
From Dean

I was almost crushed by a tree branch this morning (Off the Mat)

I was almost crushed by a tree branch this morning (Off the Mat)

I was out on my morning walk, and out of nowhere I heard an extremely loud CRASH!!!!

When I heard the noise, I had just crossed the street with my dogs (Flowtron & Kaya) to return home, and I was with two other dog-owning neighbors of mine. Each of us spun around and to see what had happened, and were shocked to see that a HUGE branch had suddenly fallen out of a nearby tree – in the same exact spot we had been walking not more than a minute before. (You can see for yourself in the photo inside.)

I was almost crushed by a tree branch this morning (Off the Mat) Read More »

Pre-Travel Stretches for Air Travel

Pre-Travel Stretches for Air Travel

I get this question a lot: “What are some stretches I can do BEFORE getting on a plane?” If you’re going to be sitting on a plane for Several hours, you’re gonna want to do some movement beforehand. Otherwise your butt’s going to start hurting, and your lower back is going to get stiff.

Let’s open up the chest with some back bends, prep the hips with hip flexor stretching and do a few twists to get the glutes moving. You might get a few odd looks in the terminal, but you’ll feel a lot better on the plane!

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Yoga Beast 2.0 - Photo Credit Dennis Burnett Photography 2018

Yoga Beast 2.0

This blog discusses how you can you build muscle and get stronger than you ever thought possible with yoga. It also introduces the release of my newest yoga workout program, Yoga Beast 2.0. This one’s for all the naysayers: Yoga can’t build muscle. You can’t get ripped with yoga. Yoga’s not a hard enough workout. Yoga is only for women.

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