Who We Help Is Man Flow Yoga for YOU?

The 5 types of people most successful with our programs.


Forget what you’ve heard about yoga.

Say goodbye to one-size-fits-all classes, vague instructions, and repetitive sequences. Man Flow Yoga is different. Here’s why.

Dean Teaching - Photo Credit - @pickettkev 2018

Fitness-focused yoga should not be a one-size-fits-all program. A program relevant to a weightlifter might not be that helpful for somebody recovering from back surgery. To say otherwise is, at best, to make inefficient use of your time, and, at worst, to cause injury.

That’s why we’ve developed content specifically for our various groups of members. There are 5 groups in total. Read on to see which one is best for you!


The point of this page is to help you decide whether or not Man Flow Yoga has the most appropriate content for you – based on your fitness experience, level, goals, and other activities in which you’re currently involved (or not involved).

At Man Flow Yoga, we make a huge effort to deliver our customers the most relevant content we can. We don’t just talk with our customers on social media. We’ve spent hours and hours on the phone with our Members to better understand their challenges, their preferences, and their habits.

This means that you’re getting content that is not only highly useful, but enjoyable. It also helps inspire you to return to your workouts and keep doing what you need to do for the results you want.

Despite the variety of our customers, we realized early on that 95% of our community identified with at least 1 of 5 specific groups. We then developed “paths”, or long-term scheduled workout programs, for each of these identities, that allow you to:

  1. Follow a scheduled workout program relevant to your fitness goals and experience.
  2. Have an accurate idea of results you can expect within 1‑3 months.
  3. Receive the necessary supplementary content you need to be successful.

It’s our way of ensuring that you can get started and get to work with the programs that are relevant to you and your goals – and not have to worry about wasting your time or energy on something that isn’t.

Ready to find out which Man Flow Yoga identity best fits you?

Here are the 5 typical identities of the men (and women) Man Flow Yoga helps.

Low-Impact Bodyweight Exercise for Strength

Online Bodyweight Exercise Programs for Functional Strength, Building Muscle, & Improving Mobility

  • Great For: Men who are interested in maintaining strength and muscle but need to reduce the amount of high-impact exercise they do.
  • Includes: Weightlifters, CrossFitters, & other people who lift too much, people who aren’t interested in the spiritual side of yoga, HIIT workouts, former weightlifters, and so on.
  • Common challenges: Lack of mobility, lack of restorative work, joint pain, exercise-induced pain, fatigue from overtraining, general feeling of burnout, maintaining strength & muscularity without high-impact exercise
  • Results: Improved mobility, increased core strength, increased bodyweight strength & control, correction of muscular imbalances, and more fluid, pain-free exercise.

Low-Impact Bodyweight Exercise Path: 4-10 months of scheduled workout programs.

Injury-Prevention & Rehab

Pain-Free Yoga for Injury Prevention, Sports Injuries, & Rehabilitation – Inspired by Physical Therapy

  • Great For: People interested in a safe, effective form of yoga to use as rehab, to prevent injury, and to recover from injury or surgery.
  • Includes: People who have had back or hip surgeries, people with chronic back or joint pain, people with recurring injuries, desk workers with back pain, and people who think other exercise may not be safe for them.
  • Common challenges: Chronic or regular pain, complications with daily movement, fear of injury, aversion to other workout programs, having the same injuries over and over again, frustration with previous exercise programs.
  • Results: Building a foundational level of physical fitness and overall well-being, strength and mobility for daily physical tasks, and the elimination or near-elimination of chronic pain.

Injury-Prevention & Rehab Path: 5-9 months of scheduled workout programs.

Home Yoga Program for Physical Training

Safe & Effective Scheduled Yoga Workout Programs for Physical Fitness & Overall Wellness

  • Great For: People interested in a safe, effective at-home exercise program to improve their overall wellness.
  • Includes: People interested in an at-home workout program, people who don’t like to exercise at gyms or at studios, people who don’t have time for hour-long yoga classes at a studio or gym or aren’t interested in a typical approach to yoga.
  • Common challenges: Concern over overall well-being, unsuccessful with past workout programs, don’t enjoy going to yoga studios or gyms, don’t have a yoga instructor they like, may not enjoy working out in general.
  • Results: Improved overall health and wellness, improved body composition (burn fat, build muscle), decreased risk of disease, lowered stress levels, better sleep, healthier joints and muscles.

Home Yoga for Physical Training Path: 6-12 months scheduled workout programs.

Yoga For Athletes

Workout Programs Combining Yoga, Weight Training, & Exercise for Athletes to Build Strength & Stamina, Improve Sports Performance, & Complement Your Existing Training

  • Great For: Men and women interested in using yoga to get better at what they already do.
  • Includes: Athletes, Weightlifters, Bootcampers, Functional Fitness, Gym go-ers, Runners, Rock Climbers, CrossFitters, and so on…
  • Common challenges: Mobility, flexibility, balance, muscular Imbalances, injury-prevention, lack of recovery work, joint pain during exercise, excessive soreness
  • Results: Prevents injury, speeds up recovery, improves performance, and greatly improves mobility.

Yoga for Athletes Path: 5-16 months of scheduled workout programs.

Deepen Your Yoga Practice

Intermediate & Advanced Yoga for Improved Asana Yoga Practice

  • Great For: Yogis interested in learning more about the physical side of yoga, improving technique, and more intense, challenging yoga workouts.
  • Includes: Yogis (and yoginis), people who use yoga as their main form of fitness, people who want to learn more about proper technique in yoga, people interested in the physical side of yoga, yogis interested in more challenging workouts.
  • Common challenges: Shoulder & back pain, improper technique, lack of upper body strength, lack of active mobility (not passive flexibility), not knowing which muscles to engage in the poses, not knowing what to feel and what not to feel in the posture, lack of access to shorter workouts, lack of variety of workouts.
  • Results: Improved overall fitness levels (from more effective yoga workouts), increased active mobility, strength and mobility for more advanced postures, improved body composition (burn fat, build muscle), improved technique and knowledge of yoga postures, elimination of/decreased pain or discomfort during yoga practice.

Deepen Your Yoga Practice Path: 4-8 months of scheduled workout programs.

Each of these identities have a specific path for you to get started!

You’ll find them in the Man Flow Yoga Members’ Area.

Get started as soon as you join!

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