Whether you are new to yoga for fitness or are looking for a good way to get your feet wet with yoga – our new January 2022 fitness challenge, Mission: Daily Yoga, just might be the perfect fit for you.
Mission: Daily Yoga includes:
- 20+ unique daily workouts
- Daily emails to hold you accountable (and motivated!)
- Full Access to the MFY Member’s Area
- Entry into the private Man Flow Yoga Community
- Access to a live weekly video check‑in.
This $49 Challenge is available this week for just $9 – over 80% savings!!
This yoga challenge helps you add yoga into your daily routine as easily as possible. It is attainable for anyone who has the desire to exercise and wants to start not only looking, but feeling better. Yoga for fitness is a great way to start building and toning muscle and improve your mobility. Improved mobility can help you with other parts of your daily life.
Learn more and sign up for the Mission: Daily Yoga Challenge!! (Regular Price $49, Today: Just $9!)

About The Challenge – Mission: Daily Yoga
Mission: Daily Yoga is focused on making your goal of healthier living possible. Oftentimes, when life gets busy, one of the first things to get cut is exercise. Sometimes it’s seen as the fun thing you do and therefore takes less priority over other items on your to-do list or it’s seen as the not fun thing and it’s easy to make an excuse to cut it out. While life gets busy with work and family, this fitness challenge works to add exercise as a non-negotiable part of your daily life.
The goal of this Mission: Daily Yoga challenge is to help you build the daily exercise habits that will lead to long-term success.
While eating right and getting enough sleep are important pieces to the puzzle, arguably one of the most important parts of overall health is getting daily exercise and it doesn’t have to be difficult. If you’ve been looking to make working out a habit and part of your lifestyle, this challenge is for you.
How Mission: Daily Yoga Works
Man Flow Yoga programs and challenges are made with men in mind. Unlike some yoga workouts, we focus strictly on yoga for fitness without any new-age lifestyle coaching sprinkled throughout the workouts. Poses are rooted in building muscle and ones’ mobility, which will only help in other areas of your life. Additionally, all poses and modifications are suited towards the less flexible guy.
By joining the Mission: Daily Yoga fitness challenge, you will get instant access to the entire Man Flow Yoga app and members area, over 20 unique daily workouts, entry into the private Man Flow Yoga community, daily emails that hold you accountable and help you stay motivated, access to a live weekly video check in, and full access to the member’s area.
No gym membership is necessary. There are only a few items we recommend: a mat or towel you can practice yoga on, a pair of cork yoga blocks, and a yoga strap.
The fitness challenge starts on January 3, 2022. It’s accessible on iOS, Apple TV, Android, Amazon Fire TV, and mobile browser which will allow you to easily take this challenge on the go with you. As a member, you receive it with your Man Flow Yoga Members Area subscription; however, if you’re new to Man Flow Yoga, for a limited time only, you can get access to all of these benefits during the challenge for only $9!
Man Flow Yoga Members Area
The members area gives you access to all Man Flow Yoga content. This includes structured workout programs, a huge workout library, tutorials, wellness videos, structured workout programs, and exclusive workouts. You can even filter workouts by length, skill level, target area, fitness focus, intensity and more!
Staying Motivated To Workout Daily
It’s incredibly easy to come up with excuses on why you are too busy or can’t work out each day. The trick is to reduce any difficulties or excuses you typically make. Make workout out part of your lifestyle. Here are five ways you can counter those excuses and start working out daily.
- Reduce the demand on your schedule. Life gets busy and it’s easy to feel like there aren’t enough hours in the day to get everything done. If your main excuse is not having enough time to fit in an hour workout, shorten your workout. Yoga workouts from home with minimal equipment and can take just 20 – 30 minutes at a time. Put it into your schedule regularly
- Have the same workout set up everyday. When you don’t have to do any additional set up, you reduce the amount of time and motivation needed to get up and do the exercise. Try to exercise at the same time and same location as this helps you build a routine. Routine is ultimately what ensures you get your workout in every day and is the overall goal of Mission: Daily Yoga
- Plan your workouts in advance. Knowing what workout you’re going to do and when you’re going to do it can reduce frustration. It can also help with motivation. Making a planned workout as part of your to-do list for the day helps reduce the guessing game of what you’re going to do or when you will fit it in. Instead you can simply look at the calendar and know what to focus on that day.
- Find ways to hold yourself accountable. Set up an email to your inbox every day reminding you to do your workout for the day. Perhaps even add an alarm to your phone that goes off every day reminding you to workout.
- Get group motivation. Things are easier when other people are working towards the same thing you are. Perhaps set up a text message group with friends, alerting each other whenever you’ve completed a good workout. Or join a Facebook group with other like minded people. Healthy competition or seeing others working towards your same goal can help.
So, no more excuses. Sign up for Man Flow Yoga’s Mission: Daily Yoga workout challenge and start the new year on the right foot.