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Upper Body Yoga Workout (Intense)


Enjoy this beast of a workout. Tons of upper body, lots of body weight resistance exercises to help you develop your upper body strength and get YOGA-RIPPED.

This video is the dress rehearsal for a series of DVD’s that I am working on with Body by Yoga. The DVD’s are meant to focus on yoga as a workout, exactly what I am doing with Man Flow™ Yoga. If you have comments or feedback on how we can improve the workout, post and let us know!

35 Minute Workout Upper Body Yoga (Intense Bodyweight Exercises With Hard Yoga Poses)

Ready to get Started?
Learn More About Man Flow Yoga and how it can help you with your fitness goals: Beginner Yoga for MenMY #1 FITNESS RESOURCE!

7 thoughts on “Upper Body Yoga Workout (Intense)”

  1. Is the Upper Body Workout (intense) still available to view on your website? I can’t find a way to play/view it. The youtube link doesn’t seem to work either. This is the case with different videos, not sure if it’s my computer or the video just isn’t available anymore. Please advise.

    I think the website and workouts are great, by the way.

  2. When you are lowering your body half down in CHATURANGA Asana, you need to exhale while going down… and inhale going up.

    But in your video you are teaching other way around.
    In yoga, we always exhale while going towards ground / gravity.

    Kindly clear my doubt, if I am missing anything.

    1. Those aren’t chaturangas. Those are yoga push-ups. Inhale as you go down, exhale as you go up. Exhale as you exert yourself. It isn’t normal yoga, Sumeet. 🙂

  3. Just found your site and YouTube videos.
    Very helpful.
    Can I get access to the videos you are doing for the 30 day challenge ?

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