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The 5 Major Problems of Traditional Yoga (and how Man Flow Yoga addresses them)

5 Problems Why Traditional Yoga Is Bad: And The Fixes

Traditional yoga doesn’t work for me. Don’t get me wrong – I love the postures, the emphasis on breath and body control, and how it gets you stronger in ways that most exercise programs do not, but attending an average yoga class just about drives me crazy. There are a few reasons, but here’s the main one:

Traditional yoga isn’t for men, and it’s not fitness-focused.

I’ve learned a lot from my years of experience visiting countless yoga studios in cities all over the U.S., and it’s taught me that most yoga has 5 major problems:

  1. Classes are one-size-fit all. These aren’t helpful for solving common issues like neck, back, or knee pain. (In fact, going to a normal yoga class can actually make whatever problems you have even worse!)
  2. There isn’t enough focus on technique. Instead of doing the pose correctly, you end up looking around at everybody else and trying to mirror what they’re doing.
  3. There aren’t modifications for inflexible guys. You do your best to copy what the flexible instructor is doing, but you don’t feel the posture the way you’re supposed to – and you’re likely hurting yourself in the process.
  4. The postures don’t last long enough. You need longer pose holds to significantly build strength or increase mobility. Your body doesn’t have enough time to adjust, you don’t have time to improve your technique, and you end up missing out on the benefits as a result.
  5. Yoga sessions focus on the experience instead of results. You’re making inefficient use of your time if you’re doing yoga to learn the technique, understand the postures, or improve your fitness.

So why do yoga at all?

Dean-Pohlman-Revolved-Triangle-Pose-Photo-credit-2018-Dennis-Burnett-PhotographyYoga can be great, but it may take years to learn how to do yoga in a way that works for you. But I don’t want you to wait years – I want you experience those benefits NOW!

I combined my experiences as a lifelong athlete and dedicated yoga practitioner with my passion for fitness to create Man Flow Yoga, and develop an entirely new type of yoga.

It didn’t happen all at once – the creation of Man Flow Yoga was a process. It was developed over time, with feedback from early subscribers on YouTube, athletes, clients I worked with one-on-one (both in-person and via webcam), and even other yoga instructors.

When people ask me what type of yoga it is, I try not to answer, because it really isn’t like any other type of yoga. So rather than explain it by categorizing…

Here are 5 distinguishing factors of Man Flow Yoga:

Workouts tailored to the modern man

 Workouts tailored to the modern manYou’re probably a sedentary guy who’s doesn’t know yoga, isn’t flexible, and too busy for 90 minutes at a yoga studio. You want the most efficient workout possible to get a lean, muscular body, but build strength and fitness for longevity as well.

Technique-focused instruction, to give you confidence and get results.

 Technique-focused instructionAnatomy-based instruction to let you know what muscles you should feel engaging, what you shouldn’t feel, how to do the exercises correctly, and helping you understand the benefits of each posture.

Modifications for inflexible guys

Modifications for inflexible guysYoga can be intimidating, but it doesn’t have to be. You’ll get modifications so you can get the benefits of each pose – even if you can’t touch your toes.

Workouts & programs with solutions to guys’ common problems

A variety of workouts & programs with solutions to guys' common problemsThese aren’t just workouts – they’re SOLUTIONS. Eliminate your back pain. Fix your posture. Prevent injury. Bulletproof your joints, knees, and shoulders. Build a body that looks AND feels fantastic.

Tougher, more effective workouts

Tougher, more effective workoutsHold the postures longer to build significantly more strength, endurance, and muscle, while giving you enough time in each pose for your tight muscles to adjust and become more flexible.

What does that all look like?

How about you take a look for yourself?

I’ve listed some of the more popular workouts from the Members’ Area below. If you’ve done yoga before, you’ll notice the difference of a Man Flow Yoga workout in the first few minutes. If you have not done yoga before, then I think you’ll appreciate the in-depth instruction, modifications, and the down-to-earth nature of the workouts. Enjoy!

Want to see what Man Flow Yoga users have to say about it?

Check out these success stories from guys who were unsuccessful with traditional yoga, but highly successful with Man Flow Yoga.

Sean - Father, Surfer, US Navy Veteran - Success Story
Jesse  - Transformation - Success Story

Want to see how Man Flow Yoga can change the way you move and feel in 7 days or less?

Signup for the FREE 7-Day Challenge

About the author, Dean Pohlman, Founder & CEO of Man Flow Yoga, Author of Yoga Fitness for Men, Expert on Yoga Fitness for Men.

Dean Pohlman is an E-RYT 200 certified yoga instructor and the founder of Man Flow Yoga. Dean is widely considered to be an authority on Yoga for Men. He has worked with physical therapists to create yoga programs for back health and spinal recovery. His workouts and programs have been used by professional and collegiate athletes, athletic trainers, and personal trainers; and have been recommended by physical therapists, doctors, chiropractors, and other medical professionals.

Dean is a successfully published author through DK Publishing (Yoga Fitness for Men), selling 35,000 copies worldwide in English, French, and German; in addition to being a co-producer of the Body by Yoga DVD Series, which has sold over 40,000 copies on Amazon since its release in 2016.

Man Flow Yoga has been featured in Muscle & Fitness Magazine, Mens’ Health, The Chicago Sun, New York Magazine, and many more major news media outlets.

Dean And Dog

Looking for non-spiritual, yoga for men workouts?

Learn More About Man Flow Yoga and how it can help you with your fitness goals:
Beginner Yoga for MenJoin Today for Instant Access!

2 thoughts on “5 Problems Why Traditional Yoga Is Bad: And The Fixes”

    1. You don’t develop biceps with yoga. You do resistance training with exercises like curls, pull-ups, and other pulling motions.

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