4 Birthday Presents I Bought Myself (And YOU might want to, too)

4 Birthday Gifts for Fitness Freaks (aka me)

You’re a fitness freak and so am I, these are the 4 gifts I bought myself! It’s my birthday today, and instead of taking the day off (who am I kidding – I would never do that!) I’m going to share with you a shortlist of 4 fitness tools I think you’ll find extremely useful.These tools are my ideal birthday presents, and even though I’ve already purchased these for myself (most of them many times over), I thought you might be interested in checking them out for yourself. These 4 items are tools I use on an almost daily basis, and what I recommend to my friends and even family.

These tools all fit into the goal of making it easier, more enjoyable, more effective, and personally fulfilling for me to continually strive for higher levels of physical fitness and productivity (getting s*** done).

1. The Hyperice Hypersphere

This thing is so f***** cool. The Hypersphere is a vibrating massage ball about the size of a softball that helps you finish your mobility sessions in a fraction of the time. I used this a couple of nights ago after doing weighted back squats for the first time in months, and I actually stumbled when I took my first step after getting up because it so drastically loosened up the tight muscles in my hips and thighs. It’s pricey, and I have no coupon for you (yet), but if you’re looking for something to decrease recovery time and get you back onto the field, court, yoga mat, or trail sooner, this is an awesome option. Click Here to Check it out!

2. Qualia

QualiaThis is the one I’m most excited about. I discovered this at the Paleo conference a few months ago, and I am extremely impressed. Specific benefits aside, the real reason why I take it is because I just feel better about myself when I’m using it. I get more done, check more stuff off my to-do list, and am able to better fulfill my mission. Qualia helps me help more people, more effectively. It gives me a fantastic feeling of energy throughout the day AND improves my mental cognition – without feeling jittery. There’s also no side effects – no crashes, no withdrawal, and no missing out on sleep. Qualia is currently causing shockwaves in the health and wellness community. It’s been endorsed by Ben Greenfield, Jason Silva, and Mark Divine. This supplement is pricey, but it’s one I have no hesitations about recommending to friends or family. Click here and use the code “manflowyoga” to save $15 off your purchase.

3. Salmon Oil

Salmon Oil – Fish oils do wonders for your joints, hair, skin, and nails. I have been taking 6 of these per day for the last month and have honestly never felt better in my shoulders. Fish oils are one of the most commonly taken supplements because of their effectiveness and limited side effects. They are favorite amongst athletes and active people. BUT – not all fish oils are made alike. That’s why I recommend this one, because it comes from a company deeply committed to getting you the highest quality stuff possible. Click here to get some extremely high-quality salmon oil.

4. Collagen Peptide Proteins

Collagen Peptide Protein I mix this into smoothies in the morning, and I like it as a nice extra boost of high quality protein. Collagen protein supports the collagen of your body; the glue that holds everything together. It supports healthier soft tissue like muscle, tendons, and ligaments, which means your joints feel awesome. It also helps you grow muscle and recover more quickly. I’m also a huge fan of the company that makes this particular brand, Natural Force. They started a few years ago when they got sick and tired of the crap that most supplement companies were putting in their products, and they go above and beyond to get you high quality products. Click here and use the code “manflow20” for 20% savings.

Full disclosure – I am not paid to write emails about or include these supplements in my blog, but I am an affiliate and receive a very small percentage of sales made. That being said, as I mentioned at the beginning, I spend my own money on these products (and often at full price), and am happy to do so because they are just that useful.

Hope you enjoyed this info!

Looking For A Program?

Treat yourself to an incredible yoga program with Man Flow Yoga to gain strength, flexibility, and mobility. If you’re not too sure yet, we got you covered!. Give our FREE 7-Day Trial a try. Sign-up below!

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And Yes, I don’t eat healthy all the time. I make sure to have doughnuts for my birthday – even though I did go for a swim this morning before I ate them

Dean eating donut

Additional Resources

About the author, Dean Pohlman, Founder & CEO of Man Flow Yoga, Author of Yoga Fitness for Men, Expert on Yoga Fitness for Men.

Dean Pohlman is an E-RYT 200 certified yoga instructor and the founder of Man Flow Yoga. Dean is widely considered to be an authority on Yoga for Men. He has worked with physical therapists to create yoga programs for back health and spinal recovery. His workouts and programs have been used by professional and collegiate athletes, athletic trainers, and personal trainers; and have been recommended by physical therapists, doctors, chiropractors, and other medical professionals.

Dean is a successfully published author through DK Publishing (Yoga Fitness for Men), selling 35,000 copies worldwide in English, French, and German; in addition to being a co-producer of the Body by Yoga DVD Series, which has sold over 40,000 copies on Amazon since its release in 2016.

Man Flow Yoga has been featured in Muscle & Fitness Magazine, Mens’ Health, The Chicago Sun, New York Magazine, and many more major news media outlets.

Dean And Dog

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