
The Simpler; The Better

This week (and most of this month, I imagine) is focused on writing emails for the Man Flow Yoga Members Area. I’ve been brainstorming with Manbassadors and dedicated Members of the Man Flow Yoga Members Area to determine what exactly it is that brings people into Man Flow Yoga – and keeps them staying. At the same time, I’m reading books to get back into the mindset of why people get hooked on a service or product.

The simpler; the better. Spent some time critically thinking about what you do, write about in in the simplest way possible, in a way that caters to a direct audience and gives a compelling story that answers why.

As long as we’re on the subject, maybe you can help me out this week. Feel free to respond open-ended. Here’s my question:

If you are a member of the Man Flow Yoga Members Area, what keeps you coming back? If you haven’t signed up yet, why haven’t you?

Book I’m reading right now: Hooked 41kgqdh9ml-_sy344_bo1204203200_

Hooked: How to Build Habit-Forming Products – Great so far. This is a book that explains the process of creating products that users create a habit out of. Taught originally as a business course at Stanford, it’s now in book form for the cost of your lunch. It’s a wonderful follow-up to the book I finished earlier this week, Seth Godin’s All Marketers Are Liars.

 Mantra for the week: Marathon, not a race.

Lots of copy-writing and brainstorming to do, and it’s frustrating to think about long it will actually all take. The project isn’t going to get done by dramatic, hard pushes. It will get finished by consistently putting in 2-5 hours every day for the next month or two. It’s just like yoga or physical fitness – you don’t get results in a week; you get them by consistent effort over a long period of time.

Fitness focus: Mobility

Last week was focused on recovery, and this week has been focused on improving flexibility and mobility. I had a thought to work on flexibility for 2 weeks, strength for 1 week, and then rest of 1 week, but haven’t started yet. Too bad I don’t have clones of myself to test this stuff on…

Food of the week: BISON

You may have already seen the posts on social media, but while at the Paleo f(x) conference I purchased 10 lbs of Montana grass-fed bison from Rancho Picante. The quality of the bison is… amazing. I don’t think I’ve ever had a steak so good before, and all I did was cook it in ghee and put some salt & pepper on it. Cool part about this is you can order it from wherever in the U.S. and it’s delivered straight to your door in a frozen package. Sweet. Check them out at ranchopicante.com 

Talk soon,


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