
Are you taking supplements? You should be.

Are you taking nutritional supplements? I do. And here’s why.

The fact is that we are not as healthy as we used to be. Child obesity has gone up from 10% (1994) to 24% (2015). An astounding 69% of American adults are obese. We have mostly ourselves to blame, but Natural foods that we eat have less nutrition that the same food products from just a few decades ago, because the focus of agricultural science is not on quality, but on the size of the produce we grow. That’s what happens when the population of the Earth goes up from less than 2 billion to over 6 billion people in less than 100 years. The declining quality of food combined with increasingly sedentary lifestyles means that we are simply not getting the level of nutrition that we used to.

Will you be okay if you eat a balanced diet and stay active? Of course. But by not using nutritional supplements you are preventing yourself from reaching your optimal level of health. It’s like being able to hit the upgrade button and then doing so because you figure that you’re “good enough”.

I choose to excel. I don’t want to accept average. And that’s why I take nutritional supplements, and recommend that you do as well.

On to the next question: What kind of supplements should you get? There are tons of brands, and endless possibilities of supplement combinations. How do you know what you even need? Does taking supplement A work if you take supplement B at the same time, or will they cancel each other out? These are questions that you would normally have to consider, unless there was a nutritional system that takes the guesswork out of the equation.

Enter IDLife, a truly revolutionary customized nutritional program that uses a sophisticated online questionnaire to determine your unique nutritional needs. I have personally been an avid consumer of IDLife since I started using their products in early 2015. I am absolutely blown away by the IDLife leadership’s commitment to high-quality products for their consumers, which is why I am willing to stake the reputation of Man Flow Yoga on IDLife.

I recommend IDLife to my parents, to my girlfriend, my friends, my colleagues, and to my clients, because it’s what I use to stay healthy and excel.

IDNutrition is the foundational product of IDLife, backed by 18 years of third-party, peer-reviewed scientific studies to create a live, HIPAA protected free online health assessment.  The IDNutrition Assessment takes into consideration your current health history, lifestyle, eating habits, conditions, medications, and even your fitness goals, in a simple online assessment to determine your unique nutritional need. Your nutrition is then packaged into individual, personalized strip packets marked with your name and the time of day it should be taken. You can even click the links on the recommendation to see exactly why each nutrient is recommended for you and when you should take it!

IDLife also has a stellar line of other products designed to supercharge your health and help you excel in life, each backed by science-based studies (not by results-based studies!).

They have the highest quality meal-replacement shake that I have ever seen – 99.9% lactose free, containing micro-milled chia seeds, and whey derived from grass-fed cows. They also have other supplementary products to help you lose weight, build lean muscle, sleep better, hydrate, excel in your workouts, recover in post workout, and more.

To get started, just click here to take IDLife’s HIPAA-compliant online assessment.

Becoming an IDLife Associate Within Man Flow Yoga

There is no cost to taking the online assessment, however, if you sign up as an associate with IDLife you will receive a lifetime discount of 30% on all products, and a one time discount of 40% (10% more than the Associate discount) to try out as many products as you’d like. If you are not satisfied, you can return any of those products within 30-days for a full refund.

Click here to visit my ID Life page and learn more about the products and the opportunity at manflowyoga.idlife.com. If you are interested but would like to speak with me directly before making a decision, please send me an email at [email protected].

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