his friends also can’t handle standing in a club or a bar for more than a few hours without experiencing pain. 

Whenever these conversations come up, Sebastian either recommends joining Man Flow Yoga or following a few of Man Flow Yoga’s free YouTube videos—which is how Sebastian first discovered Man Flow Yoga. 

But many of Sebastian’s friends also have the same biases towards yoga that he originally had:

They think it’s an exercise modality specifically designed for women. They change their tune when they see Dean leading every workout video though. Dean motivates not only Sebastian and his friends, but every man who thinks that yoga is a women’s sport too. 

I’ll leave you with a few words from Sebastian himself to help you decide if Man Flow Yoga makes sense for your life too:

I’ll leave you with a few words from Murray in his own words:

Sebastian Pietrucha Eliminates His Stress With Man Flow Yoga

Ready To Try Man Flow Yoga & Eliminate Stress and Pain From Your Life?

If you want a yoga program that frees you from stress and eliminates your aches and pains, you can start your free 7-day trial to Man Flow Yoga:

No credit card, yoga experience, or flexibility required — we just need your email address, so we know where to send your lessons! 

Join the 7-Day Beginner’s Yoga for Men Challenge here 

All it takes is 15 minutes of Man Flow Yoga a day to unlock the same benefits Sebastian unlocked! 

Already a Man Flow Yoga member? Share your story with other men like you by booking a Member Stories call at

15-minute workouts perfect for busy schedules.
No experience required, we start right from the beginning.
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