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Dynamic Yoga Postures to Improve Hip Flexibility (Great for men with tight hips!)

Dynamic Yoga Postures to Improve Hip Flexibility (Great for men with tight hips!)

Dynamic Yoga Postures to Improve Hip Flexibility (Great for men & women with tight hips!)

Use these dynamic yoga postures to improve your hip flexibility. If you are interested in the benefits of yoga but enjoy more dynamic moving exercises, this video is great for you!

This video is dedicated to Marisa Hosseini of the MFY Launch Group.


4 thoughts on “Dynamic Yoga Postures to Improve Hip Flexibility (Great for men with tight hips!)”

  1. When you’re saying hip flexor muscle…which one are we talking approximately precisely? You say its psoas/illiopsoas, but truly with the knee flexed you’ll be more likely to stretch rec fem, since it crosses both the knee and hip,

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