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Full 53-Minute Shoulder Workout - Pain & Soreness Relief, Mobility and Flexibility - Yoga for Men

Shoulder Workout For Pain Relief & Injury Prevention

Yoga for Men Shoulders 53-Minute Workout  (Pain & Soreness Relief)

This is a full-body, beginner-friendly yoga workout created specifically for men to help strengthen your shoulders. Increase strength and mobility, improve your flexibility and range of motion, and build muscle in your shoulders, chest and back. Also great for preventing injury to your shoulders and rotator cuff. It’s also useful for the day after a workout to relieve soreness and help you get back to working out sooner.

This is a no-nonsense, fitness-focused yoga workout to get you results. Learn the technique, get stronger, and get better. Great for beginners, intermediate, and advanced yoga practitioners. Enjoy!

Ready to get Started?
Learn More About Man Flow Yoga and how it can help you with your fitness goals: Beginner Yoga for MenMY #1 FITNESS RESOURCE!

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