I spend a lot of time on Facebook; it’s my job. Unfortunately, most of what I see on this social medium are posts containing judgment, criticism, and negativity. First off, let me say that it is disturbing, to say the least, to hear about what happened in Orlando this past weekend. My thoughts are with those affected by the attack. In the aftermath, it’s clear to see that events like those that happened in Orlando bring out the best in some people. Personally, I had to wind my way around a vigil held in Austin as I was driving home; a vigil that took up more than a few city blocks. I was not surprised to hear about similar vigils in other cities.
However, what I really want to speak about is the opportunists of the situation; the people who look at these attacks as political opportunities to validate their personal points of views and manipulate the weak-minded masses. For them, the attack is nothing but a bulletpoint in their good vs. evil argument that creates simplistic yet unrealistic representations of the conflict that is actually occurring.
It’s easy to blame the person who pulls the trigger or detonates the bomb. The weak of mind are persuaded by simplistic arguments that places bad guys against good guys, heroes against terrorists, and love versus hate. But we have to consider what, and more specifically, WHO, is causing these terrorists to act. And for that, we need to look at the people who have the ability to manipulate the crowds.
Those people who have the ability must accept the responsibility to promote an agenda of understanding, instead of promoting further division.
We need to rise above simplistic arguments and learn that UNDERSTANDING, COMPASSION, & EMPATHY for the perceptions and views of ourselves and our so-called enemies is the only way that we can begin to address the problems facing the conflicts we face.
Book I’m reading right now: The Way of the Superior Man
This is a fantastic book to understanding not only yourself, but women as well. I think there is something in this book for everyone. I’ve flown through this book since I started reading it on Tuesday. I’ll probably be done by the end of the night.
Fitness focus: Sleeping
Seriously. I’ve been holding on to a little more stress than is healthy for me for the last few weeks, and it has manifested as fatigue, lightheadedness, and general sluggishness. Lots of EmergenC and taking naps.
Food of the week: Cleveland Sauerkraut
It’s back! Sauerkraut from Cleveland Kraut is back on the menu after it took me a couple of weeks to restock. I am happy to have my curry kraut back as a topping for eggs and sandwiches, and look forward to trying to the Beet flavor. Click here to go to Cleveland Kraut’s online store and get a 4-pack for yourself! Even if you don’t like sauerkraut normally, you might love this.
Finding inspiration from: ^^The book I mentioned above.^^
Talk soon,