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Off the Mat: Enduring Pain

 (And Why We Shouldn’t Let it Affect Us)

Every decision we make is based on the avoidance of fear, or the pursuit of pleasure. The problem is that too often we make a decision to avoid pain rather than risk reward. But… what do we really have to fear when it comes to enduring pain?If you’ve received Off the Mat emails before, you know about my interest in philosophy. The book that I’m currently reading, Seneca: Letters from a Stoic, covers a huge number of topics, some of them more interesting than others. The letter I read last night really struck a cord with me.

In it, Seneca talks about the nature of pain. He also talks about how we behave in the face of pain in the present, as well as when we think or worry about past or future pain. My thoughts here are a little too long for an email, but if you like what you’re hearing so far, click here to check out the full blog post.

Message of the week: Physical pain is separate from the mind or soul.

Truly believe this and you can accomplish more.

Book I’m reading right now: Seneca: Letters from a Stoic


Mantra for the week: My body is the instrument of my mind and soul. Eventually, my body will no longer serve me.

Fitness focus: Putting my body through a lot of stress so that I get stronger.
Sprints, weights, and yoga. I’m working out about 3 hours per day.

Food of the week: Sweet potatoes.
I eat about two large ones per day. These are my go-to source of food for energy.

Finding inspiration from: Taking time to myself.
Meditation is a powerful tool to clear your mind and focus on your priority. (Note: I said “priority”, and not “priorities”.

Talk soon,

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