How Man Flow Yoga Makes Consistent Exercise A Breeze – Even if you’re in your 60s and have worked out your whole life (Member Highlight: Dennis K.)

“Without doing Man Flow Yoga every day, I probably would be walking around, stooped over and not working out on a regular basis.” 

 Dennis K., Man Flow Yoga Member

Dennis K., a 63-year-old Man Flow Yoga Member, has dabbled in yoga for most of his life. He’s no stranger to frequenting yoga classes. Thanks to his YMCA membership, he’s even taken dozens of Bikram and hot yoga classes. 

But he never felt comfortable in yoga classes, so he never stuck with the practice for extended periods of time. Every yoga class he entered was 95% female, and most of them were in their 20s, making Dennis feel out of place. Plus, since women are naturally more flexible, and he never jived with the metaphysical and spiritual aspects of yoga, he further felt estranged during his classes. 

Well, his experience in women-dominated yoga classes eventually led him to YouTube, where he stumbled upon Man Flow Yoga. To Dennis, Man Flow Yoga was an absolute breath of fresh air. He was always drawn into yoga for the physical benefits, but yoga classes always let him down in this regard. That wasn’t the case with Man Flow Yoga, where the physical aspect of yoga comes first. 

He quickly fell in love with Dean’s approach by watching YouTube videos, and shortly signed up for a Man Flow Yoga membership. 

The result of signing up for Man Flow Yoga? 

Not only does he finally get to practice yoga how he wants to—where the physical aspects come first—but joining Man Flow Yoga has also helped him be more consistent with every other workout he does. 

How Man Flow Yoga Made Dennis More Consistent In Every Workout

Dennis has been a “workout person” his entire life. Besides yoga, he lifts weights, swims, and cycles to keep his health as he ages. While Man Flow Yoga didn’t inspire him to workout like it has for hundreds of Members, it did inspire him to workout more consistently. 

In fact, in our interview, Dennis went as far as to say that without Man Flow Yoga, he wouldn’t workout on a regular basis. 

So, how did Man Flow Yoga inspire Dennis to workout more often? 

Well, in a sentence, it’s because he feels great after doing a Man Flow Yoga workout (even intense ones). 

But there are several more reasons: 

Reason #1: Traveling 

Dennis travels a lot, and before Man Flow Yoga, the idea of working out while traveling added to his stress instead of curtailing it. Finding a gym isn’t as easy as it sounds. Especially when you’re not a member of said gym, and only want to get a few sessions in during your travels. 

Well, Man Flow Yoga makes that a moot point. All he needs to workout while traveling is a yoga mat and his phone, so he can access the Man Flow Yoga app. Now, getting in a good exercise while traveling is a breeze. 

Reason #2: Injury Prevention

Being a “workout person” his entire life has led to a bunch of injuries, especially because Dennis has a knack—as most men do—to overtrain. When he was younger, he’d let nothing stop him from going to the gym whether it be soreness, achy muscles, or full-blown injuries. But he’s gotten wiser recently, and realizes overtraining causes more risk than reward. 

Man Flow Yoga played a big part in that, too. His joints, muscles, and tendons feel less stiff since he joined Man Flow Yoga. His overtraining in his youth has also caused back and knee pain that pops up without warrant. But he’s found the best way to deal with those aches and pains is by doing gentle Man Flow Yoga workouts. 

And, as he grows older, he’s also noticed more general aches and pains on a daily basis. He went as far to say that without Man Flow Yoga, he’d be cranky and angry and achy all the time. 

Reason #3: Workout Variation

The last reason Man Flow Yoga boosted Dennis’s workout consistency is because of the vast selection of different workouts, with varying levels of intensity. 

He does a Man Flow Yoga warmup before every lifting session in the gym. On his off days from the gym, he’s learned to listen to his body — and will pick a certain workout based on how he’s feeling. 

For example, sometimes he needs to push himself and opts for a longer, more intense workout. But other days, when he feels tired and sore, he’ll choose a gentler and shorter workout because he realizes that some kind of physical activity—even the lightest of stretches—is better than nothing, and makes his body and mind feel better. 

In fact, Dennis told our team that if he doesn’t do some form of light stretching in the morning, he always regrets it because he just doesn’t feel right the rest of the day. 

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Why Dennis Wants You To Join Man Flow Yoga

Dennis, who has several friends who suffer from the same aches and pains as he used to, always recommends Man Flow Yoga to them when they complain about how their bodies hurt. Nothing comes close to rejuvenating your body like Man Flow Yoga. In fact, he’s even bought Man Flow Yoga DVDs to give to his friends. Many of them are worried they’ll look like idiots because they’re not flexible and never tried yoga, but he assures them that nobody needs to worry about embarrassing themselves with Man Flow Yoga. 

He simply gives his friend a DVD, tells them to buy a yoga mat, and just get started. Sometimes the simplest of advice is the best. 

The Man Flow Yoga app and private Facebook community also enhance Dennis’s overall experience with Man Flow Yoga. He knows he can get a good dose of motivation and inspiration in the Facebook community, and the app makes it easy as pie to squeeze in a workout no matter what’s happening in his schedule. 

Plus, he loves that Dean leads by example, does all the poses alongside you (and even gives you multiple options to turn the intensity up or down in a given pose), and told our team that the videos just keep getting better and better — an obvious sign Dean cares about him, and every other Man Flow Yoga Member.

How Man Flow Yoga Makes Consistent Exercise A Breeze (Member Highlight: Dennis K.)

Ready To Try Man Flow Yoga & Make Consistent Exercise a Breeze Too? 

Make Dennis’s day by signing up for your free 7-day trial to Man Flow Yoga below: 

Start your 7-day free trial to Man Flow Yoga here. 

Already a Man Flow Yoga member? Share your story with other men like you by booking a Member Stories call at

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