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Long-Term Over Short-Term, My New Workout Program, and Sweet Potatoes.

Message of the week: NEW THINGS
One of the reasons I kept doing yoga when I first started was because it was a form of fitness that my body was completely unaccustomed to. It was new, and for that reason it allowed me to grow strong in so many ways, notably my core strength, flexibility, endurance, and body awareness. (But you all know that!)
This week, I started a new workout program; something that I haven’t ever done before. I’m working with parallettes with a bodyweight fitness company called Gold Medal Bodies. This program uses a set of even bars about one foot off the ground to do gymnastics movements to strengthen your upper body and core. It’s completely different from what I’m used to, and I’m having a blast. Still keeping up yoga everyday, of course, but this is a great supplement.
Book I’m reading right now: Sleep Smarter 22377589
This has been on my radar for a while, but it took a while for me to purchase it. I assumed that I would be able to get the list of strategies from a blog or a podcast (as I’m sure you could if you wanted to), but reading the full content and understanding the WHY and the studies behind the strategies is so much more interesting to me than reading  a buzzfeed list.
If you’re interested in learning about the HUGE impact that sleep has on your overall health, buy this book today. Click here to purchase from Amazon (link already provided!)
Mantra for the week: Long term over short term.
This week has been about focusing on long-term projects instead of short-term projects. It’s easy to get bogged down in the day-to-day, so I’ve been spending this week on doing tasks that will benefit in the long-term.
Fitness focus: PARALLETTES
See above.
Food of the week: Sweet potatoes

Sweet potato

Is there any surprise there? I’ve been trying out a meal delivery service based in Bryan, Texas (Aggie land) called Eatology that delivers paleo-friendly food straight to your door, packed in dry ice to stay cool. This is a great option for people who don’t have the time to cook but want to eat healthy. Eatology delivers to every state in the U.S. (except Hawaii and Alaska, of course), which means anybody can have it. There are companies like this popping up all over health-conscious cities in the U.S. – you just have to search for them! There’s no excuse not to eat healthy if you’re willing to put in the time or spend a few extra bucks. (Note: These meals typically average around $12/meal. You might call that expensive, but isn’t your body worth it?)
Finding inspiration from: My relationship with my girlfriend.
You have to put in the time to gain the rewards, but when you’ve put in a lot of time those rewards really start to show in a good way!

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